The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Well, we always knew the Son of a Bitch from Chicago was crooked as the shit filled river that shares it's name with the same shit filled city.

But we didn't know he was this corrupt. According to Judge Napolitano, Scalia shared with him his concern over the Obama's Regime's spying on the Supreme Court and what they were privately discussing, and the fact that other members of SCOTUS had the same belief, noting that there was no way that the Obama Administration would be able to know certain things without there being Surveillance being conducted on him and other member of SCOTUS.

Then there is the revelation that James Clapper secretly relaxed certain unmasking rules just a few weeks after President Trump had won the election to allow people like Susan Rice, Comey, and Loretta Lynch to insulate themselves as being the sources of leaks, and disseminate classified and unmasked intelligence to pretty much everyone in a coordinated smear campaign no doubt Ordered By Obama Bin Spying as a big Fuck You to The American People and Democracy shortly before creating his Operation Resist Arrest initiative to form a Confederate Government. No wonder he resigned so abruptly.

Combine this with multiple violations of the Espionage Act and 18 months of illegal surveillance of The Trump Campaign team, Pakistani Hackers with criminal records working for The DNC and HIllary Clinton who were selling information, and had Super User access to Opposition Congressmen's Private Files, and James Comey, not only doing everything he could to excuse Clinton's crimes and sweep them under the rug, but also do everything he could to sabotage The Presidency and interrupt the Peaceful Transition of Power, even going so far to personally leak classified intel to The Press, and you have what can only be described as a coordinated attempt by Obama Bin Lying to Collude with several heads of Powerful Government Agencies and Bureaus to conduct a soft coup. This was and is an Operation to Subvert American Democracy.
We even have attempts to commit massive voter fraud by The DNC through Motor Voter Registrations and having Millions of Illegals vote in the last election.

This was a subversive coordinated campaign that The Soviet Union's KGB would be proud of. We even had THE FBI & DNC disseminating Propaganda and colluding with the Ukraine & Foreign Spies to promote a Russian Sourced Fake Dossier, and an Entire Political Party trying to rig an election and engaging in Manufactured Political Lies with the help of The Disgraced President of The United States of America to promote a Fake Narrative to destabilize our Government and jeopardize our relations with Foreign Nations.

My question is this... When is Mueller going to investigate The Obama Regime for the DOUBLE DIGIT SCANDALS, this one being the Cherry on top and dwarfing Watergate on Steroids?

This is your Government out of control, with NO CHECKS and Balances on The Deep State. No Accountability. LAWLESSNESS!

These are the kind of felonies that send people to jail, and destabilize governments if there are no penalties, and no justice served. This is what Venezuela looks like when Tyrants turn The Power of Government against it's own people.

The only way The American People will know if Mueller is an honest man and if Washington is finally going to be cleaned up is if some people in The Obama Administration are finally going to do some jail time. And we aren't talking about a slap on the wrist. We had corruption at the IRS, FBI, DOJ, & NSA, as well as THE DNC, The Presidency, and his hand picked successor, Hillary Clinton who was every bit as rotten to the core as the Chief Rotten Apple, Obama Bin Spying!


The NSA Has Loosened Its Privacy Rules, Just in Time For Trump
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Obama illegally used the IRS as a political weapon against Americans.

Obama illegally spied on / hacked reporters.

Obama illegally spied on the media.

Obama illegally spied on Americans.

Obama illegally spied on the Senate.

Obama illegally spied on the Supreme Court.

Snowflakes be like, "He's the greatest President in US history'.

needs some sort of support for obama's alleged spying on the supreme court.
NSA Whistleblower: NSA Spies On Congress, Supreme Court, White House, And Probably Trump

"NSA whistleblower Bill Binney, who left the intel agency in 2001, told Tucker Carlson not only was Donald Trump probably spied on but also members of Congress and the Supreme Court. Binney also talked about NSA employees who spied on spouses and significant others to see if they were being cheated on. Binney is a 30-year veteran of the National Security Agency.

"Inside NSA there are a set of people who are -- and we got this from another NSA whistleblower who witnessed some of this -- they're inside there, they are targeting and looking at all the members of the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress, both House and Senate, as well as the White House," Binney said..."
By the way, in my opinion, all of this stuff that has been coming out for months justifies President Trump's dissatisfaction with Sessions, and justifies his firing of Priebus (Establishment GOP) who according to Scaramucci was leaking information to the press.

I think Scaramucci was hired to be an Axe Man, and then make a hasty exit, and if so, this was a brilliant move to get rid of Priebus, and a couple other of Priebus' staffers to clean up the leaks, and then make a clean exit, giving General Kelly and the Trump Administration a Reset, and a clean slate, to restart their initiatives and deliver more of his campaign promises.
Are yous so naive to not think that Trump has spies and uses them to hear what is said about him....He already let his cat out of the bag when he said no one gets appointed in the govt. until they are checked out to see if they have ever said anything negative about himself....
(The leaks have not stopped. IMO Trump needs to have Sessions ID one of the leakers and then absolutely throw the book at them, 'crucify' them extremely publicly, shaming them, 'destroying' them - 1 'sacrifice' / example to show it will not be tolerated.)
thanks, but that guy left the NSA in 2001. i wonder how he can be a relevant whistleblower now, for what obama allegedly did.

Obama's Director of the NSA was caught perjuring himself when he testified this illegal spying on Americans was NOT going on. He was allowed to re-appear before Congress, though and allowed to change his testimony to avoid Perjury Charges. Obama's Director of the CIA was exposed as well for spying on the Senate, pointed out by D-Diane Feinstein.

Obama has been exposed as illegally spying on reporters, the media, Americans, and even CONGRESS. You really think Barry was going to spare the USSC from his illegal spying, especially when early on he and the USSC were having their feud? (Remember the USSC refusing to stand for the President?)

If so, I have a bridge to sell you....

thanks, but that guy left the NSA in 2001. i wonder how he can be a relevant whistleblower now, for what obama allegedly did.

Obama's Director of the NSA was caught perjuring himself when he testified this illegal spying on Americans was NOT going on. He was allowed to re-appear before Congress, though and allowed to change his testimony to avoid Perjury Charges. Obama's Director of the CIA was exposed as well for spying on the Senate, pointed out by D-Diane Feinstein.

Obama has been exposed as illegally spying on reporters, the media, Americans, and even CONGRESS. You really think Barry was going to spare the USSC from his illegal spying, especially when early on he and the USSC were having their feud? (Remember the USSC refusing to stand for the President?)

If so, I have a bridge to sell you....

the whistleblower is attacking the NSA, and claims that they spy on everybody, including the White House. why do you think Obama would order that? sounds to me like the whistleblower claims that the NSA is a rogue organisation.
Trump...." you better HOPE that we didn't tape you saying that"....:funnyface:

It's one thing to make a bluff to force a corrupt FBI head to tell the Truth, contradict himself, perjure himself, then out himself as a Traitor who leaked classified information, and another to actually commit Treason against WE THE PEOPLE of The United States and abuse the power of his office and for him and his KGB cronies to commit multiple felonies to conduct a soft Coup against an incoming administration.

Nothing like "HOPE" right?

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Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Democrats during Obama's 'reign' were the most criminal regarding illegal spying, mishandling classified, giving illegal access to classified to unauthorized people / spies, illegally sharing classified, illegally unmasking Americans, and engaging in Espionage. Obama's criminal administration 'raped' this nation and its people '3 ways to Sunday', and all the snowflakes can say is, 'Thank you, sir, may I have another?!'
The whistleblower is attacking the NSA, and claims that they spy on everybody, including the White House. why do you think Obama would order that? sounds to me like the whistleblower claims that the NSA is a rogue organisation.
Except you omit and manipulate so very much to make your tale seem plausible. As my last post reminds everyone, the Obama administration has been PROVEN to have been engaged in so much illegal activity that the idea that the USSSC was not spied upon or that Obama did not have a hand in it (like the IRS abuse that aided his re-election) is ridiculous.
thanks, but that guy left the NSA in 2001. i wonder how he can be a relevant whistleblower now, for what obama allegedly did.

Obama's Director of the NSA was caught perjuring himself when he testified this illegal spying on Americans was NOT going on. He was allowed to re-appear before Congress, though and allowed to change his testimony to avoid Perjury Charges. Obama's Director of the CIA was exposed as well for spying on the Senate, pointed out by D-Diane Feinstein.

Obama has been exposed as illegally spying on reporters, the media, Americans, and even CONGRESS. You really think Barry was going to spare the USSC from his illegal spying, especially when early on he and the USSC were having their feud? (Remember the USSC refusing to stand for the President?)

If so, I have a bridge to sell you....

the whistleblower is attacking the NSA, and claims that they spy on everybody, including the White House. why do you think Obama would order that? sounds to me like the whistleblower claims that the NSA is a rogue organisation.

Headed by Obama's handpicked man?
That only attacked The Trump Administration and his staff?
So was THE FBI, THE DOJ, and IRS Rogue Organization's TOO?
They all were doing the same thing, using The Power of Government against political opponents, just like Marxist Venezuela has been doing and is doing now.

This was a coordinated effort with the president colluding with his handpicked corrupt puppets in The IRS, DOJ, FBI, and NSA.
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