Obamas forget recession and jet to NYC for date night, dinner and a show

Wow - traffic was a FRICKING NIGHTMARE tonight in the city - now I know why! Just got back from dinner and a play myself. Wait, should I feel guilty now because there are failing businesses in the economy? GM shot itself in the foot - why should I feel guilty?

If we all stop holding onto our money and start spending, it helps the economy. From the waiters at the restaurant to the people who staff a Broadway play - if I stay at home and eat, yes it saves me money but it also hurts the economy. If I spend money on our economy and others spend money with me - maybe, just maybe we'll find our way out of this recession.

If you're not directly impacted by this recession, i.e. out of work, foreclosed home... then go out and spend. I, for one, REFUSE to take part in this recession. I'm buying clothes, I'm going out to dinner, I'm seeing movies and little by little, the people who I leave tips for, the people who's companies I spend money on, survive this recession.

And truth to be told, if it wasn't for the Republicans and their laxy-dazy hands off economic policies, we wouldn't even be in this fucking recession right. So STFU you stupid Republicans and wise the fuck up.


If you remember, this thread was about Obama splurging by going out to dinner and a movie. Not about healthcare.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with spending money in a recession. In fact, if more people spent money in a recession - guess what? WE WOULDN'T FUCKING BE IN ONE!
His links are only half his problem. He is either dishonest or ignorant about what a government run health care system is.


No, I am not at all ignorant as to what a government run health care system is. After all, every wealthy industrial nation but ours has one. And they all have longer life spans, healthier old ages, and a far lower infant mortality rate. The lies that people like yourself state cannot change these facts.
2008 is shaping up to be the election year that we finally get to have the Great American Healthcare Debate again. Harry and Louise are back with a vengeance. Conservatives are rumbling around the talk show circuit bellowing about the socialist threat to the (literal) American body politic. And, as usual, Canada is once again getting dragged into the fracas, shoved around by both sides as either an exemplar or a warning -- and, along the way, getting coated with the obfuscating dust of so many willful misconceptions that the actual facts about How Canada Does It are completely lost in the melee.

I'm both a health-care-card-carrying Canadian resident and an uninsured American citizen who regularly sees doctors on both sides of the border. As such, I'm in a unique position to address the pros and cons of both systems first-hand. If we're going to have this conversation, it would be great if we could start out (for once) with actual facts, instead of ideological posturing, wishful thinking, hearsay, and random guessing about how things get done up here.

To that end, here's the first of a two-part series aimed at busting the common myths Americans routinely tell each other about Canadian health care. When the right-wing hysterics drag out these hoary old bogeymen, this time, we need to be armed and ready to blast them into straw. Because, mostly, straw is all they're made of.

1. Canada's health care system is "socialized medicine."
False. In socialized medical systems, the doctors work directly for the state. In Canada (and many other countries with universal care), doctors run their own private practices, just like they do in the US. The only difference is that every doctor deals with one insurer, instead of 150. And that insurer is the provincial government, which is accountable to the legislature and the voters if the quality of coverage is allowed to slide.

The proper term for this is "single-payer insurance." In talking to Americans about it, the better phrase is "Medicare for all."
Mythbusting Canadian Health Care -- Part I | OurFuture.org

You are ignorant to think that mortality rate of infants is due to our healthcare, it could be that we seem to have a lot of abortions. Our life spans being shorter could be to our life styles and not our healthcare. Now prove I'm wrong here old rocks. So maybe if you don't take other factors into consideration you are an ignorant mutt.

Sure, sure, and smoking cigarettes is healthy. Any other industry propaganda that you would like to present? For that is the current propaganda of the Insurance companys and big Pharma.

At least you do not dispute and lie about these facts. Just try to twist them to say something other than what they are obviously saying.
People go bankrupt for lots of reasons. You want to save them from bankruptcy and make their mortgages more affordable, too? Oops! We already tried that.

Why do you want to fuck up good healthcare for hundreds of millions of Americans just so a few million can get someone else to pay for their healthcare?

What makes you think you can take away my health plan, which I like, so everyone in the country is "equal" and has the same shitty healthcare the government wants to give them.

Do you think if the POTUS has no qualms about blowing $1M on a night on the town in a private jet, when you and I can't do that, he will not do the same for his own health care? Kennedy, if he's not dead by then? Pelosi? Reid?

Ugh. He didn't take AF-1. He took a small gulfstream jet. That's #1. #2 is the President has a travel budget that he can use each year. #3 - he's a fucking millionaire because of his book - so he can spend his own money any way he fucking wants to.

SO WHAT? I know that he did not take Air Force One. The security detail is the same.

Really, so he made money off a book deal because of his career in government and can spend it any way he wants, although we have not established he is reimbursing government for this, but he can wag his finger at other rich people who spend money, whether they are involved in government or not.

Guess how much the US "car czar" is building a house worth?

Does he get a get out of jail free card, too?
Wow - traffic was a FRICKING NIGHTMARE tonight in the city - now I know why! Just got back from dinner and a play myself. Wait, should I feel guilty now because there are failing businesses in the economy? GM shot itself in the foot - why should I feel guilty?

If we all stop holding onto our money and start spending, it helps the economy. From the waiters at the restaurant to the people who staff a Broadway play - if I stay at home and eat, yes it saves me money but it also hurts the economy. If I spend money on our economy and others spend money with me - maybe, just maybe we'll find our way out of this recession.

If you're not directly impacted by this recession, i.e. out of work, foreclosed home... then go out and spend. I, for one, REFUSE to take part in this recession. I'm buying clothes, I'm going out to dinner, I'm seeing movies and little by little, the people who I leave tips for, the people who's companies I spend money on, survive this recession.

And truth to be told, if it wasn't for the Republicans and their laxy-dazy hands off economic policies, we wouldn't even be in this fucking recession right. So STFU you stupid Republicans and wise the fuck up.


If you remember, this thread was about Obama splurging by going out to dinner and a movie. Not about healthcare.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with spending money in a recession. In fact, if more people spent money in a recession - guess what? WE WOULDN'T FUCKING BE IN ONE!

Correct. And you have an excellant point. Prior to this recession, I was a stingy tipper. Now, I leave more, because it is likely that the person serving me is the sole breadwinner for the family. And that is not reflecting on the partner at all, for there are a whole bunch of people out there searching hard for non-existant jobs.
The mortality rate thing is bullshit.

Other countries do not count live births the same and toss babies away US doctors try to save.

For now.
Rocks, spare us the links and tell us whether you want government running your healthcare or not.

No, I am not at all ignorant as to what a government run health care system is. After all, every wealthy industrial nation but ours has one. And they all have longer life spans, healthier old ages, and a far lower infant mortality rate. The lies that people like yourself state cannot change these facts.
2008 is shaping up to be the election year that we finally get to have the Great American Healthcare Debate again. Harry and Louise are back with a vengeance. Conservatives are rumbling around the talk show circuit bellowing about the socialist threat to the (literal) American body politic. And, as usual, Canada is once again getting dragged into the fracas, shoved around by both sides as either an exemplar or a warning -- and, along the way, getting coated with the obfuscating dust of so many willful misconceptions that the actual facts about How Canada Does It are completely lost in the melee.

I'm both a health-care-card-carrying Canadian resident and an uninsured American citizen who regularly sees doctors on both sides of the border. As such, I'm in a unique position to address the pros and cons of both systems first-hand. If we're going to have this conversation, it would be great if we could start out (for once) with actual facts, instead of ideological posturing, wishful thinking, hearsay, and random guessing about how things get done up here.

To that end, here's the first of a two-part series aimed at busting the common myths Americans routinely tell each other about Canadian health care. When the right-wing hysterics drag out these hoary old bogeymen, this time, we need to be armed and ready to blast them into straw. Because, mostly, straw is all they're made of.

1. Canada's health care system is "socialized medicine."
False. In socialized medical systems, the doctors work directly for the state. In Canada (and many other countries with universal care), doctors run their own private practices, just like they do in the US. The only difference is that every doctor deals with one insurer, instead of 150. And that insurer is the provincial government, which is accountable to the legislature and the voters if the quality of coverage is allowed to slide.

The proper term for this is "single-payer insurance." In talking to Americans about it, the better phrase is "Medicare for all."
Mythbusting Canadian Health Care -- Part I | OurFuture.org

You are ignorant to think that mortality rate of infants is due to our healthcare, it could be that we seem to have a lot of abortions. Our life spans being shorter could be to our life styles and not our healthcare. Now prove I'm wrong here old rocks. So maybe if you don't take other factors into consideration you are an ignorant mutt.

Sure, sure, and smoking cigarettes is healthy. Any other industry propaganda that you would like to present? For that is the current propaganda of the Insurance companys and big Pharma.

At least you do not dispute and lie about these facts. Just try to twist them to say something other than what they are obviously saying.

Your doing the spinning Old Rocks, you haven't addressed what I was saying about other factors other than our healthcare system. You haven't addressed the long lines for getting needed tests in britain and canada. You haven't addressed why they are coming to America to use our private healthcare system. You just keep steadfast in your old rhetoric.
People go bankrupt for lots of reasons. You want to save them from bankruptcy and make their mortgages more affordable, too? Oops! We already tried that.

Why do you want to fuck up good healthcare for hundreds of millions of Americans just so a few million can get someone else to pay for their healthcare?

What makes you think you can take away my health plan, which I like, so everyone in the country is "equal" and has the same shitty healthcare the government wants to give them.

Do you think if the POTUS has no qualms about blowing $1M on a night on the town in a private jet, when you and I can't do that, he will not do the same for his own health care? Kennedy, if he's not dead by then? Pelosi? Reid?

Ugh. He didn't take AF-1. He took a small gulfstream jet. That's #1. #2 is the President has a travel budget that he can use each year. #3 - he's a fucking millionaire because of his book - so he can spend his own money any way he fucking wants to.

SO WHAT? I know that he did not take Air Force One. The security detail is the same.

Really, so he made money off a book deal because of his career in government and can spend it any way he wants, although we have not established he is reimbursing government for this, but he can wag his finger at other rich people who spend money, whether they are involved in government or not.

Guess how much the US "car czar" is building a house worth?

Does he get a get out of jail free card, too?

Poor baby. We have an immensely popular young President. He is good looking, and his wife is beautiful. He came from obscurity through his own work, and has been an astounding success in every endevour in which he has had a part. Really, really makes you green with envy? Especially since he is not the standard WASP.

Get over it. I suspect that he will also be one of our most successful Presidents, and after his two terms are done, will be one of the grand old men of politics, like Eisenhower and Goldwater.
Ugh. He didn't take AF-1. He took a small gulfstream jet. That's #1. #2 is the President has a travel budget that he can use each year. #3 - he's a fucking millionaire because of his book - so he can spend his own money any way he fucking wants to.

SO WHAT? I know that he did not take Air Force One. The security detail is the same.

Really, so he made money off a book deal because of his career in government and can spend it any way he wants, although we have not established he is reimbursing government for this, but he can wag his finger at other rich people who spend money, whether they are involved in government or not.

Guess how much the US "car czar" is building a house worth?

Does he get a get out of jail free card, too?

Poor baby. We have an immensely popular young President. He is good looking, and his wife is beautiful. He came from obscurity through his own work, and has been an astounding success in every endevour in which he has had a part. Really, really makes you green with envy? Especially since he is not the standard WASP.

Get over it. I suspect that he will also be one of our most successful Presidents, and after his two terms are done, will be one of the grand old men of politics, like Eisenhower and Goldwater.

Wake up Old Rocks...sounds like your having a wet dream
The mortality rate thing is bullshit.

Other countries do not count live births the same and toss babies away US doctors try to save.

For now.

Sure, sure. You really have a problem with the truth, don't you.

I got links as good as yours to debunk it.

Now tell us whether you got a link that says Americans want government to run their healthcare. Or alternatively, tell us a big lie and tell us a single payor system is not government run healthcare.
Rocks, spare us the links and tell us whether you want government running your healthcare or not.

Have you stopped beating your husband?

Why the hell don't you look at the various ways that the health care systems are actually ran in places like Britian, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, Switzerland, and all the other industrial nations. Right now all you are doing is repeating idiocy with no knowledge whatsoever to back it up.

You have sitting right in front of you the most wonderful research tool ever invented. Why don't you use it, instead of being so damned willfully ignorant on every subject that I have seen you address.

As for the use of links, that shows you where my information is coming from. You use no links, so your credibility is based solely on the content of your posts. Right now it rests at about zero.
Rocks, spare us the links and tell us whether you want government running your healthcare or not.

Have you stopped beating your husband?

Why the hell don't you look at the various ways that the health care systems are actually ran in places like Britian, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, Switzerland, and all the other industrial nations. Right now all you are doing is repeating idiocy with no knowledge whatsoever to back it up.

You have sitting right in front of you the most wonderful research tool ever invented. Why don't you use it, instead of being so damned willfully ignorant on every subject that I have seen you address.

As for the use of links, that shows you where my information is coming from. You use no links, so your credibility is based solely on the content of your posts. Right now it rests at about zero.

Try reading her posts ....

CNN) -- An estimated 2 million babies die within their first 24 hours each year worldwide and the United States has the second worst newborn mortality rate in the developed world, according to a new report.

American babies are three times more likely to die in their first month as children born in Japan, and newborn mortality is 2.5 times higher in the United States than in Finland, Iceland or Norway, Save the Children researchers found.

Only Latvia, with six deaths per 1,000 live births, has a higher death rate for newborns than the United States, which is tied near the bottom of industrialized nations with Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovakia with five deaths per 1,000 births.

"The United States has more neonatologists and neonatal intensive care beds per person than Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, but its newborn rate is higher than any of those countries," said the annual State of the World's Mothers report.

CNN) -- An estimated 2 million babies die within their first 24 hours each year worldwide and the United States has the second worst newborn mortality rate in the developed world, according to a new report.

American babies are three times more likely to die in their first month as children born in Japan, and newborn mortality is 2.5 times higher in the United States than in Finland, Iceland or Norway, Save the Children researchers found.

Only Latvia, with six deaths per 1,000 live births, has a higher death rate for newborns than the United States, which is tied near the bottom of industrialized nations with Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovakia with five deaths per 1,000 births.

"The United States has more neonatologists and neonatal intensive care beds per person than Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, but its newborn rate is higher than any of those countries," said the annual State of the World's Mothers report.

The US counts more live births than other countries.

How many more links do you want explaining this?

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