Obama whining about Fox News AGAIN lol

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Obama blames Limbaugh for ?caricature? status

The leader of the free world with the power to wipe us all from the earth with the push of a button can't deal with the American media?

Cries about them painting him as a caricature. His "You didn't build that" comment didn't cause it? His FORCED healthcare didn't cause it? His bungling of foreign policy didn't cause it? His CONSTANT "I didn't know about that" excuse didn't cause it? Calling Americans Bible clinging gun nuts didn't cause it?

Maybe he is right, after all he has done nothing to alienate the American people right?
But don't Teabaggers say that all of the Jewish Liberal Hollywood Sharia media love Obama? So wouldn't that include Rush Limbaugh?

After all, Rush Limbaugh is the most popular radio talk show host in American media, and all media are owned by George Soros and al-Qaeda, and they love Obama because he's a Socialist from Kenya just like them.
Obama blames Limbaugh for ?caricature? status

The leader of the free world with the power to wipe us all from the earth with the push of a button can't deal with the American media?

Cries about them painting him as a caricature. His "You didn't build that" comment didn't cause it? His FORCED healthcare didn't cause it? His bungling of foreign policy didn't cause it? His CONSTANT "I didn't know about that" excuse didn't cause it? Calling Americans Bible clinging gun nuts didn't cause it?

Maybe he is right, after all he has done nothing to alienate the American people right?

they didnt paint him as a caricature

he did that on his own self
Gee you mean Obama doesn't want to take responsibility for his own actions???? Man that almost ALWAYS happens....Obama is a little bitch.
But don't Teabaggers say that all of the Jewish Liberal Hollywood Sharia media love Obama? So wouldn't that include Rush Limbaugh?

After all, Rush Limbaugh is the most popular radio talk show host in American media, and all media are owned by George Soros and al-Qaeda, and they love Obama because he's a Socialist from Kenya just like them.

Cut the "teabagger" crap! It's TEA Partier!
Answering a question, he was.

Slow day, gramp?

What's your point Yoda?

my point is that he was offering his opinion on something he was asked about, b.f.d.

He was whining to a sympathetic earpiece. Nothing more.

What other preaident thought so deeply that they were above the scrutiny of the American people and that everyone should just love them? Obama's qhine is basically a slap in the face to half this country if he thinks that everyone is a drone incapable of thinking for themselves. He simply can't accept the fact that he isn't liked because of his own actions so he has to blame someone else.

Just pathetic
Yea, hes a big cry baby.

But grown assed men who scrutinize his every shit that he takes, anonymously on the internet?

Tough guys!
But don't Teabaggers say that all of the Jewish Liberal Hollywood Sharia media love Obama? So wouldn't that include Rush Limbaugh?

After all, Rush Limbaugh is the most popular radio talk show host in American media, and all media are owned by George Soros and al-Qaeda, and they love Obama because he's a Socialist from Kenya just like them.

^ Low information voter

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