Overestimated global warming

Got about a minute into that dumbfuck video. In 1981, Dr. Hansen of NASA, made some pretty astute predictions concerning climate change.

RealClimate: Evaluating a 1981 temperature projection

You can link to the original paper in that article.

In fact, given the surprising amount of aerosols that India and China have been putting out, it is surprising that the temperature has been as high as it is. And the effects have far outpaced the predictions by even the 'alarmists'. For instance, in 2000, the 'alarmists' were predicting that the Arctic would be ice free for part of the summer by 2100. It now appears that will be the case by 2020, possibly by 2015. They predicted that we would be seeing noticiably more extreme weather events by 2050. According to Munich Re and Swiss Re, we are already seeing more extreme weather events by a factor of 2 or 3.

Far from overestimating the effects of the warming, the scientists have been to conservative in their forcasts.

The Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP), which launched October 12, 2006. [1] NRSP is a Canadian non-profit group that includes a number of leading climate change sceptics and describes itself as a group that "will promote responsible environmental stewardship". [2]. Two of the three founding directors of the NRSP are registered Canadian energy sector lobbyists.[3]

Harris was, until approximately late October 2006, listed as a Director of Operations of the Ottawa office of the High Park Group (HPG), a Canadian PR and lobbying firm. His biographical note states that he "specializes in strategic communication and media relations and has 28 years experience in science and technology in the energy and environment, aerospace and high-tech sectors. He has worked with private companies and trade associations to successfully position these entities and their interests with media and before government committees and regulatory bodies." Harris holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from Carleton University (1975) and a Master of Engineering (Mechanical - thermo-fluids) from McMaster University.[4]

In August 2006, Charles Montgomery wrote in The Globe and Mail that Tom Harris was then a senior associate with HPG, which was a "registered lobbyist for the Canadian Electricity Association (web) and the Canadian Gas Association (web)."

Note that, as of November 22, 2006, Tom Harris is not listed as a lobbyist in the Lobbyists Registration System, Government of Canada. (Records accessed November 22, 2006.)

Harris was "once a legislative assistant to former Conservative Environment Critic Bob Mills" (bio). [5]
how did climate change happen before humans? I mean since we are the cause and all..
Got about a minute into that dumbfuck video. In 1981, Dr. Hansen of NASA, made some pretty astute predictions concerning climate change.

RealClimate: Evaluating a 1981 temperature projection

You can link to the original paper in that article.

In fact, given the surprising amount of aerosols that India and China have been putting out, it is surprising that the temperature has been as high as it is. And the effects have far outpaced the predictions by even the 'alarmists'. For instance, in 2000, the 'alarmists' were predicting that the Arctic would be ice free for part of the summer by 2100. It now appears that will be the case by 2020, possibly by 2015. They predicted that we would be seeing noticiably more extreme weather events by 2050. According to Munich Re and Swiss Re, we are already seeing more extreme weather events by a factor of 2 or 3.

Far from overestimating the effects of the warming, the scientists have been to conservative in their forcasts.
Right...Michael Mann's site, which, from the East Anglia e-mails, we KNOW to be heavily moderated and intensely biased.


'The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't.'

In the early 70s I was aboard ship with time to kill. So I read environmental books and got all excited about what I had read. We would be out of oil by the 21st century. Genetic manipulation of our food would be the demise of our food stock. By this time over population would lead to massive starvation. I one day tried to get a convert and he just shrugged his shoulders and said "we'll take care of it." He was right, on that day I lost trust in a science that sensationalizes information.

When this GW fearism started I thought to myself that maybe it is warmer. So I did a little research on when the temperature records were set for certain days in my area. The vast majority was YEARS ago when in reality we were polluting much more then WE in the US are doing today.

Besides, I have never got an answer to one simple question, what should the temperature be? Just colder isn't good enough, colder killed the dinosaurs.
Got about a minute into that dumbfuck video. In 1981, Dr. Hansen of NASA, made some pretty astute predictions concerning climate change.

RealClimate: Evaluating a 1981 temperature projection

You can link to the original paper in that article.

In fact, given the surprising amount of aerosols that India and China have been putting out, it is surprising that the temperature has been as high as it is. And the effects have far outpaced the predictions by even the 'alarmists'. For instance, in 2000, the 'alarmists' were predicting that the Arctic would be ice free for part of the summer by 2100. It now appears that will be the case by 2020, possibly by 2015. They predicted that we would be seeing noticiably more extreme weather events by 2050. According to Munich Re and Swiss Re, we are already seeing more extreme weather events by a factor of 2 or 3.

Far from overestimating the effects of the warming, the scientists have been to conservative in their forcasts.

Great news, we can grow peaches and oranges in Greenland. Norway can become a beach getaway and alaska can plant palm trees. Wonderful news! think of all the food that can be produced in the former tundra of northern russia.

Its all bunk. Yes, the climate of our planet is changing, it was changing millions of years ago and will be changing millions of years from now-------man has never had anything to do with it and never will.
Dr. Hansen, of NASA, is a major investor in carbon credit trading companies. If there's no global warming, he stands to lose a fortune.
Does not appear that the ice is going anywhere, maybe a little smaller but we are now measuring with satellites. Like measuring with a micrometer what we used to measure with a yard stick. Besides the Arctic has been ice free in the past.


Notice how many stupid people still populate the deep south? Is it the water they drink, the food they eat (filled with salt and sugar), nature or nurture?

this ^^^ from someone who lives in pelosi land, the land of fruits and nuts and Jerry Brown.

Please stay there, we don't need idiots like you polluting our land.

Yes....the "we need to pass the bill so we can find out what is in it" or "unemployment and welfare are good for the economy" are great examples of high intelligence in cali.
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Dr. Hansen, of NASA, is a major investor in carbon credit trading companies. If there's no global warming, he stands to lose a fortune.

You mean like Gore has made a fortune?

Yep. Notice that the "laws" of global warming, never apply to the global warming faithful. Al Gore can jet around the world drumming up investors for his company, that trades in nothing.

You can go to an airport kiosk and actually BUY carbon credits to offset your carbon use in taking that flight. You are buying nothing that has no effect. Spending money to buy offsetting carbon credits is supposed to reduce your carbon impact.

This makes global warming believers the same kind of charlantans that sell tickets to heaven.

S.F. fliers may pay their way in carbon usage - SFGate
Dr. Hansen, of NASA, is a major investor in carbon credit trading companies. If there's no global warming, he stands to lose a fortune.

You mean like Gore has made a fortune?

Yep. Notice that the "laws" of global warming, never apply to the global warming faithful. Al Gore can jet around the world drumming up investors for his company, that trades in nothing.

You can go to an airport kiosk and actually BUY carbon credits to offset your carbon use in taking that flight. You are buying nothing that has no effect. Spending money to buy offsetting carbon credits is supposed to reduce your carbon impact.

This makes global warming believers the same kind of charlantans that sell tickets to heaven.

S.F. fliers may pay their way in carbon usage - SFGate

Whow you can set up such a kiosk? I think I will do it. I will sell me not driving to California everyday for carbon credits. Matter of fact I will sell the credits and the person can tell me where not to drive. The perfect solution, the carbon user feels better and I can continue to sit here posting witty retorts and make money at the same time!!!! Win-Win.

On second thought, I am telling the GW fearists right now if they don't buy my carbon credits I am going to get in my truck and drive somewhere.
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how did climate change happen before humans? I mean since we are the cause and all..

Geological cycles. Its been happening for millions of years. These people who think we are the major cause of cc are nutty.

Which was my point

Fuk. your stupidity knows no bounds, does it?

Why don't you tell all, with your vast knowledge of things going on millions of years ago.
when was the last time that man took billions of pounds of coal and billions of gallons of oil, out of the ground and burnt it.

When was the last time man did that and what happened?
Geological cycles. Its been happening for millions of years. These people who think we are the major cause of cc are nutty.

Which was my point

Fuk. your stupidity knows no bounds, does it?

Why don't you tell all, with your vast knowledge of things going on millions of years ago.
when was the last time that man took billions of pounds of coal and billions of gallons of oil, out of the ground and burnt it.

When was the last time man did that and what happened?

You damn idiot. My point went strait over your head.. "it's a bird! it's a plane! Its.... TN's point!!

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