Obama tells blacks to 'stop complainin' and fight


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a fiery summons to an important voting block, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.

And though he didn't say it directly, for a second term, too.

Obama's speech to the annual awards dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus was his answer to increasingly vocal griping from black leaders that he's been giving away too much in talks with Republicans -- and not doing enough to fight black unemployment, which is nearly double the national average at 16.7 percent.


Blacks are complaining? They feel that Barry hasn't done enough (OR ANYTHING) to "FIGHT UNEMPLOYMENT"??

Good! Why should they be different from the rest of us!
Obama tells blacks to "battle for jobs" while at the same time supporting new job killing "free trade" agreements with South Korea, Columbia and Panama.
Is this what happens to community activists when they get behind in the polls? They stand beside crazy union leaders who say "we are your army and we are ready to march and take those SOB's out" and then they call out to Blacks to start a race war? Democrats are starting to look more like nationalist socialist democratic party NSDP (nazis) every day.
A. Pubs have blocked ALL jobs bills since 1/2010. ie, battle them and their gigantic propaganda machine.
B. Pubs want those trade agreements more, but NOT training for workers affected, or for that matter ANY education of ANY kind for ANYBODY.
oooh.. Maxine Waters is going to get very angry.. It's hulk-out time..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOMYEttH5fM]Maxine Waters on Obama: We're Gettin' Tired Y'all - YouTube[/ame]
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a fiery summons to an important voting block, President Barack Obama told blacks on Saturday to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" to follow him into battle for jobs and opportunity.

And though he didn't say it directly, for a second term, too.

Obama's speech to the annual awards dinner of the Congressional Black Caucus was his answer to increasingly vocal griping from black leaders that he's been giving away too much in talks with Republicans -- and not doing enough to fight black unemployment, which is nearly double the national average at 16.7 percent.


Blacks are complaining? They feel that Barry hasn't done enough (OR ANYTHING) to "FIGHT UNEMPLOYMENT"??

Good! Why should they be different from the rest of us!

Fight? That's his advice. Dude a couple years ago when I looked for work for almost a year. If someone had told me I just needed to fight, I would have knocked their ass out. I was fighting my ass off, applying for Jobs that pay half of what I am used to, and competing with 400 other over qualified applicants.

Obama, is just completely out of touch.
A. Pubs have blocked ALL jobs bills since 1/2010. ie, battle them and their gigantic propaganda machine.
B. Pubs want those trade agreements more, but NOT training for workers affected, or for that matter ANY education of ANY kind for ANYBODY.

Have you ever made a point that was nothing but a regurgitated Democrat Talking point?

The Democrat Senate has tabled no less than 12 GOP house bills aimed at stimulating Job Growth. Your problem is you believe the only way to create Jobs is with spending bills. You are wrong.

Against Education? Yeah right. It is you Democrats that want to keep the status quo. Failing schools, and falling test scores. the DOE passing out money to the states, but putting Mandates and regulations on them that cost 25% then they give out. A DOE that cares more about keeping teacher Unions happy, than giving our kids a better education. Teachers unions that care more about their Benefits, and time off than the Kids Education.

Sorry you Little Lemming, that just keeps repeating Democrat lies. It is your Party that is standing in the way of even attempting to Improve our School Systems. Your Party that is standing in the way of Choice through Vouchers, and Merit Based pay for Teachers.

I Bet you don't have any kids. I have 2, and the thought of them being failed by our Public Schools pisses me off. I would love a voucher to send him to private school. We have several in the Area who students test scores are FAR ABOVE public School Students. I pay Property Taxes, Why Can I not use that money to send my kids to the Schools I want to.

Oh I Know cause Democrats are against choice, and to beholden to Public Sector Unions to give a rats ass about my kids Education.
A. Pubs have blocked ALL jobs bills since 1/2010. ie, battle them and their gigantic propaganda machine.
B. Pubs want those trade agreements more, but NOT training for workers affected, or for that matter ANY education of ANY kind for ANYBODY.

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Democrats had a FULL house--in Jan. 2010 for two solid years Obama--Pelosi--Reid. In fact Republicans were such a minority--they could even muster up a filibuster.

So don't be complaining now--this one is on Obama's watch. He borrowed and spent 787 BILLION dollars with the promise that it would create millions of private sector jobs--that turned into saving government workers jobs--that then turned into Pelosi referring to unemployment checks as stimulus.

Obama's flood the basement economic policy has been a disaster--and it's been especially hard on the black community who stands at 16% unemployment with adults and a whopping 47% within the black youth.

The difference between blacks and whites? If this was a white President--the white population wouldn't tolerate it--a white President would be down in the 18% approval range.

They don't need to put on marching boots, they need work boots
A. Pubs have blocked ALL jobs bills since 1/2010. ie, battle them and their gigantic propaganda machine.
B. Pubs want those trade agreements more, but NOT training for workers affected, or for that matter ANY education of ANY kind for ANYBODY.

Have you ever made a point that was nothing but a regurgitated Democrat Talking point?

The Democrat Senate has tabled no less than 12 GOP house bills aimed at stimulating Job Growth. Your problem is you believe the only way to create Jobs is with spending bills. You are wrong.

Against Education? Yeah right. It is you Democrats that want to keep the status quo. Failing schools, and falling test scores. the DOE passing out money to the states, but putting Mandates and regulations on them that cost 25% then they give out. A DOE that cares more about keeping teacher Unions happy, than giving our kids a better education. Teachers unions that care more about their Benefits, and time off than the Kids Education.

Sorry you Little Lemming, that just keeps repeating Democrat lies. It is your Party that is standing in the way of even attempting to Improve our School Systems. Your Party that is standing in the way of Choice through Vouchers, and Merit Based pay for Teachers.

I Bet you don't have any kids. I have 2, and the thought of them being failed by our Public Schools pisses me off. I would love a voucher to send him to private school. We have several in the Area who students test scores are FAR ABOVE public School Students. I pay Property Taxes, Why Can I not use that money to send my kids to the Schools I want to.

Oh I Know cause Democrats are against choice, and to beholden to Public Sector Unions to give a rats ass about my kids Education.

Also known as facts, dittohead. What's wrong with education is not the teachers, it's the non rich family life falling apart under voodoo. Schools are part of the infrastructure that's falling apart, and the student's family life is going to hell too. As long as the rich's taxes are low, I guess the country falling apart is OK.
The difference between blacks and whites? If this was a white President--the white population wouldn't tolerate it--a white President would be down in the 18% approval range.

Bingo, I am sorry if 84% of Blacks are still saying Obama is doing a good job, when UI among blacks has sky rocketed, and more than half the rest of the People disagree with them.

You can take one thing from that. a Large chunk of those 84% are saying he is doing a good Job simply because he is Black.

Sorry that is racism. It is just as racist to give someone from your own Race a pass, as it is to bash on people from another race, when you do it solely because of their Race. Period.

There are very few things you can get 84% of people to agree on. It is shocking to me that with things the way they are, that many Blacks still will not admit, that just because Obama is Black, does not mean he knows WTF he is doing, or that he is doing a good job.

Kudos to the 16% who face attacks from their own race, for admitting Obama is failing. They are the smart ones. All Blacks should not just want there to be a black president, they should want that Black president to be successful, and not so clearly an ignorant fool with no idea WTF he is doing.
A. Pubs have blocked ALL jobs bills since 1/2010. ie, battle them and their gigantic propaganda machine.
B. Pubs want those trade agreements more, but NOT training for workers affected, or for that matter ANY education of ANY kind for ANYBODY.

Have you ever made a point that was nothing but a regurgitated Democrat Talking point?

The Democrat Senate has tabled no less than 12 GOP house bills aimed at stimulating Job Growth. Your problem is you believe the only way to create Jobs is with spending bills. You are wrong.

Against Education? Yeah right. It is you Democrats that want to keep the status quo. Failing schools, and falling test scores. the DOE passing out money to the states, but putting Mandates and regulations on them that cost 25% then they give out. A DOE that cares more about keeping teacher Unions happy, than giving our kids a better education. Teachers unions that care more about their Benefits, and time off than the Kids Education.

Sorry you Little Lemming, that just keeps repeating Democrat lies. It is your Party that is standing in the way of even attempting to Improve our School Systems. Your Party that is standing in the way of Choice through Vouchers, and Merit Based pay for Teachers.

I Bet you don't have any kids. I have 2, and the thought of them being failed by our Public Schools pisses me off. I would love a voucher to send him to private school. We have several in the Area who students test scores are FAR ABOVE public School Students. I pay Property Taxes, Why Can I not use that money to send my kids to the Schools I want to.

Oh I Know cause Democrats are against choice, and to beholden to Public Sector Unions to give a rats ass about my kids Education.

Also known as facts, dittohead. What's wrong with education is not the teachers, it's the non rich family life falling apart under voodoo. Schools are part of the infrastructure that's falling apart, and the student's family life is going to hell too. As long as the rich's taxes are low, I guess the country falling apart is OK.

Ah yes, that Crack mom in Los Angeles only needs some extra sugar from some rich dude to improve Junior's grades. Leftist reasoning at it's finest..
A. Pubs have blocked ALL jobs bills since 1/2010. ie, battle them and their gigantic propaganda machine.
B. Pubs want those trade agreements more, but NOT training for workers affected, or for that matter ANY education of ANY kind for ANYBODY.

Have you ever made a point that was nothing but a regurgitated Democrat Talking point?

The Democrat Senate has tabled no less than 12 GOP house bills aimed at stimulating Job Growth. Your problem is you believe the only way to create Jobs is with spending bills. You are wrong.

Against Education? Yeah right. It is you Democrats that want to keep the status quo. Failing schools, and falling test scores. the DOE passing out money to the states, but putting Mandates and regulations on them that cost 25% then they give out. A DOE that cares more about keeping teacher Unions happy, than giving our kids a better education. Teachers unions that care more about their Benefits, and time off than the Kids Education.

Sorry you Little Lemming, that just keeps repeating Democrat lies. It is your Party that is standing in the way of even attempting to Improve our School Systems. Your Party that is standing in the way of Choice through Vouchers, and Merit Based pay for Teachers.

I Bet you don't have any kids. I have 2, and the thought of them being failed by our Public Schools pisses me off. I would love a voucher to send him to private school. We have several in the Area who students test scores are FAR ABOVE public School Students. I pay Property Taxes, Why Can I not use that money to send my kids to the Schools I want to.

Oh I Know cause Democrats are against choice, and to beholden to Public Sector Unions to give a rats ass about my kids Education.

Also known as facts, dittohead. What's wrong with education is not the teachers, it's the non rich family life falling apart under voodoo. Schools are part of the infrastructure that's falling apart, and the student's family life is going to hell too. As long as the rich's taxes are low, I guess the country falling apart is OK.

Pure Fucking BS. While other countries schools focus on mathematics, and Science. Our Public Schools spend half their time teaching Kids how to be PC, and Tolerant, and all get along. Our Schools are failing because instead of just teaching kids what they need to know, they are trying to socially engineer kids.

And fuck you and your blaming the RICH for it. the VAST majority of Public School funds come from Property taxes, and the rich PAY WAY the fuck more of it than the poor.

You learned your fucking class warfare, Liberal lemming BS, in Public schools lol. Just another example of why our kids are not learning shit.
" Democrats had a FULL house--in Jan. 2010 for two solid years Obama--Pelosi--Reid. In fact Republicans were such a minority--they could even muster up a filibuster".

You're a brainwashed MORON... Dems were filibusterproof for FIVE MONTHS: 7/8/2009 till 1/2010. not to worry, 30% of the country is too...
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" Democrats had a FULL house--in Jan. 2010 for two solid years Obama--Pelosi--Reid. In fact Republicans were such a minority--they could even muster up a filibuster".

You're a brainwashed NORON... Dems were filibusterproof for FIVE MONTHS: 7/8/2010 till 1/2010. not to worry, 30% of the country is too...

I doubt you even know what a filibuster is. A filibuster is nothing more than A NON-WORKING stall on a VOTE of an existing bill. Someone gets up there and does a marathon speech about anything--and once they finish their marathon speech--the vote goes on schedule. It doesn't stop anything.

And you have to have a certain amount of reps./dems. to muster up a filibuster--which did not happen for 2 solid years--up until Jan. 2011--it couldn't have happened because republicans were such a minority. This is exactly why OBAMACARE was able to pass--there was republican opposition--but they were the minut minority and couldn't stop it from passing.

So don't be blaming the failures of democrats and Obama on Republicans for their failed economic policies. They did it--and they paid for it in November 2010--in an historic 75 year wipe out of democrats in the house and senate--and in state legislatures all across this country.
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“We should raise our Children to be like the Egyptian Youth” Barack Obama, after the Egyptian revolution.

David Cameron, The British prime minister said” We should teach the Egyptian revolution in our schools”

Silvio Berlusconi, The prime minister of Italy said” Nothing new about Egypt, The Egyptian just created the history as usual”

Jens Stoltenberg, Norway Prime Minister said “Today, We all are Egyptians”

Heinz Fischer, President of Austria said “The Egyptian people are the greatest in the world and deserves the Nobel prize for peace”

CNN, One of the major TV News Channels “For the first time in history we witness people revolute and clean the streets afterwards”

Egypt latest News by Memphis Tours”Egypt in the World’s eyes” « Sightseeing, Cruise Holiday Travel, tours, trips package in Egypt

When world leaders do not know what they are speaking and what will be the end results then "it is over".

Somebody has rightly said "The governments gone mad"
"The Democrat Senate has tabled no less than 12 GOP house bills aimed at stimulating Job Growth. Your problem is you believe the only way to create Jobs is with spending bills. You are wrong."

Those bills are a joke= pure electoneering they knew had no chance...D'OH!
"I doubt you even know what a filibuster is. A filibuster is nothing more than A NON-WORKING stall on a VOTE of an existing bill. Someone gets up there and does a marathon speech about anything--and once they finish their marathon speech--the vote goes on schedule. It doesn't stop anything."

You're a brainwashed MORON! The Pubs changed the filibuster- All you have to do is SAY you're filibustering, and the bill is DONE. Read some wiki or something, dittohead dupe.
"The Democrat Senate has tabled no less than 12 GOP house bills aimed at stimulating Job Growth. Your problem is you believe the only way to create Jobs is with spending bills. You are wrong."

Those bills are a joke= pure electoneering they knew had no chance...D'OH!

Are you actually reading the posts you write before you hit the submit button--:lol:

"The democrat senate has tabled no less than 12 GOP house bill aimed at stimulating job growth."

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