Obamacare just ruined my life

Your current company is just as much to blame as ObamaCare.

How is that,this should be a good one.

The company obviously never offered health insurance to their employees. So it is a shitty job at a shitty employer.

Now that they are being mandated by the government to provide insurance for their full time employees, the company has chosen to get rid of as many full time employees as possible by making them part time.

Now all those part time employees will become government dependents. The company is shoving its business expenses onto the backs of taxpayers, courtesy of the ObamaCare vehicle.

I had no problem affording my own healthcare through my salary.

However, -$24,000 a year makes it impossible for me to get healthcare.

My employer never had to provide health insurance for me, because my job paid MORE THAN ENOUGH for me to make MY OWN choice about which plan I wanted.

One of the ideal solutions for real health care reform would be to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance. I have mentioned this several times in health care topics. Employer-sponsored health insurance drives the cost curve up.

I am glad you were paid wages which made it possible to buy your own health insurance. However, I doubt someone with a family to support would be able to do the same.

Nevertheless, I would strongly urge you to follow OriginalShroom's advice and write to your Representative and both Senators about this. And be sure to quote from your employer's letter citing the ACA as the reason for your sudden misfortune.

Further explain this will cause you to drop your pursuit of higher education due to having to get a second job, thus ensuring you will become more dependent on the government's insurance subsidies rather than becoming self-sufficient.

Not kidding. Write to your Congressmen. Now.

Don't rant. Don't rage. Lay out the facts and appeal to reason.
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I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Get that second job and pull up those bootstraps! You AREa real American, ain't ya?
The company obviously never offered health insurance to their employees. So it is a shitty job at a shitty employer.

Now that they are being mandated by the government to provide insurance for their full time employees, the company has chosen to get rid of as many full time employees as possible by making them part time.

Now all those part time employees will become government dependents. The company is shoving its business expenses onto the backs of taxpayers, courtesy of the ObamaCare vehicle.

I had no problem affording my own healthcare through my salary.

However, -$24,000 a year makes it impossible for me to get healthcare.

My employer never had to provide health insurance for me, because my job paid MORE THAN ENOUGH for me to make MY OWN choice about which plan I wanted.

One of the ideal solutions for real health care reform would be to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance. I have mentioned this several times in health care topics. Employer-sponsored health insurance drives the cost curve up.

I am glad you were paid wages which made it possible to buy your own health insurance. However, I doubt someone with a family to support would be able to do the same.

Nevertheless, I would strongly urge you to follow OriginalShroom's advice and write to your Representative and both Senators about this. And be sure to quote from your employer's letter citing the ACA as the reason for your sudden misfortune.

Further explain this will cause you to drop your pursuit of higher education due to having to get a second job, thus ensuring you will become more dependent on the government's insurance subsidies rather than becoming self-sufficient.

Not kidding. Write to your Congressmen. Now.

Don't rant. Don't rage. Lay out the facts and appeal to reason.

How about deregulating the insurance industry and allowing consumers an actual F-ing choice in the matter. I should be able to look at my family history and pick and choose what I want to be covered, or if I just want "in case I'm in a COMA" insurance--whatever consumers want. Right now I cannot purchase insurance out of state, and if I buy in-state the government has put so many damn regulations on what has to be covered, ect, ect. In Oregon smoking cessation MUST be covered, forcing the insurance companies to charge everyone MORE to cover this.

There is a reason back in the 60's a hospital visit was charged reasonably.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Sorry to hear that, especially from someone who goes to my alma mater............. It was a great campus when I went there some 20 years ago. Do they still have the book "stacks" or is everything computerized now?
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Get that second job and pull up those bootstraps! You AREa real American, ain't ya?

This is a perfect insight into the mind of a liberal. Spread the misery and suffering around. Enact laws that lowers American worker's wages.

Vindictive, immature sociopaths.

There is a coming backlash that the left is desperately attempting to manage.
Even a short time is an eternity when your destitute.

You state of destitution is nobody's fault but your own.

I'm pretty it's Obamacare's fault.

The letter specifically cited the Affordable Care Act as the sole cause.

You should have saved some money for hard times. Quit blaming others for your situation.

And..I'd LOVE to hear the details of the health care plan that you have. How about it?
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I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Get that second job and pull up those bootstraps! You AREa real American, ain't ya?

This is a perfect insight into the mind of a liberal. Spread the misery and suffering around. Enact laws that lowers American worker's wages.

Vindictive, immature sociopaths.

There is a coming backlash that the left is desperately attempting to manage.

You might be butthurt at having to taste your own medicine.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

So it's Obama's fault that your employer doesn't consider you a key enough person to make sure you have health care?


Because the last time I worked for $10.50 an hour, it was 1996.
I had no problem affording my own healthcare through my salary.

However, -$24,000 a year makes it impossible for me to get healthcare.

My employer never had to provide health insurance for me, because my job paid MORE THAN ENOUGH for me to make MY OWN choice about which plan I wanted.

One of the ideal solutions for real health care reform would be to eliminate employer-sponsored health insurance. I have mentioned this several times in health care topics. Employer-sponsored health insurance drives the cost curve up.

I am glad you were paid wages which made it possible to buy your own health insurance. However, I doubt someone with a family to support would be able to do the same.

Nevertheless, I would strongly urge you to follow OriginalShroom's advice and write to your Representative and both Senators about this. And be sure to quote from your employer's letter citing the ACA as the reason for your sudden misfortune.

Further explain this will cause you to drop your pursuit of higher education due to having to get a second job, thus ensuring you will become more dependent on the government's insurance subsidies rather than becoming self-sufficient.

Not kidding. Write to your Congressmen. Now.

Don't rant. Don't rage. Lay out the facts and appeal to reason.

How about deregulating the insurance industry and allowing consumers an actual F-ing choice in the matter. I should be able to look at my family history and pick and choose what I want to be covered, or if I just want "in case I'm in a COMA" insurance--whatever consumers want. Right now I cannot purchase insurance out of state, and if I buy in-state the government has put so many damn regulations on what has to be covered, ect, ect. In Oregon smoking cessation MUST be covered, forcing the insurance companies to charge everyone MORE to cover this.

There is a reason back in the 60's a hospital visit was charged reasonably.

I laid out my ideas here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...e-gop-healthcare-reform-plan.html#post7581788 (Post #14)
great job by the mindless obstructionist, fear mongering GOP, and bottom line only PUB businessmen. Blame THEM for this short term suffering...not to mention blocking the recovery with phoney crises etc.
Your current company is just as much to blame as ObamaCare.

How is that,this should be a good one.

The company obviously never offered health insurance to their employees. So it is a shitty job at a shitty employer.

Now that they are being mandated by the government to provide insurance for their full time employees, the company has chosen to get rid of as many full time employees as possible by making them part time.

Now all those part time employees will become government dependents. The company is shoving its business expenses onto the backs of taxpayers, courtesy of the ObamaCare vehicle.

Another one that understands jack shit about running a business.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Get that second job and pull up those bootstraps! You AREa real American, ain't ya?

This is a perfect insight into the mind of a liberal. Spread the misery and suffering around. Enact laws that lowers American worker's wages.

Vindictive, immature sociopaths.

There is a coming backlash that the left is desperately attempting to manage.

You might be butthurt at having to taste your own medicine.

No, but American workers who are having their hours slashed, and desperate to find a second job who are about to have a sizable amount of 'tax' taken from them in their tax return are hurting.

This isn't about vindictiveness, but it certainly is with you.

I'm sure Obama's response to those hurting would be the same as yours.
I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Get that second job and pull up those bootstraps! You AREa real American, ain't ya?

This is a perfect insight into the mind of a liberal. Spread the misery and suffering around. Enact laws that lowers American worker's wages.

Vindictive, immature sociopaths.

There is a coming backlash that the left is desperately attempting to manage.

They revel is seeing a guy who wants to work overtime, who has been working overtime, having his life damaged by a completely trivial and arbitrary regulation in a massive bill written primarily by one party. They like it, they're having fun with it, they're laughing at him.

Maybe "sociopath" isn't too strong a word. It certainly is disturbing.

Your current company is just as much to blame as ObamaCare.

How is that,this should be a good one.

The company obviously never offered health insurance to their employees. So it is a shitty job at a shitty employer.

Now that they are being mandated by the government to provide insurance for their full time employees, the company has chosen to get rid of as many full time employees as possible by making them part time.

Now all those part time employees will become government dependents. The company is shoving its business expenses onto the backs of taxpayers, courtesy of the ObamaCare vehicle.

Another one that understands jack shit about running a business.

Not only completely ignorant about how business works, but a knee-jerk resentment and hatred of it.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Get that second job and pull up those bootstraps! You AREa real American, ain't ya?

This is a perfect insight into the mind of a liberal. Spread the misery and suffering around. Enact laws that lowers American worker's wages.

Vindictive, immature sociopaths.

There is a coming backlash that the left is desperately attempting to manage.

They revel is seeing a guy who wants to work overtime, who has been working overtime, having his life damaged by a completely trivial and arbitrary regulation in a massive bill written primarily by one party. They like it, they're having fun with it, they're laughing at him.

Maybe "sociopath" isn't too strong a word. It certainly is disturbing.


Or....maybe "they" just like using sarcasm to point out how idiotic nutter partisan talking points are.

Way to be insightful!
This is a perfect insight into the mind of a liberal. Spread the misery and suffering around. Enact laws that lowers American worker's wages.

Vindictive, immature sociopaths.

There is a coming backlash that the left is desperately attempting to manage.

You might be butthurt at having to taste your own medicine.

No, but American workers who are having their hours slashed, and desperate to find a second job who are about to have a sizable amount of 'tax' taken from them in their tax return are hurting.

This isn't about vindictiveness, but it certainly is with you.

I'm sure Obama's response to those hurting would be the same as yours.

Please....stop. You are failing to comprehend my words. What you think....and what is.....are two different things. You fucking idiot nutter.