Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Oh geee... those ole racist WHITE FOLK... they're just... sooo... RACIST... they just can't stand a BLACK MAN in the White House... all this RIOTING and THREATS and VIOLENT WHITE CRIME ON BLACKS because obama is president... PFFFT... :lol:

THE OTHER WAY AROUND FOLKS... and it's becoming more clear EVERY DAMN DAY...

New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election

Buzz explodes across web

Paul Joseph Watson
October 15, 2012

Despite the issue receiving national media attention, Obama supporters continue to threaten to riot if Mitt Romney wins the presidential election, raising the prospect of civil unrest if Obama fails to secure a second term.

The new threats continue to dominate Twitter and the vast majority make no reference to press coverage of the issue over the last week, illustrating the fact that they are a legitimate expression of how many Obama voters plan to respond if Romney comes out on top, and not merely a reaction to media hype.

» New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Forgive me if I'm proven wrong, but I seriously doubt African Americans have the wherewithal to sustain a nationwide riot against a race of people who possess a disproportionately superior arsenal. Once caucasian blood was spilled en-masse on American streets without immediate intervention on behalf of law enforcement, the tide of civil unrest would arguably favour the more heavily armed white majority.

In short, once faced with armed whites who are no longer constrained by the bonds of enforced civility and years of being denied a voice for themselves as a group, rioting blacks baying for white blood would turn tail and run. People often forget that multiculturalism relies largely on civil obedience. If that goes out the window - like it did in the UK last year, where human nature unburdened by obedience reared its ugly head - all bets are off. But who knows, perhaps a riot of this nature might prove useful (or indeed, beneficial) to society as a whole.
All I hope is the take this mess downtown and burn white businesses down instead of burning down the Black neighborhoods like they did in the 60's.
Forgive me if I'm proven wrong, but I seriously doubt African Americans have the wherewithal to sustain a nationwide riot against a race of people who possess a disproportionately superior arsenal. Once caucasian blood was spilled en-masse on American streets without immediate intervention on behalf of law enforcement, the tide of civil unrest would arguably favour the more heavily armed white majority.

In short, once faced with armed whites who are no longer constrained by the bonds of enforced civility and years of being denied a voice for themselves as a group, rioting blacks baying for white blood would turn tail and run. People often forget that multiculturalism relies largely on civil obedience. If that goes out the window - like it did in the UK last year, where human nature unburdened by obedience reared its ugly head - all bets are off. But who knows, perhaps a riot of this nature might prove useful (or indeed, beneficial) to society as a whole.

aww ya'll aint going to do nothing but cry for your momma's,well armed eh,you might be in for another custers last stand.
All I hope is the take this mess downtown and burn white businesses down instead of burning down the Black neighborhoods like they did in the 60's.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRc_FlmW2Jc]La Riots store owners protect store with guns - YouTube[/ame]
Riots? why? what has Obama done to really bless the Black community? :confused:
I'm not doing a damn thing but going to work either way if Barack wins or loses.
The reaction of the far right confederate cadres to a black president hurt civil rights.

That's OK. We will just crush the bastards again if we have to, just like last time.
Nobody but nobody gives a crap about Bonney, a bunch of country necks down there.

Mess around in Houston with the brothers or the hispanics, you ass is grass.

They dont riot in swamplands

Thats good because I don't live in a swamp.

4 days out of the week I stay at my house in Houston, on the weekends I go to my ranch in Bonney.

I've been living in and around Houston for over 50 years. My ass has never been grass.

Best you keep your pansy ass out of Bonney.

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