Obama WH: Biggest crybabies ever according to Chris Wallace

It's pretty easy to sound authoritative when you make shit up as you go along.

keep believin budrow, keep believin

The first words out of Boehner's mouth was that the bill nationalizes the health care system. That's completely false.

no it's not.

Who to believe. You or my lyin' ears?

believe the crap the left feeds you, no skin off my teeth, but the plan says one thing and does another. the lie that if you like your insurance you can keep it is just that, a lie. If the gov. makes it impossible to keep then you will be forced into the public option. it is nationalized by virture of the gov takeover. it says illegals won't get health care but provides no means of enforcement. now if you are dumb enough to believe illegals won't get health care then you are DUmber than I thought. but Kerry on.
This thread is a gem, perfect proof of what I keep saying about party politics, people who know better will defend the indefensible as long as it's their party, in this case Democrats & Obama.

Nobody with a shread of common sense would defend the childishness of this whitehouse when it comes to its oversensitivity to the press. The 30 years Wallace mentions covers three Democrat Presidents, Wallace did not say Carter or Clinton were over sensitive, just the boiking.

The proof that it is true can be seen in his believers and the nonsense they posted in this thread supporting it.

Until all of you give up this stupid us/them mentaility we can never move forward as a common people, it will just be endless rounds of attack and defend.
Until all of you give up this stupid us/them mentaility we can never move forward as a common people, it will just be endless rounds of attack and defend.

I think you are right, but I am afaid people will not understand these things.

It takes real conviction to be just an American these days, one will be attacked and belittled for bringing up "coming together" for the sake of freedom

I for one wish those who are Americans would be honest brokers of the truth, I think I will crawl under a rock now, because I am sick to death of watching the donkeys and the elephants corrupt one another, while we sit and follow suit

I am not a republican, I am not a democrat, I am an American, one who wishes to see the truth and go from there!

I also believe that the interwebs brings out the worst in many people. That is too bad
Until all of you give up this stupid us/them mentaility we can never move forward as a common people, it will just be endless rounds of attack and defend.

I think you are right, but I am afaid people will not understand these things.

It takes real conviction to be just an American these days, one will be attacked and belittled for bringing up "coming together" for the sake of freedom

I for one wish those who are Americans would be honest brokers of the truth, I think I will crawl under a rock now, because I am sick to death of watching the donkeys and the elephants corrupt one another, while we sit and follow suit

I am not a republican, I am not a democrat, I am an American, one who wishes to see the truth and go from there!

I also believe that the interwebs brings out the worst in many people. That is too bad

what makes you think you cannot be a Republican and seek the truth?
It's pretty easy to sound authoritative when you make shit up as you go along.

keep believin budrow, keep believin

The first words out of Boehner's mouth was that the bill nationalizes the health care system. That's completely false.

Well, after nationalizing auto industry, banks, insurance industry, what makes you think that is not his intention?

Until all of you give up this stupid us/them mentaility we can never move forward as a common people, it will just be endless rounds of attack and defend.

I think you are right, but I am afaid people will not understand these things.

It takes real conviction to be just an American these days, one will be attacked and belittled for bringing up "coming together" for the sake of freedom

I for one wish those who are Americans would be honest brokers of the truth, I think I will crawl under a rock now, because I am sick to death of watching the donkeys and the elephants corrupt one another, while we sit and follow suit

I am not a republican, I am not a democrat, I am an American, one who wishes to see the truth and go from there!

I also believe that the interwebs brings out the worst in many people. That is too bad

what makes you think you cannot be a Republican and seek the truth?

OK, let me rephrase that. I am an American before any political party
Chris Wallace has over 30 years in the news business and is well respected for being fair comments on the over sensitivity of Obama's whitehouse.

YouTube - Chris Wallace commenting on his treatment by the Obama White House

Wallace seems to forget that Reagan dealt with a mainstream media who were sometimes positive and sometimes negative and Obama is dealing with a far right media who is sometimes negative and sometimes really negative.

Anytime you compare an apple to an orange people are going to cry about it Chris. Unfortunately the story isn't the crying but why the need for the comparison...

LOL Far right media.
This thread is a gem, perfect proof of what I keep saying about party politics, people who know better will defend the indefensible as long as it's their party, in this case Democrats & Obama.

Nobody with a shread of common sense would defend the childishness of this whitehouse when it comes to its oversensitivity to the press. The 30 years Wallace mentions covers three Democrat Presidents, Wallace did not say Carter or Clinton were over sensitive, just the boiking.

The proof that it is true can be seen in his believers and the nonsense they posted in this thread supporting it.

Until all of you give up this stupid us/them mentaility we can never move forward as a common people, it will just be endless rounds of attack and defend.
He SAID it. Let us see the proof.

And speaking of childishness, Xeno, wtf is your pet phrase "boiking" if not childish?


You're the one perpetuating the us vs. them mentality. Stand back and read the shit you post. :eusa_eh:
It's clear all but Fox News is terrified of this administration. WHY? They were thouroughly invested in Obama getting elected--now if they throw out a little criticism--I think--they're scared to death they'll be called racists. After all, anyone who opposes Obama policies is eventually referred by someone as a racist. So we can expect this will continue for quite awhile--until their ratings fall so low--that they will have to make some very serious changes. Like report the whole truth--not just 1/2 of it--which normally results in a glowing report of this administration.

Obama actually called the New York times to complain about an article they had printed. He needs to learn from the Gipper--(Ronald Reagan) who stated--"if it ain't true--ignore it."
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yo oreo - how did the gipper made out on that arms for hostage deal? it was true and that cocksucker should have been in jail
The funny thing is, any other "profession" would be appalled at the singling out of a colleague and show solidarity for the bigger picture of free press. Go figure about professionalism.
yo oreo - how did the gipper made out on that arms for hostage deal? it was true and that cocksucker should have been in jail

Spending 1-1/2 years under the threat of death--well that is probably O.K. with you as long as it wasn't you or one of your family members. I also find it a little odd that the hostages were released immediately after Carter was clobbered in a 49 state landslide.

The overwhelming majority of Americans still consider Ronald Reagan the best President in recent history. That was evident during his funeral.

Barack Obama couldn't even hold a candle to Ronald Reagan. Right now you have a President & administration who are constantly whinning about media coverage. No other President has done that. The more Obama complains about FOX news--the more people watch FOX news. He isn't even smart enough to figure that out yet----:lol:

ah Si, any proffession? , how bout lawyers,there is about 535 in DC that would stick a knife in each others back over 50 cents, what do ya think
the man was braindead in his second term, slept through a lot of shit, you fuckers put him on a throne he never deserved, and yes he did admit his people battered arms for hostages, you fuckers can't write that out of history as much as you want to try
ah Si, any proffession? , how bout lawyers,there is about 535 in DC that would stick a knife in each others back over 50 cents, what do ya think
Not being a fan of attorneys in general, they tend to do a good job in keeping in solidarity in the principles of their profession and protecting the practice of it. It's the big picture of it. All journalists depend on a free press and access. If they do stand by and do nothing and sell out to partisan politics, one must wonder about their professional priorities.

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