Obama's Backdoor Deals With Muslims Have Made It Impossible For Him To Defend This Nation


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

A few years back the Obama Administration made an agreement not to defame Islam publicly and totally changed the way the FBI and other agencies fight terrorism in America. How can you fight an enemy if you can't identify him? Well, that isn't a problem according to the current administration:

The Political Warfare Campaign Against U.S. Counter-Terrorism Experts

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has laid out a strategy for preventing reference to terrorism in association with Islam. They are targeting training and education for the military and law enforcement, and pursueing their strategy by working through NGOs, think tanks and international organizations to label as Islamophobes those counter-terrorism trainers who were not approved by specific front-organizations. This article looks at the most recent initiative in this campaign of political warfare: a report by the Muslim Public Affairs Council entitled Not Qualified: Exposing the Deception Behind America’s Top 25 Pseudo Experts on Islam.

As Sun Tzu pointed out, the greatest warrior is one who can win without having to fight. Political warfare—operations designed to influence the perceptions or beliefs of one’s adversary—is thus an invaluable tool because it is a way of winning a conflict without having to use force. The Soviets knew this well, as did numerous other totalitarian regimes, and the OIC is now using this form of attack to shut down crucial counter-terrorism experts and training in the United States. This meets both a theological and a strategic imperative for the OIC. Theologically, the campaign of psychological warfare against CT experts helps to shut down criticism of Muhammad and of Islam, which is deemed forbidden, based upon several different verses of the Koran. Strategically, it is an advantageous approach because it neutralizes those who have become most knowledgeable on the Islamist threat, thus allowing even greater impunity for agents working to undermine U.S. national security.

The strategy to shut down critical analysis of Islam by declaiming Islamophobia was made public in 2005. That year, The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), with its 56 member nations, stated that Islamophobia would be a major focus for the coming decade:

A Ten-Year Programme of Action has been developed, which reviews the most prominent challenges facing the Muslim world today…establishing the values of moderation and tolerance, combating extremism, violence and terrorism, countering Islamophobia, achieving solidarity and cooperation among Member States, conflict prevention, the question of Palestine, the rights of Muslim minorities and communities, and rejecting unilateral sanctions.”[1]

In order to combat Islamophobia, the report stated, the OIC would take a number of steps: it would establish an observatory to monitor all forms of Islamophobia, work with the UN to adopt a resolution to counter Islamophobia, and urge states to enact laws to combat it. The broad conclusions of the 2005 meeting were these: Islam can never be criticized and Islam must be de-linked from terrorism.

The OIC campaign scored its first big success with the March 2007 publication of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) “Resolution 4/9 on Combating Defamation of Religions,” which stated, “the council expresses deep concern at attempts to identify Islam with terrorism, violence and human rights violations.” The resolution further stated that the Council would urge member states to ensure that “public officials, including members of law enforcement bodies, the military, civil servants and educators, in the course of their official duties, respect different religions and beliefs and do not discriminate against persons on the grounds of their religion or belief, and that any necessary and appropriate education or training is provided…” The UNHRC document specifically points to education and training for law enforcement and the military as the target of these efforts.

Read more here.....The Political Warfare Campaign Against U.S. Counter-Terrorism Experts Westminster Institute


Members of the Muslim Brotherhood have infiltrated Homeland Security and have been calling the shots on the do's and don'ts of fighting domestic-terrorism. The shooting in Chattanooga is only the first major shot across the bow. More are coming thanks to a WhiteHouse that thinks about the dignity of Islam over the safety of the American People. A detailed look at the purge of U.S. counter-terrorism training by the Obama administration TheBlaze.com

Here is an example of one of these infiltrators:

Homeland Security Adviser Mohamed Elibiary Goes on Hate-Filled Anti-Christian Rant, Attacks Jindal as ‘Bottom Feeder’

Obama administration Muslim adviser Mohamed Elibiary is no stranger to regular PJ Media readers.

In September, Elibiary was unceremoniously removed from his fellowship position with the Department of Homeland Security, which he tried to spin as a “resignation,” but letters sent to members of Congress by DHS officials indicated he would not be reappointed.

Undoubtedly, one of the chief reasons for DHS cutting ties with Elibiary was a long string of extremist statements he had been making on Twitter, including talking about the inevitability of the return of an ISIS-style caliphate — tweets that were subsequently used by ISIS supporters for recruiting purposes.

But Elibiary has apparently not learned his lesson, engaging in a hate-filled anti-Christian rant on Twitter yesterday, even going so far to attack Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal as a “bottom feeder”:

Homeland Security Adviser Mohamed Elibiary Goes on Hate-Filled Anti-Christian Rant Attacks Jindal as Bottom Feeder PJ Tatler

Nor, as you’ll see below, is this the first time he has indulged in his anti-Christian bigotry.

Before revisiting his Twitter meltdown, perhaps it’s useful to revisit some of Elibiary’s greatest hits:

  • Elibiary admitted that his mentor and long-time friend was none other than Hamas terrorist leader Shukri Abu Baker, who is currently serving a 65-year prison sentence.
  • In 2003, Elibiary was listed as a board member for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Dallas chapter, which was founded by now-convicted Hamas operative Ghassan Elashi. In 2008, federal prosecutorsdeclared in a federal court brief that “from its founding by Muslim Brotherhood leaders, CAIR conspired with other affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood to support terrorists.”
  • In Dec 2004, Elibiary was a featured speaker at a Dallas rally honoring the Ayatollah Khomeini as a “Great Islamic Visionary,” an event the Dallas Morning News called a “disgrace.”
  • Immediately after the Fort Hood massacre in November 2009, Dallas Morning News editor Rod Dreherrecounted Elibiary’s strident defense of jihadist ideologue Sayyid Qutb, whom the 9/11 Commission identified as the chief architect of Al-Qaeda’s ideology.
  • In April 2010, he published an op-ed at Fox News pleading with the Obama administration to not kill senior Al-Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki.
  • In June 2010, he attacked the Supreme Court after they upheld the material support for terrorism statute in an op-ed for the Dallas Morning News.
  • In June 2011, the IRS revoked the 501c3 tax-exempt status of Elibiary’s Freedom and Justice Foundation forfailing to file the required IRS Form 990s over a period of several years, documents which would reveal the source of his organization’s funding.
  • In October 2011, I reported exclusively here at PJ Media that Elibiary had downloaded sensitive documents by the Texas Dept. of Public Safety from a secure DHS database, and then unsuccessfully tried to shop them to the media claiming then-Gov. Rick Perry was running an “Islamophobic” operation. Despite multiple claims by top DHS officials that an internal investigation exonerated Elibiary, in Sept 2013 DHS admitted in response to the Judicial Watch FOIA request that no records related to any internal investigation existed, prompting members of Congress to claim DHS was engaged in a cover-up. Texas DPS, having conducted their own investigation, severed their relationship with Elibiary.
  • After 30 million Egyptians took to the streets to remove Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi, leading to his ouster, Elibiary added a Muslim Brotherhood logo to his Twitter avatar in solidarity with the extremist Islamic group.
  • In November 2013, Elibiary took to Twitter to announce that the U.S. was a shariah-compliant Islamic country.
So that provides some context for his hate-filled Twitter rant yesterday.

Elibiary began his meltdown by denouncing “guilt by association,” and then engaged in the very group scapegoating (“Christianist culture wars”) he had just condemned:

Obama appears tortured when trying to explain what the causes of these attacks are. He cannot openly admit that Islam isn't a religion of peace, that is the politically-correct lie that they want the administration to repeat over and over in America, just to get everyone to drop their guard. Administration officials appear clueless.....and this is by design. They're trying to bullshit us into thinking they are handling the situation, but in fact, they've sold us out to their Muslim friends on the other side. As long as Obama is in office America is in deadly peril.

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The idea is not to defame Islam while fighting the terrorist that misuse Islam in their recruiting propaganda.

The concept is really simple. By recognizing these terrorists are nt inspired by a religion but is really a geopolitical idea helps pull the fangs out of their ability to recruit followers.

To get a grasp of this concept, let say we do as some has and blame Islam itself. Then we fall into the terrorist psychological trap. How? We are forcing Muslims world wide to choose a side on an issue that did not involve them before!!

George W Bush used the same concept: Do not defame Islam while fighting jihadists. His whole cabinet, including Dick Cheney, supported this rationale. On this point, they got it correct.

Now it is 2015 and there are still some trying to 'act' like it is a conspiracy for political gain. Boy, some people just love playing with fire........
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.
But wait, doesnt the left claim President Bush is a war criminal due to the number of muslims that were killed during his time as president?
by standards, should obama be held to the same standards? we need to turn him over to the middle east for them to do as they see fit with him.
His war crimes cannot go unpunished.
Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.
Completely manufactured bullshit.

And its bear, not bare.
Nothing manufactured. I remember the outrage clearly when he was doing NOTHING as ISIS spread in the beginning. We had debates endlessly on here about why/if/when/where he should act.
You might enjoy having your head up your own ass but it makes you look rather stupid
Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.
Completely manufactured bullshit.

And its bear, not bare.
Nothing manufactured. I remember the outrage clearly when he was doing NOTHING as ISIS spread in the beginning. We had debates endlessly on here about why/if/when/where he should act.
You might enjoy having your head up your own ass but it makes you look rather stupid
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

Yup.....and I'm Abraham Lincoln.

He's killed alot of Muslims....but not by warfare....but by arming them. He's only killed a handful that actually attacked the United States.
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The idea is not to defame Islam while fighting the terrorist that misuse Islam in their recruiting propaganda.

The concept is really simple. By recognizing these terrorists are nt inspired by a religion but is really a geopolitical idea helps pull the fangs out of their ability to recruit followers.

To get a grasp of this concept, let say we do as some has and blame Islam itself. Then we fall into the terrorist psychological trap. How? We are forcing Muslims world wide to choose a side on an issue that did not involve them before!!

George W Bush used the same concept: Do not defame Islam while fighting jihadists. His whole cabinet, including Dick Cheney, supported this rationale. On this point, they got it correct.

Now it is 2015 and there are still some trying to 'act' like it is a conspiracy for political gain. Boy, some people just love playing with fire........
Note the obvious double-standards here.

This guy was a Muslim and preached jihad went to Yemen was born in Kuwait....but Obama can't bring himself to admit that his religion had anything to do with the attack.

But some kid in SC kills 9 black church members and because the kid posed next to a Confederate Flag...he's definitely a racist. No need to investigate it any further.
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The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
Really? has Al Queda been hiding on premier golf courses in the U.S and around the world?
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
Really? has Al Queda been hiding on premier golf courses in the U.S and around the world?
You'll have to ask Osama bin Laden.

Oh, wait...
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
Really? has Al Queda been hiding on premier golf courses in the U.S and around the world?
You'll have to ask Osama bin Laden.

Oh, wait...
Pretty sure obama had little to do with that.
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
Really? has Al Queda been hiding on premier golf courses in the U.S and around the world?
You'll have to ask Osama bin Laden.

Oh, wait...
One killed terrorist does not make Obama nor America a victor.
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
Really? has Al Queda been hiding on premier golf courses in the U.S and around the world?
You'll have to ask Osama bin Laden.

Oh, wait...
Pretty sure obama had little to do with that.

Pretty sure he did. He also upped the drone attacks.
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group out there. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Iran....their sponsor, ISIS, the Taliban, He seems to be going easy on them.
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
Really? has Al Queda been hiding on premier golf courses in the U.S and around the world?
You'll have to ask Osama bin Laden.

Oh, wait...
One killed terrorist does not make Obama nor America a victor.


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