Obama's failure is Americas plight

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
For TWO YEARS the president got everything he asked for. Shortly thereafter America sent droves of republicans to repudiate his agenda. Yet this man, this president, this narcissist thinks that blaming republicans will work with anyone beyond his base. That theory alone shows just how detached he is. Republicans PROMISED to block Obama and that promise got them elected.
When will Obama realize HIS AGENDA netted these result? Ever?
For TWO YEARS the president got everything he asked for. Shortly thereafter America sent droves of republicans to repudiate his agenda. Yet this man, this president, this narcissist thinks that blaming republicans will work with anyone beyond his base. That theory alone shows just how detached he is. Republicans PROMISED to block Obama and that promise got them elected.
When will Obama realize HIS AGENDA netted these result? Ever?

He's going to win re-election so apparently it's working. If the GOP wants to "block" for another 4 years, I'm sure you'll blame Mr. Obama for their actions; as you blame him for your failing business.
For TWO YEARS the president got everything he asked for. Shortly thereafter America sent droves of republicans to repudiate his agenda. Yet this man, this president, this narcissist thinks that blaming republicans will work with anyone beyond his base. That theory alone shows just how detached he is. Republicans PROMISED to block Obama and that promise got them elected.
When will Obama realize HIS AGENDA netted these result? Ever?

"For TWO YEARS the president got everything"

Perhaps he should not have wasted it on one issue, only to complain now that his agenda is blocked. The man is inflexible which is why he gets no cooperation.

Bill Clinton knew how to reach across the aisle and never whined on a daily basis that it was always someone else's fault.

"Republicans PROMISED to block Obama and that promise got them elected."

And apparently the nation had no issue with it, thus the results of the 2010 election.

Take it up with Harry Reid.
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Good ol gramps, makes 200k a year and is bitching that the economy sucks. i quess some people are not satisfied making 200k a year and must blame someone for that inability
Well i forgot your a physcic, you do realize that any president must have a Congress that is willing to compromise and if the GOP gets elected not to do their job then it is they that have the failed agenda, today is better than it was in 2008, 09. Even you have to admit it, the economy will run it's bull course and will change toa bear, it's only a matter of time,but you can't replace what was lost in a matter of a couple of years.
is that better, or will you still be getting drunk today and ranting?
Well i forgot your a physcic, you do realize that any president must have a Congress that is willing to compromise and if the GOP gets elected not to do their job then it is they that have the failed agenda, today is better than it was in 2008, 09. Even you have to admit it, the economy will run it's bull course and will change toa bear, it's only a matter of time,but you can't replace what was lost in a matter of a couple of years.
is that better, or will you still be getting drunk today and ranting?

I think you're right about it. However, we still haven't addressed the "too big to fail" businesses. The reason they required a bail out is because they were "too big to fail" meaning that it would create a ripple of uncertainty through out the economy. The bail outs, in that sense, were totally useless. When they get into trouble again; we'll have to do another bail out.

This is crap.
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Well i forgot your a physcic, you do realize that any president must have a Congress that is willing to compromise and if the GOP gets elected not to do their job then it is they that have the failed agenda, today is better than it was in 2008, 09. Even you have to admit it, the economy will run it's bull course and will change toa bear, it's only a matter of time,but you can't replace what was lost in a matter of a couple of years.
is that better, or will you still be getting drunk today and ranting?

At least you've come to terms with Obama's contribution being nil. After all the economy will run its own course regardless.
Well i forgot your a physcic, you do realize that any president must have a Congress that is willing to compromise and if the GOP gets elected not to do their job then it is they that have the failed agenda, today is better than it was in 2008, 09. Even you have to admit it, the economy will run it's bull course and will change toa bear, it's only a matter of time,but you can't replace what was lost in a matter of a couple of years.
is that better, or will you still be getting drunk today and ranting?

I think you're right about it. However, we still haven't addressed the "too big to fail" businesses. The reason they required a bail out is because they were "too big to fail" meaning that it would create a ripple of uncertainty through out the economy. The bail outs, in that sense, were totally useless. When they get into trouble again; we'll have to do another bail out.

This is crap.

The talk has already turned to we need a second bail out.

And we agree. Too big to fail is bullshit
Good ol gramps, makes 200k a year and is bitching that the economy sucks. i quess some people are not satisfied making 200k a year and must blame someone for that inability

well that was what this thread was about...:rolleyes:
Well i forgot your a physcic, you do realize that any president must have a Congress that is willing to compromise and if the GOP gets elected not to do their job then it is they that have the failed agenda, today is better than it was in 2008, 09. Even you have to admit it, the economy will run it's bull course and will change toa bear, it's only a matter of time,but you can't replace what was lost in a matter of a couple of years.
is that better, or will you still be getting drunk today and ranting?

At least you've come to terms with Obama's contribution being nil. After all the economy will run its own course regardless.

Oblama has done several things, but you can't see throw those beer bottle glasses you have.
Are you not working?
Are you living in the streets?
is the USA burning and non-existant?
No, you just want to whine and bitch about how someone has not kissed your azz and given you all you want.
I can't see anything worth a damn that has come from the House.But then you let anyone slide on your dime if it suits your agenda.
Well i forgot your a physcic, you do realize that any president must have a Congress that is willing to compromise and if the GOP gets elected not to do their job then it is they that have the failed agenda, today is better than it was in 2008, 09. Even you have to admit it, the economy will run it's bull course and will change toa bear, it's only a matter of time,but you can't replace what was lost in a matter of a couple of years.
is that better, or will you still be getting drunk today and ranting?

I think you're right about it. However, we still haven't addressed the "too big to fail" businesses. The reason they required a bail out is because they were "too big to fail" meaning that it would create a ripple of uncertainty through out the economy. The bail outs, in that sense, were totally useless. When they get into trouble again; we'll have to do another bail out.

This is crap.

The talk has already turned to we need a second bail out.

And we agree. Too big to fail is bullshit

LINK/ cause so far bernake says we need another stimulus but has said nothing about specifics, i bet you had no problem with bush's stimulus programs. i don't hear you bitching about that.
Good ol gramps, makes 200k a year and is bitching that the economy sucks. i quess some people are not satisfied making 200k a year and must blame someone for that inability

well that was what this thread was about...:rolleyes:

What Gramps makes is none of your business. Maybe you would like to raise his taxes so he can help support you and help to get you a new Xbox to play with in your basement.
Obama doesn't care the state of the country..He got his precious Socialist health care passed...bailed out his Union buddies, loaned a bunch of our monies to his pet "green companies" that most of them went belly up, and he gave preference over Illegal Immigrants over the American citizens for jobs..

we have to vote this detached and destructive man from the Presidency
I think you're right about it. However, we still haven't addressed the "too big to fail" businesses. The reason they required a bail out is because they were "too big to fail" meaning that it would create a ripple of uncertainty through out the economy. The bail outs, in that sense, were totally useless. When they get into trouble again; we'll have to do another bail out.

This is crap.

The talk has already turned to we need a second bail out.

And we agree. Too big to fail is bullshit

LINK/ cause so far bernake says we need another stimulus but has said nothing about specifics, i bet you had no problem with bush's stimulus programs. i don't hear you bitching about that.

That's because you don't pay attention. I have blasted Bush repeatedly for his spending and the stimulus was no exception.

Ps. Bush isn't president anymore.
Obama got everything he wanted for 2 years? I thought Obama was a Communist. If he got everything he wanted for 2 years,

why aren't we now a Communist nation?
Obama doesn't care the state of the country..He got his precious Socialist health care passed...bailed out his Union buddies, loaned a bunch of our monies to his pet "green companies" that most of them went belly up, and he gave preference over Illegal Immigrants over the American citizens for jobs..

we have to vote this detached and destructive man from the Presidency

Do what you want with your time but nobody bought this nonsense in 09, 10, 11, and nobody is buying it this year either. It may be time to roll out some new BS because your old BS isn't working.

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