Obama's Parting Gift to Hillary Clinton

they cant find real issues to beat up Obama with so they just make crap up in an attempt to make the drmocratic party look as bad as the republican party.

watergate was real.

what did it start with?

Nixon trying to cheat in an election.

The republican party cheats in elections and there is decades of court documented evidence they have done it and are continuing to do it.

They get caught jamming phone lines and creating LONG lines for people in CERTAIN neighborhoods to vote.

Bush jsut took that plan to its ultimate.

He started LYING the American people into policy support.

On monday at 9:00 in msnbc Racheal madow will host a special program that looks back on the history in the lead up to the Iraq war.

They will show again for all who missed it the HUGE path of lies the Bush team laid out to LIE to the American people so they would support a war that we diud not need to fight.

People died for those lies.
the democratic people got behind Bush after 911.

You will NEVER see the republicans do the same with a democratic president.

republicans always place party over country

But heck..feel free.

Point by point.

You can tell me where my post is in error.

It took over a year to "investigate" 9/11 which was one of the most cataclysmic intelligence and defense failures in the history of the United States of America. The resulting "report" was heavily redacted and astonishingly enough..lay blame partially on an administration not in power for 8 months.

So go for it.

What does 9-11 have to do with benghazi? The point is, Clinton took the fall for it.. and you are naive to think she hasn't been rewarded.

What part of total collapse of both intelligence and defense aren't you getting? 3000 people died. And that's with the tax payers spending more money on "defense" then the next 10 or more countries. It took more than a YEAR to get an investigation rolling into that. The report itself was redacted. And those redacted portions pointed to Saudi involvement. Not just the terrorists, but the Saudi government itself. But somehow, Iraq was attacked. Not that you folks care about that stuff.

Even with that..there were multiple embassy attacks. NONE were investigated. Neither were the lies told to get us into the Iraq war..which was illegal, and a radical departure from the way this country conducts itself on the worldwide stage.

So with all of that on the plate, it gets ignored..for Benghazi.

And EVEN THEN..what gets investigated?

Possible CIA involvement? No.
Funding problems for embassy protection? No.
Procedural errors in relation to keeping embassies open during high alerts? No.

What they "investigated" was what Rice said on the talk shows..which was VERY preliminary and came with a caveat. And why was this done? To get to root cause?


It was done for one purpose.

To impeach and remove the President.

Simple as that.

Seems like Democrat Kool-aid is your favorite drink. :cuckoo::cuckoo:
$20MM payoff

So if you contribute to a fund to pay off fees accrued in a campaign, that's corruption?


That's not a payoff? Seriously?

Oh, right, because they're Democrats

Sorry dude..what about this doesn't happen on the Republican side?

And what exactly did they do wrong?

They sent out emails asking for contributions to pay down Hillary Clinton's debt. There weren't masking anything about what they were doing.

People contributed freely to this.
What does 9-11 have to do with benghazi? The point is, Clinton took the fall for it.. and you are naive to think she hasn't been rewarded.

What part of total collapse of both intelligence and defense aren't you getting? 3000 people died. And that's with the tax payers spending more money on "defense" then the next 10 or more countries. It took more than a YEAR to get an investigation rolling into that. The report itself was redacted. And those redacted portions pointed to Saudi involvement. Not just the terrorists, but the Saudi government itself. But somehow, Iraq was attacked. Not that you folks care about that stuff.

Even with that..there were multiple embassy attacks. NONE were investigated. Neither were the lies told to get us into the Iraq war..which was illegal, and a radical departure from the way this country conducts itself on the worldwide stage.

So with all of that on the plate, it gets ignored..for Benghazi.

And EVEN THEN..what gets investigated?

Possible CIA involvement? No.
Funding problems for embassy protection? No.
Procedural errors in relation to keeping embassies open during high alerts? No.

What they "investigated" was what Rice said on the talk shows..which was VERY preliminary and came with a caveat. And why was this done? To get to root cause?


It was done for one purpose.

To impeach and remove the President.

Simple as that.

Seems like Democrat Kool-aid is your favorite drink. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Instead of insults..maybe you can break it down.

What about the post do you find fault with?

What does 9-11 have to do with benghazi? The point is, Clinton took the fall for it.. and you are naive to think she hasn't been rewarded.

What part of total collapse of both intelligence and defense aren't you getting? 3000 people died. And that's with the tax payers spending more money on "defense" then the next 10 or more countries. It took more than a YEAR to get an investigation rolling into that. The report itself was redacted. And those redacted portions pointed to Saudi involvement. Not just the terrorists, but the Saudi government itself. But somehow, Iraq was attacked. Not that you folks care about that stuff.

Even with that..there were multiple embassy attacks. NONE were investigated. Neither were the lies told to get us into the Iraq war..which was illegal, and a radical departure from the way this country conducts itself on the worldwide stage.

So with all of that on the plate, it gets ignored..for Benghazi.

And EVEN THEN..what gets investigated?

Possible CIA involvement? No.
Funding problems for embassy protection? No.
Procedural errors in relation to keeping embassies open during high alerts? No.

What they "investigated" was what Rice said on the talk shows..which was VERY preliminary and came with a caveat. And why was this done? To get to root cause?


It was done for one purpose.

To impeach and remove the President.

Simple as that.

Seems like Democrat Kool-aid is your favorite drink. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

and there is the level at which the right seems to address every subject.

Pithy little nonsense retorts in the face of reality they dont like.
the benghazi thing was not and will not ever be what the republicans want it to be.

Just like fast and furious they hope people will forget the real facts uncovered after they beat these dead dogs for years as if there is some there there.

You got shamed into dropping fast and furious a couple of days after it gained national attention when you had been beating that dead dog for a full year.

You people have been found out .

only your base pays attention.

they are a shrinking base

But heck..feel free.

Point by point.

You can tell me where my post is in error.

It took over a year to "investigate" 9/11 which was one of the most cataclysmic intelligence and defense failures in the history of the United States of America. The resulting "report" was heavily redacted and astonishingly enough..lay blame partially on an administration not in power for 8 months.

So go for it.

What does 9-11 have to do with benghazi? The point is, Clinton took the fall for it.. and you are naive to think she hasn't been rewarded.

Swallow is a truther. Bush either ignored very obvious warning that Clinton also must have ignored or he was in on 9/11. I am not speaking for what Swallow thinks but my perception is that Swallow is 9/11 truther.

Swallow will in one post brag about how Republicans can't win elections, and even offer help. But then in the next blame those same Republicans for Obama failures. Talk about wanting it both ways.

So to answer you questions. What Swallow is trying to do is make the failures of Clinton and Obama appear small in comparison to the Muslim attack on America on 9/11. Being a truther Swallow is more then willing to say Bush was complicit without one shred of evidence or one shred of dignity from Swallow.

If you want to start talking about your vulgar homosexual fantasies..you should move to the flame zone. As per the new rules..I've reported this post.

Funny... MSNBC has shown a clip of Rubio sipping water, more than 200 times, yet hasn't mentioned Benghazi in 200 days.

Hense, the definition of OLD NEWS.

Only right wing nutters care about Benghazi...

That..and MSNBC talks about it all the time. It's got no choice..McCain isn't letting it go. Neither is Graham.

you got it......... they create these dumb going no where scandals and beat an beat and beat them.

Then nothing is ever found.

Then they blame the media for the bad press they recieve when everyone sees for a fact they were playing poltical games instead of doing the nations work
Democrats will attempt to derail any subject by bringing up Bush. You could say Bush is the new racism. You either fall for it, or ignore it and continue with the subject at hand. Paying off Hillary's campaign debt was a thank you for keeping obama's secrets about Benghazi. Otherwise, who knows, it might have ended up a chapter in Hillary's new book.
there are no secrets in the benghazi event.

You just pretend there are without any evidence
the debt incurred by Clinton that was paid off by Obama was incurred running against Obama.

It was likely part of the deal from the very first minute he offered her the SOS position.

the republican will just lie about everything and anything to try and slander people who beat the crap out of them in elections

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