#Obamagate: Exposing the Obama Deep State


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Trump is genius and will destroy the obongus legacy and his deep state...
Obama’s third term has begun. Our Republic is in danger.
March 7, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

After Trump secured the nomination, Obama’s people filed a wiretapping request. As he was on the verge of winning, they did it again. After he won, they are doing everything they can to bring him down.

It was always going to come down to this.

One is the elected President of the United States. The other is the Anti-President who commands a vast network that encompasses the organizers of OFA, the official infrastructure of the DNC and Obama Anonymous, a shadow government of loyalists embedded in key positions across the government.

A few weeks after the election, I warned that Obama was planning to run the country from outside the White House. And that the “Obama Anonymous” network of staffers embedded in the government was the real threat. Since then Obama’s Kalorama mansion has become a shadow White House. And the Obama Anonymous network is doing everything it can to bring down an elected government.

Valerie Jarrett has moved into the shadow White House to plot operations against Trump. Meanwhile Tom Perez has given him control of the corpse of the DNC after fending off a Sandernista bid from Keith Ellison. Obama had hollowed out the Democrat Party by diverting money to his own Organizing for America. Then Hillary Clinton had cannibalized it for her presidential bid through Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazile. Now Obama owns the activist, OFA, and organizational, DNC, infrastructure.

But that’s just half the picture.

Obama controls the opposition. He will have a great deal of power to choose future members of Congress and the 2020 candidate. But he could have done much of that from Chicago or New York. The reason he didn’t decide to move on from D.C. is that the nation’s capital contains the infrastructure of the national government. He doesn’t just want to run the Democrats. He wants to run America.

The other half of the picture is the Obama Deep State. This network of political appointees, bureaucrats and personnel scattered across numerous government agencies is known only as Obama Anonymous.

Obama Inc. had targeted Trump from the very beginning when it was clear he would be the nominee.


Obama broke out the same tactics when he went after Iran Deal opponents. Once again members of Congress were spied on and the results were leaked to friendly media outlets. Before the wiretapping of Trump’s people, the NSA was passing along conversations of Iran Deal opponents to the White House which were used to coordinate strategy in defense of the illegal arrangement with Islamic terrorists.


In its last days, Obama Inc. made it easier to pass along unfiltered personal information to the other agencies where Obama loyalists were working on their investigation targeting Trump. The NSA pipeline now makes it possible for the shadow White House to still gain intelligence on its domestic enemies.

And the target of the shadow White House is the President of the United States.


Obama’s shadow government is not just a war on President Trump. It is a war on that government of the people, by the people and for the people. If he succeeds, then at his touch, it will perish from the earth.

Obama’s third term has begun. Our Republic is in danger.

#ObamaGate: Exposing the Obama Deep State
Phone tap on Trump recalls Obama lies and high-tech harassment.
March 7, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley

President Donald Trump has charged that the previous president tapped his phones during the 2016 election campaign. With Democrats and the old-line establishment media in a fury, the people would do well to recall the 44th president’s high-tech harassment of journalists and his legacy of lies.

“If you like your health plan, you can keep it,” he told the nation. As countless Americans verified, they could not keep the health plan they liked, nor the doctor they liked, and they would not save thousands of dollars a year. In California, the president’s Affordable Care Act was responsible for “widespread consumer misery,” a revival of President Jimmy Carter’s misery index.

The president lied because he knew the ACA was groundwork for his designated successor Hillary Clinton to impose the “public option,” or “single payer,” in reality government monopoly health care. But last November the people turned down the designated successor, and that put the former president and his establishment media allies in a foul mood.

The 44th president, whose mentor was the Stalinist Frank Marshall Davis, deployed the powerful IRS against political opponents, blocking their attempt to secure tax-exempt status. The president claimed “not even a smidgeon of corruption” was involved in the IRS scandal. For the most part, the old-line establishment media accepted the lie, and the president always knew he could get away with anything.

In 2009 at Ford Hood, self-described “soldier of Allan” Nidal Hasan gunned down 13 unarmed American soldiers and wounded more than 30 others while screaming “Allahu Akbar.” This was radical Islamic terrorism at its worst, but the administration called the savage attack “workplace violence.” The establishment media did not push back against this absurdity and others.


The 44th president was never exactly who he claimed to be. On the other hand, he was a prodigious liar who deployed government agencies against political opponents. For someone like that, the Trump phone tap would not be a difficult matter. Meanwhile, the struggle of the people against the President Formerly Known as Barry Soetoro (PFKBS) remains the struggle of memory against forgetting.

The Struggle of Memory Against Forgetting
Hearings begin on the 20th.It won't be long before we know if Trump is right, or if he's pulling more imagined crap out of his ass.
Hearings begin on the 20th.It won't be long before we know if Trump is right, or if he's pulling more imagined crap out of his ass.
The sessions should be more about whether Trump lied or not. He makes an outlandish statement with nothing to back it up and they need sessions to see if there is anything to it?
Total Lunacy!! Prez Obama will be remembered as one of thee best presidents in history. Harvard grad, Professor of Constitutional Law, a great 8 years of turning this country around..ONE wife, and class and dignity unparalleled! Oh yeah..,and he doesn't awake in the middle of the night sending hateful tweets.
Hearings begin on the 20th.It won't be long before we know if Trump is right, or if he's pulling more imagined crap out of his ass.
The sessions should be more about whether Trump lied or not. He makes an outlandish statement with nothing to back it up and they need sessions to see if there is anything to it?

Sessions will be nowhere near it, except as a possible witness. He can't investigate his own boss, or the head of the campaign that he was part of.
The sessions should be more about whether Trump lied or not. He makes an outlandish statement with nothing to back it up and they need sessions to see if there is anything to it?

First and foremost, I don't care if Trump tweeted a lie. I care FAR more about our intelligence apparatus being used on private US citizens who are political enemies. You cannot fire libertarians up more than with something like this because we ALL warned against it. We've been screaming about this for the past 20 years or more.

What Trump said wasn't all that outlandish if you believe the NY Times, "the nation's paper of record." They reported that intelligence agencies were investigating members of Trump's campaign in connection with Russian banks and whatnot. In fact, the very conversations the media had leaked to them, the conversation between Gen. Flynn and the Russian Ambassador, took place while Flynn was in Trump Tower. There have been countless media reports since October, talking about FISA requests made during the Summer of 2016 and the very first one sought to wiretap Trump himself but the FISA court shot it down.

So either the media has been lying all this time about investigations, FISA warrants and leaked transcripts or they're not lying. If what they have reported is true, we need to get to the bottom of this. We need to know who ordered the wiretaps, what evidence did they have, who sought the wiretaps and on who's authority? Don't worry, Obama has himself thoroughly insulated from all culpability here, that's the BIG PROBLEM with the whole FISA/Patriot Act bullshit. Remember, this is EXACTLY what Snowden exposed!
Trump is genius and will destroy the obongus legacy and his deep state...
Obama’s third term has begun. Our Republic is in danger.
March 7, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

After Trump secured the nomination, Obama’s people filed a wiretapping request. As he was on the verge of winning, they did it again. After he won, they are doing everything they can to bring him down.

It was always going to come down to this.

One is the elected President of the United States. The other is the Anti-President who commands a vast network that encompasses the organizers of OFA, the official infrastructure of the DNC and Obama Anonymous, a shadow government of loyalists embedded in key positions across the government.

A few weeks after the election, I warned that Obama was planning to run the country from outside the White House. And that the “Obama Anonymous” network of staffers embedded in the government was the real threat. Since then Obama’s Kalorama mansion has become a shadow White House. And the Obama Anonymous network is doing everything it can to bring down an elected government.

Valerie Jarrett has moved into the shadow White House to plot operations against Trump. Meanwhile Tom Perez has given him control of the corpse of the DNC after fending off a Sandernista bid from Keith Ellison. Obama had hollowed out the Democrat Party by diverting money to his own Organizing for America. Then Hillary Clinton had cannibalized it for her presidential bid through Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazile. Now Obama owns the activist, OFA, and organizational, DNC, infrastructure.

But that’s just half the picture.

Obama controls the opposition. He will have a great deal of power to choose future members of Congress and the 2020 candidate. But he could have done much of that from Chicago or New York. The reason he didn’t decide to move on from D.C. is that the nation’s capital contains the infrastructure of the national government. He doesn’t just want to run the Democrats. He wants to run America.

The other half of the picture is the Obama Deep State. This network of political appointees, bureaucrats and personnel scattered across numerous government agencies is known only as Obama Anonymous.

Obama Inc. had targeted Trump from the very beginning when it was clear he would be the nominee.


Obama broke out the same tactics when he went after Iran Deal opponents. Once again members of Congress were spied on and the results were leaked to friendly media outlets. Before the wiretapping of Trump’s people, the NSA was passing along conversations of Iran Deal opponents to the White House which were used to coordinate strategy in defense of the illegal arrangement with Islamic terrorists.


In its last days, Obama Inc. made it easier to pass along unfiltered personal information to the other agencies where Obama loyalists were working on their investigation targeting Trump. The NSA pipeline now makes it possible for the shadow White House to still gain intelligence on its domestic enemies.

And the target of the shadow White House is the President of the United States.


Obama’s shadow government is not just a war on President Trump. It is a war on that government of the people, by the people and for the people. If he succeeds, then at his touch, it will perish from the earth.

Obama’s third term has begun. Our Republic is in danger.

#ObamaGate: Exposing the Obama Deep State
American_Jihad , you are like a broken CD that keeps playing the same song over and over again.

We used to call those broken records, but vinyl recordings have long since been an obsolete technology since over 30 years ago.
It's probably going to take Trump his entire first year to eradicate the Banana Republic of the Hussein.
ACA reform or even its attempt may result in the complete overthrow of the GOP in 2018 and DJT in 2020.
Hearings begin on the 20th.It won't be long before we know if Trump is right, or if he's pulling more imagined crap out of his ass.
The sessions should be more about whether Trump lied or not. He makes an outlandish statement with nothing to back it up and they need sessions to see if there is anything to it?

An outlandish statement? The New York Times reported that four agencies were in a "broad investigation" of Trump and his staff in Jan.


"The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit. The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said. One official said intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the White House."

Was the NYT being "outlandish" in claiming that four separate agencies were investigating Trump's staff, even though no crime had ever been reported?

We know for a fact someone tapped Flynn. If it was legally done by FISA, Clapper would had known about it. Clapper has stated emphatically that no such FISA request against the Trump staff was ever made.

If the FBI, CIA, Treasury Dept., and NSA were indeed monitoring Trump communications as the NYT stated they did in Jan, then Trump was not lying, he was being tapped by the Obama regime. None of those entities had the authority to wiretap any Trump staffer. If they did, where is the warrant?
American Jihad ? Are you Muslim? Why Jihad? And Obama is no longer president, you do realize this is America? Or are you a paid Russian troll? Your posts get dumber by the day. Trump is a loser and a fraud, a draft dodger who pays no taxes and now travels to golf every weekend on your taxes. Too funny. The American right wing male is so emasculated a rich draft dodger now leads them. CDZ - The Emasculated American

'White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America' by Nancy Isenberg
'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed

Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.
Total Lunacy!! Prez Obama will be remembered as one of thee best presidents in history. Harvard grad, Professor of Constitutional Law, a great 8 years of turning this country around..ONE wife, and class and dignity unparalleled! Oh yeah..,and he doesn't awake in the middle of the night sending hateful tweets.

Wow. Unhinged from reality.

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