'democrats' and 'republicans' in all areas ? Isn't stupid ?


May 26, 2009
it is 23:14 (11:14 PM) now, here in Denmark

one of most stupid divisions of worldview is the division on 'democrats' and
'republicans' and in Europe on 'lefts' and 'rights'

the existence of such nonsensical divisions testifies about generally low IQ of the population of our specie

for example I am an opponent of the religion -

but in presidential elections in USA. I always would vote for the republican -

among democrats were most stupid presidents of USA and one of most stupid politicians at all - to mention only the example of Truman which gave back Russians the atomic weapon in the present, and to today last results of this unprecedented stupidity; and Obama are for me last lame-duck, about what testifies even if the closing of Guantanamo

similarly in economic matters I am at right but with certain exceptions -

for example I think that the education, at all levels also at university should be free (there must exist the complex system of studenships, the part of schools on the educational market can be paid, but only the part), instead the medical service at least half part in hands of the State -

I am abortion opponent -

but admissible seems invitro considering that during the natural insemination also die many embryonic cells (about what know doctors and biologists and common men usually not) -

I am an opponent of homosexual marriages -

I am a great advocate of Evolution, and I regard every attempt of attack on its as the indication of the extreme ignorance -

such differentiation is inevitable for the intelligent person, because every problem one ought to consider separately, instead the creation of such thoughtless schemata is an indication of the stupidity of the society - I would not acknowledge myself nor for the democrat nor for the republican

if somebody else on this forum would have a problem with the assignment himself to democrats or republicans, this I welcome in my thread, I welcome also these persons which have not problems with this​
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it is 23:14 (11:14 PM) now, here in Denmark

one of most stupid divisions of worldview is the division on 'democrats' and
'republicans' and in Europe on 'lefts' and 'rights'

the existence of such nonsensical divisions testifies about generally low IQ of the population of our specie

for example I am an opponent of the religion -

but in presidential elections in USA. I always would vote for the republican -

among democrats were most stupid presidents of USA and one of most stupid politicians at all - to mention only the example of Truman which gave back Russians the atomic weapon in the present, and to today last results of this unprecedented stupidity; and Obama are for me last lame-duck, about what testifies even if the closing of Guantanamo

similarly in economic matters I am at right but with certain exceptions -

for example I think that the education, at all levels also at university should be free (there must exist the complex system of studenships, the part of schools on the educational market can be paid, but only the part), instead the medical service at least half part in hands of the State -

I am abortion opponent -

but admissible seems invitro considering that during the natural insemination also die many embryonic cells (about what know doctors and biologists and common men usually not) -

I am an opponent of homosexual marriages -

I am a great advocate of Evolution, and I regard every attempt of attack on its as the indication of the extreme ignorance -

such differentiation is inevitable for the intelligent person, because every problem one ought to consider separately, instead the creation of such thoughtless schemata is an indication of the stupidity of the society - I would not acknowledge myself nor for the democrat nor for the republican

if somebody else on this forum would have a problem with the assignment himself to democrats or republicans, this I welcome in my thread, I welcome also these persons which have not trouble with this​

While you have been concerning yourself with the relatively low IQ of the populace, you seem to have missed the fact that a very large percentage of persons in Europe and the US do not rigidly adhere to the positions that you yourself assign as right and left (thereby reinforcing the "nonsensical division"). That is my way of saying your post was arrogant, yet simple and pointless.​
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firstly, there is many such superstitions as this that if somebody does not believe in God then surely is a supporter of homosexual marriages etc., I could give many such examples

secondly, I can't acknowledge myself nor for the democrat nor for the republican, but you probably can, and many other people can

thus this your post is simple and pointless
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thank you for links
but, if you count yourself to democrats or republicans you are not blend for sure - believe me

the division Republicans-Democrats entails many such convictions as this that if you do not believe in God then you for sure support homosexual relationships, the annulment of the death penalty, lower penalties for criminals etc., and because of this, this division is ordinarily stupid
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First while one issue voters exist they are not nearly so common as the media would have you believe and that is the only way in which your simplistic world view would work. I vote Republican because they come closer to representing my core values than do the Democrats and that's the only two choices I've got here as it is all but impossible to get another party on the ballot in this state.

2nd most smart people look at the party platforms and decide which one best reflects their views and then hope like hell they actually act that way once elected. Bush largely at least on the domestic side jettisoned most of the Republican party platform.

3rd what you described regarding uour beliefs about evolution isn't a scientific outlook but a religious one. One must question every dogma if one is to get to even a reasonable facsimile of the truth.
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I can't acknowledge myself nor for the democrat nor for the republican, but you can - it is because my worldview is complicated and your worldview is simplified - and not inversely

regarding the evolution, from other thread:
ST34 said:
in Europe whole this discussion about evolution and creationism seems comical

this reminds situation if somebody began to doubt in heliocentric theory and tried to go back to the geocentric theory - so begun discussion would be comical and plaintive, and persons which denied truths of the heliocentric theory with reference to the planetary system, should be account as the complete ignoramuses and even illiterates
so because heliocentric system is 'dogma' we must go back to geocentric system ?
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And thus it appears to us. But do we have all the information? And in fact can we ever obtain all the information? We have only our senses and those as any good illusionist will tell you are far from trustworthy.

For instance in the case of Christianity we suppose a God who stated categorically that Salvation would be by grace and grace alone. The implication of this in the main are that the Christian God cannot then be proven directly by human logic and further that there must be some seemingly logical alternative to God did it.
firstly, we don't need to have all information to constate vast number of facts, like we don't need to know everything about moon to constate that it is round

secondly, the problem is not that God stated something but that such thing like God doesn't exist (as same as all supernatural phenomenones and creatures), more about it in other thread, I invite: Religion, Bible, Koran, Torah, Monotheism, also mysticism and conception of absolute
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