Obama says he set Trump up with a good economy

Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....

It’s a fact obama handed trump a great economy. Trump didn’t need to pass that tax break and it didn’t do shit for the economy but added a lot to the debt

I have to laugh at you left extremists who are worried NOW about debt, but were silent as barry was buring us with debt. Damn hilarious, I tell you.

What about you cons who were debt hawks under obama but not now?

Why aren’t you worrying about trumps days of vacation and his families spending?

The answer to you questions are simple! RWers and/or Trumpanzees are dishonest hypocrites who lie and lie and lie.

/----/ The answer to you questions are simple! RWers and/or Trumpanzees are dishonest hypocrites who lie and lie and lie.
View attachment 196309

Thanks so much for sharing, a little ad hominem is always nice when the source whose words are an echo, who never considered the context, & never offered proof that the response maligned was untrue.
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

The numbers support Obama's claim. Unemployment was at a decade low, wages started accelerating in the summer of 2016, and the stock market was at a record high.

However, there is no doubt that the election of Trump has goosed the economy even more. Again, you can see it in the numbers. The PMIs spiked after Trump was elected.

A better measure is comparing the economy of Trump to what would have happened under Hillary. And I think the economy since the election wouldn't have been as strong as it has been if Hillary had been elected.

Under Trump, in one of my holdings (stocks &bonds) this year are down about $50k. I'm not a day trader and use professional managers to advise me.

Stocks are flat this year. They were up over 20% last year.
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....

Really, wow!!! Please tell us exactly what Trump has done to create jobs, reduce unemployment and reduce our deficit, and ultimately the debt.

I really need to understand, since at the moment, and for the last 16 moments, I've believed he is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and a bully whose main focus is on his best interests.

Please disabuse my beliefs, and make the case that Trump has made life so much better for ALL Americans. There must be some reasons, some legislation, some things to make someone as astute as you conclude Trump is not the lying, two-faced, narcissistic,self serving and arrogant jerk he presents in public.

The first step was to make America less hostile towards business and encouraging businesses to expand and grow by giving them some confidence and that results in more jobs which, in turn, leads to a more healthy economy. Telling Americans that they should get used to the way things are, there is nothing we can do about it except make businesses pay more taxes and to tighten our belts doesn't really give anyone more confidence and is not helpful in any way.

Oh BULLSHIT!!!! ^^^

Name the policies, EO's or legislation which was hostile to business? Explain how the costs to keep our rivers, air and soil clean impacts business negatively, when they simply raise their prices to consumers?

Progressive, liberals, Democrats do not tell "Americans that they should get used to the way things are", one more piece of digested bull food eliminated in your comments.

It is sickening to read the carp the callous and uninformed / ignorant conservatives post day in and day out.

oh brother, this coming from a person who lives in Ca. where they are over 400 billion in debt and counting.
Rating The Obama Years For Small Business Growth
Small businesses hope to see Obama-backed rules scrapped
Why Does Obama Dislike Small Businesses So Much? | HuffPost
How Obama Lost Small Business

The Obama administration is responsible for six of the top seven all-time highest total number of pages of rules and regulations published in a given year in the Federal Register. Obama has added an average of 78,785 pages annually, up more than 2,000 a year from the 76,783 pages issued annually by his predecessor.

While all these new rules are well-intentioned and have a purpose, they are killing smaller businesses, such as community banks, independent health care providers, manufacturers and service providers. More, these rules give bigger companies a competitive advantage, because they can afford the lawyers necessary to stay compliant with federal law.
Obama's rules have drained small business

LIAR. CA as most states (all) must have a balanced budget, the indebtedness is a result of the don't tax and spend Republican minority which the voters in CA silenced, i.e. the GOP's form of fiscal conservatism which created the mess** (in CA, and continuing in the nation as a whole).

** The GOP in the CA St. Legislature raided the taxes once used by local government and special districts, and passed laws (such as three strikes, and other means to prohibit supervised probation. Thus local government had fewer resources to treat juveniles and adults on the local level, leading to filling the prisons of many whose punishment could have been less harsh if placed in half-way houses/group homes and received counseling for alcohol and other drug addictions while under maximum supervision of PO's and support from social workers and counselors.

Instead the prisons became overcrowded, exacerbating a growing problem of criminal gangs fueled by turf battles on the outside, leading to murders, while the sale of drugs, most notable the highly addictive crack cocaine, made its users felons for simple possession of a single rock.

Liar? Really???? you are one of those delusional left wing whackos. Now run along
State of California Debt Clock
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

The numbers support Obama's claim. Unemployment was at a decade low, wages started accelerating in the summer of 2016, and the stock market was at a record high.

However, there is no doubt that the election of Trump has goosed the economy even more. Again, you can see it in the numbers. The PMIs spiked after Trump was elected.

A better measure is comparing the economy of Trump to what would have happened under Hillary. And I think the economy since the election wouldn't have been as strong as it has been if Hillary had been elected.

Under Trump, in one of my holdings (stocks &bonds) this year are down about $50k. I'm not a day trader and use professional managers to advise me.

Stocks are flat this year. They were up over 20% last year.

Yep, as part of the Obama Recovery, and down this year a result of the Trump Chaos.
Stocks are flat this year. They were up over 20% last year
they will come back

True, I opened a new 529 account with $5k for our newest grandson, and will continue to put $100.00 per month in his and his brothers account for the next 18 years. I expect if the Democrats win the H. of Rep., and maybe even the Senate too, the market will further recover once fiscal responsibility / sanity returns to The Congress. Austerity is nothing more than kicking the can(s) down the road and sticking our posterity with a much larger bill to repair an infrastructure 50 years in need of refurbishment.
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....

It’s a fact obama handed trump a great economy. Trump didn’t need to pass that tax break and it didn’t do shit for the economy but added a lot to the debt

I have to laugh at you left extremists who are worried NOW about debt, but were silent as barry was buring us with debt. Damn hilarious, I tell you.

What about you cons who were debt hawks under obama but not now?

Why aren’t you worrying about trumps days of vacation and his families spending?

The answer to you questions are simple! RWers and/or Trumpanzees are dishonest hypocrites who lie and lie and lie.

/----/ The answer to you questions are simple! RWers and/or Trumpanzees are dishonest hypocrites who lie and lie and lie.
View attachment 196309

Pot meet kettle
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

The numbers support Obama's claim. Unemployment was at a decade low, wages started accelerating in the summer of 2016, and the stock market was at a record high.

However, there is no doubt that the election of Trump has goosed the economy even more. Again, you can see it in the numbers. The PMIs spiked after Trump was elected.

A better measure is comparing the economy of Trump to what would have happened under Hillary. And I think the economy since the election wouldn't have been as strong as it has been if Hillary had been elected.

Under Trump, in one of my holdings (stocks &bonds) this year are down about $50k. I'm not a day trader and use professional managers to advise me.

Stocks are flat this year. They were up over 20% last year.

Yep, as part of the Obama Recovery, and down this year a result of the Trump Chaos.
It couldn't be a rising Fed Fund Rate that is cooling the market, could it? Don't let common sense enter into your yarn, Wry
Really, wow!!! Please tell us exactly what Trump has done to create jobs, reduce unemployment and reduce our deficit, and ultimately the debt.

I really need to understand, since at the moment, and for the last 16 moments, I've believed he is inept, incompetent, inexperienced and a bully whose main focus is on his best interests.

Please disabuse my beliefs, and make the case that Trump has made life so much better for ALL Americans. There must be some reasons, some legislation, some things to make someone as astute as you conclude Trump is not the lying, two-faced, narcissistic,self serving and arrogant jerk he presents in public.

The first step was to make America less hostile towards business and encouraging businesses to expand and grow by giving them some confidence and that results in more jobs which, in turn, leads to a more healthy economy. Telling Americans that they should get used to the way things are, there is nothing we can do about it except make businesses pay more taxes and to tighten our belts doesn't really give anyone more confidence and is not helpful in any way.

Oh BULLSHIT!!!! ^^^

Name the policies, EO's or legislation which was hostile to business? Explain how the costs to keep our rivers, air and soil clean impacts business negatively, when they simply raise their prices to consumers?

Progressive, liberals, Democrats do not tell "Americans that they should get used to the way things are", one more piece of digested bull food eliminated in your comments.

It is sickening to read the carp the callous and uninformed / ignorant conservatives post day in and day out.
oh brother, this coming from a person who lives in Ca. where they are over 400 billion in debt and counting.
Rating The Obama Years For Small Business Growth
Small businesses hope to see Obama-backed rules scrapped
Why Does Obama Dislike Small Businesses So Much? | HuffPost
How Obama Lost Small Business

The Obama administration is responsible for six of the top seven all-time highest total number of pages of rules and regulations published in a given year in the Federal Register. Obama has added an average of 78,785 pages annually, up more than 2,000 a year from the 76,783 pages issued annually by his predecessor.

While all these new rules are well-intentioned and have a purpose, they are killing smaller businesses, such as community banks, independent health care providers, manufacturers and service providers. More, these rules give bigger companies a competitive advantage, because they can afford the lawyers necessary to stay compliant with federal law.
Obama's rules have drained small business

LIAR. CA as most states (all) must have a balanced budget, the indebtedness is a result of the don't tax and spend Republican minority which the voters in CA silenced, i.e. the GOP's form of fiscal conservatism which created the mess** (in CA, and continuing in the nation as a whole).

** The GOP in the CA St. Legislature raided the taxes once used by local government and special districts, and passed laws (such as three strikes, and other means to prohibit supervised probation. Thus local government had fewer resources to treat juveniles and adults on the local level, leading to filling the prisons of many whose punishment could have been less harsh if placed in half-way houses/group homes and received counseling for alcohol and other drug addictions while under maximum supervision of PO's and support from social workers and counselors.

Instead the prisons became overcrowded, exacerbating a growing problem of criminal gangs fueled by turf battles on the outside, leading to murders, while the sale of drugs, most notable the highly addictive crack cocaine, made its users felons for simple possession of a single rock.
Liar? Really???? you are one of those delusional left wing whackos. Now run along
State of California Debt Clock

Your cartoon is not sourced, and the debt carried is based on the don't tax and spend GOP who created it. Brown has created fiscal sanity much to the disdain to the progressive Democrats but very welcome by most liberals, and those who understand that austerity and trickle down theories have never worked.

The budget itself requires spending, and estimates on revenues. So the cartoon is just that, someone's partisan guess.

There is no free lunch, people need to pay for their health care and put more away for their retirement. The bulk of the dept is in retirement owed to retirees, and to bonds which your chart does not take into effect which aid commerce in the 5th highest GDP in the world.

New hires do not receive the generous retirement package that some of us received. But the courts have ruled that retirement is a contract, and that contract cannot be legislated away.
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....


Didn't Obama, very publicly, say that those jobs were never coming back???
Well those jobs are coming back....because Trump is improving competition with the places our jobs are moving to.
Obama, just wants to create new jobs instead of bringing back the jobs we lost to foreign countries.
Who cares that many of the people who lost their jobs were 5 years from retirement and can't learn some high-tech job that Obama thinks is a better job.
Also, Obama thinks everyone should be white-collar, and piss on the blue-collar workers.

Obama is showing a narrow pattern of thinking which comes from our universities and doesn't take into consideration the knowledge that comes from working with your hands.
The first step was to make America less hostile towards business and encouraging businesses to expand and grow by giving them some confidence and that results in more jobs which, in turn, leads to a more healthy economy. Telling Americans that they should get used to the way things are, there is nothing we can do about it except make businesses pay more taxes and to tighten our belts doesn't really give anyone more confidence and is not helpful in any way.

Oh BULLSHIT!!!! ^^^

Name the policies, EO's or legislation which was hostile to business? Explain how the costs to keep our rivers, air and soil clean impacts business negatively, when they simply raise their prices to consumers?

Progressive, liberals, Democrats do not tell "Americans that they should get used to the way things are", one more piece of digested bull food eliminated in your comments.

It is sickening to read the carp the callous and uninformed / ignorant conservatives post day in and day out.
oh brother, this coming from a person who lives in Ca. where they are over 400 billion in debt and counting.
Rating The Obama Years For Small Business Growth
Small businesses hope to see Obama-backed rules scrapped
Why Does Obama Dislike Small Businesses So Much? | HuffPost
How Obama Lost Small Business

The Obama administration is responsible for six of the top seven all-time highest total number of pages of rules and regulations published in a given year in the Federal Register. Obama has added an average of 78,785 pages annually, up more than 2,000 a year from the 76,783 pages issued annually by his predecessor.

While all these new rules are well-intentioned and have a purpose, they are killing smaller businesses, such as community banks, independent health care providers, manufacturers and service providers. More, these rules give bigger companies a competitive advantage, because they can afford the lawyers necessary to stay compliant with federal law.
Obama's rules have drained small business

LIAR. CA as most states (all) must have a balanced budget, the indebtedness is a result of the don't tax and spend Republican minority which the voters in CA silenced, i.e. the GOP's form of fiscal conservatism which created the mess** (in CA, and continuing in the nation as a whole).

** The GOP in the CA St. Legislature raided the taxes once used by local government and special districts, and passed laws (such as three strikes, and other means to prohibit supervised probation. Thus local government had fewer resources to treat juveniles and adults on the local level, leading to filling the prisons of many whose punishment could have been less harsh if placed in half-way houses/group homes and received counseling for alcohol and other drug addictions while under maximum supervision of PO's and support from social workers and counselors.

Instead the prisons became overcrowded, exacerbating a growing problem of criminal gangs fueled by turf battles on the outside, leading to murders, while the sale of drugs, most notable the highly addictive crack cocaine, made its users felons for simple possession of a single rock.
Liar? Really???? you are one of those delusional left wing whackos. Now run along
State of California Debt Clock

Your cartoon is not sourced, and the debt carried is based on the don't tax and spend GOP who created it. Brown has created fiscal sanity much to the disdain to the progressive Democrats but very welcome by most liberals, and those who understand that austerity and trickle down theories have never worked.

The budget itself requires spending, and estimates on revenues. So the cartoon is just that, someone's partisan guess.

There is no free lunch, people need to pay for their health care and put more away for their retirement. The bulk of the dept is in retirement owed to retirees, and to bonds which your chart does not take into effect which aid commerce in the 5th highest GDP in the world.

New hires do not receive the generous retirement package that some of us received. But the courts have ruled that retirement is a contract, and that contract cannot be legislated away.
OVER 400 BILLION IN DEBT, WRY!!!!!!! Compare Debt By State for 2018 - Charts
Yes, the American First president, with a career in business that earned him billions as he employed thousands of Americans along the way, who is taking on ALL trade abusers, N Korea, China and erasing almost all of Obamas efforts has nothing on the activist who had the country on government dependence.

The more Obama speaks the better it is for the GOP. Even Obamas supporters will see how deluded they are.

Seems you left out Canada and Western Europe, Australia too. Each has also promised to raise tariffs on items we need, and the added cost will be paid by every American consumer.

What items do we need from Canada, western Europe and Australia ?

Uranium? Canada. Australia.

Oil. Canada.

I don't know wtf we need from Western Europe.

The U.S. is now the largest producer of oil in the world.
Uranium wouldnt be an issue if hillary hadnt sold the Russians a substantial part of our stocks.

The US has always been on top or near top in production. The problem is our demands surpassed our production back in the 60's I think.

Uranium is not an issue even after the sale of those Canadian owned mines. Currently (including the Russian owned mines) we only produce 20% of our annual needs. The rest we import. Mostly from Canada. The mines in that U deal represents about 4% of our annual consumption of Uranium. What escapes notice s is we purchased 550 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia between 1993 and 2013. Whose whining about that?
Watch this to see how disingenuous that statement was....he didn't know what to do or he knew exactly what he was doing...making America more dependent again.......thank God he is gone and Hillary lost.....or we would be in deep shit right now.....

This isn't Obama's economy...this is Trump's economy.....


Didn't Obama, very publicly, say that those jobs were never coming back???
Well those jobs are coming back....because Trump is improving competition with the places our jobs are moving to.
Obama, just wants to create new jobs instead of bringing back the jobs we lost to foreign countries.
Who cares that many of the people who lost their jobs were 5 years from retirement and can't learn some high-tech job that Obama thinks is a better job.
Also, Obama thinks everyone should be white-collar, and piss on the blue-collar workers.

Obama is showing a narrow pattern of thinking which comes from our universities and doesn't take into consideration the knowledge that comes from working with your hands.

Yes, Obama basically told us that this was our "new normal" and to tighten our belts and get used to it. Remember when he told people to not spend money in Vegas? Lol. I wonder if he was vacationing in Hawaii while telling citizens how to spend THEIR money? :D
Yes, the American First president, with a career in business that earned him billions as he employed thousands of Americans along the way, who is taking on ALL trade abusers, N Korea, China and erasing almost all of Obamas efforts has nothing on the activist who had the country on government dependence.

The more Obama speaks the better it is for the GOP. Even Obamas supporters will see how deluded they are.

Seems you left out Canada and Western Europe, Australia too. Each has also promised to raise tariffs on items we need, and the added cost will be paid by every American consumer.

What items do we need from Canada, western Europe and Australia ?

Uranium? Canada. Australia.

Oil. Canada.

I don't know wtf we need from Western Europe.

The U.S. is now the largest producer of oil in the world.
Uranium wouldnt be an issue if hillary hadnt sold the Russians a substantial part of our stocks.

The US has always been on top or near top in production. The problem is our demands surpassed our production back in the 60's I think.

Uranium is not an issue even after the sale of those Canadian owned mines. Currently (including the Russian owned mines) we only produce 20% of our annual needs. The rest we import. Mostly from Canada. The mines in that U deal represents about 4% of our annual consumption of Uranium. What escapes notice s is we purchased 550 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia between 1993 and 2013. Whose whining about that?
/----/ Me. I'm whining about relying on basic raw materials for defense from Russians who are not our friends.
Seems you left out Canada and Western Europe, Australia too. Each has also promised to raise tariffs on items we need, and the added cost will be paid by every American consumer.

What items do we need from Canada, western Europe and Australia ?

Uranium? Canada. Australia.

Oil. Canada.

I don't know wtf we need from Western Europe.

The U.S. is now the largest producer of oil in the world.
Uranium wouldnt be an issue if hillary hadnt sold the Russians a substantial part of our stocks.

The US has always been on top or near top in production. The problem is our demands surpassed our production back in the 60's I think.

Uranium is not an issue even after the sale of those Canadian owned mines. Currently (including the Russian owned mines) we only produce 20% of our annual needs. The rest we import. Mostly from Canada. The mines in that U deal represents about 4% of our annual consumption of Uranium. What escapes notice s is we purchased 550 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia between 1993 and 2013. Whose whining about that?
/----/ Me. I'm whining about relying on basic raw materials for defense from Russians who are not our friends.
We have to anyway since the US only has 2% of the Earth's known uranium ore.
Obama was/is delusional. That idiot also said business owners .... well.. let’s hear it from him...

I’m glad that idiot is finally gone.

Speaking of delusional.
Seems you left out Canada and Western Europe, Australia too. Each has also promised to raise tariffs on items we need, and the added cost will be paid by every American consumer.

What items do we need from Canada, western Europe and Australia ?

Uranium? Canada. Australia.

Oil. Canada.

I don't know wtf we need from Western Europe.

The U.S. is now the largest producer of oil in the world.
Uranium wouldnt be an issue if hillary hadnt sold the Russians a substantial part of our stocks.

The US has always been on top or near top in production. The problem is our demands surpassed our production back in the 60's I think.

Uranium is not an issue even after the sale of those Canadian owned mines. Currently (including the Russian owned mines) we only produce 20% of our annual needs. The rest we import. Mostly from Canada. The mines in that U deal represents about 4% of our annual consumption of Uranium. What escapes notice s is we purchased 550 tons worth of weapons grade uranium from Russia between 1993 and 2013. Whose whining about that?
/----/ Me. I'm whining about relying on basic raw materials for defense from Russians who are not our friends.

It's a non-issue devised to harm Sec. Clinton. Most of the uranium goes to fuel our nuclear reactors. Not maintaining our arsenal of Nuclear weapons. I gotta hand it to the Russians, or whoever devised it, because it worked on quite a few Americans.
Most Liberal Democrats have no idea what economic model Obama was trying to implement. It was Kynesian Economics. Through out history this policy has never worked to bring back an economy. It resulted in pro longing the come back from the recession.
It did bring back the economy
Do you really think our economy would have come back without the help of the Federal Reserve keeping the lending rates at near 0% for the entire 8 years of barry's presidency? If the economy was so strong towards the end of his presidency, why didn't they raise the rates to reflect the strength of our economy? Let that sink in for awhile before you answer. As I said before, even left leaning economists have given credit to Donnie and not barry. good grief, you guys are die hard blind loyalists

You have a point in there somewhere?
It happened. Trump is benefitting
The Great Obama left Trump with a booming economy. It took seven years for Bush to destroy the economy Clinton left him.
Hopefully, Crooked Donnie will not screw up the economy he was left

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