The orange bag 'O shit has had his day in court. Got his due process. Verdict? GUILTY. ALL 34 FELONY counts. Soak it in, magaturds.
Put this bag 'O shit in cuffs. If he resists, maybe make his fat head meet a few new walls. Hell, hogtie the worthless trash former *pResident and bring him to a...
Kamala Harris calls for Twitter to suspend Trump account over whistleblower attacks
"If he’s not going to exercise self restraint, then perhaps there should be other mechanisms in place to make sure his words don’t harm anyone."
According to the Whistleblower Protection Act, federal agencies...
The Republicans rushed to impeach Bill Clinton.
The Starr Report was released in full and unredacted and right after that, they impeached Bill Clinton in the house without even a hearing first. Just the vote.
Even though we know Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies and...
Look at all the felonies listed from the Mueller report.
Then the multiple felonies Trump directed Michael Cohen to commit.
In fact, they even have the evidence of Trump's crimes signed by Trump himself:
Each one another crime. While he was in office.
Even Don Jr.
Trump Jr. Dodged...
This was the 2018 Map:
Notice how many Blue States were up for re election? And with Democrats having nearly triple the number of seats up, Republicans only won a meager two more than they had.
Now this is 2020:
A lot of states there that have been trending Blue. And, this will be a...
Can't wait for the day when the little bitch named Sessions gets fired ...
Trump goes after Sessions over GOP congressmen indictments
Trump goes after Sessions over GOP congressmen indictments
Well, we always knew the Son of a Bitch from Chicago was crooked as the shit filled river that shares it's name with the same shit filled city.
But we didn't know he was this corrupt. According to Judge Napolitano, Scalia shared with him his concern over the Obama's Regime's spying on the...