Obama Said No Serious Person Believes that U.S. Election Can Be Rigged

"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

Rigged impies it's done from within. That's what dOnald tRump meant when he called it rigged.

That's not what happened.
I'm not sure why it is so difficult for some to have 2 topics in their head at once but apparently it's impossible.

Yes, it would be 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% impossible to rig our presidential elections. The logistical challenge would be on a scale of complexity that even Hollywood would not go near.

However, the attempt to rig is still a crime. If you break into a house and are captured before you can steal anything; you're still violating the law.

HRC is responsible for losing the election. She didn't campaign in states that were vital.
The Russian government tried to influence our election.
"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

Obama said a lot of of shit that was wrong, this is not news
"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

Rigged vs. Influenced...

Think about it, come on, you can get there...
"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

That was BEFORE what they thought was impossible happened - Hillary LOST!
Obama said a lot of of shit that was wrong, this is not news
I agree with the 1st part of your sentence:

I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits, now or in the future.”

"I will run the most transparent administration evuh."

"The ACA will not cost a dime."

"The ACA will pay for itself."

"If you like your doctor / plan you can keep your doctor / plan."

“We’re going to lower your premiums by up to $2500 per family per year.

“No family making less than $250,000 a year will see their taxes increase.”

“More young black men languish in prison than attend colleges and universities across America”

“We signed into law the biggest middle-class tax cut in history”

“90 percent of the budget deficit is due to George W. Bush’s policies”

“The Capitol Hill janitors just got a pay cut”

“The day after Benghazi happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism”

“I didn’t call the Islamic State a ‘JV’ team”

“Republicans have filibustered 500 pieces of legislation”

“The Keystone pipeline is for oil that bypasses the United States”

“We have fired a whole bunch of people who are in charge of these [VA] facilities”

Obama’s biggest whoppers

A Re-hash of Obamacare Lies: Let's Make this Obamacare's Last Birthday
Obama said a lot of of shit that was wrong, this is not news
I agree with the 1st part of your sentence:

I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits, now or in the future.”

"I will run the most transparent administration evuh."

"The ACA will not cost a dime."

"The ACA will pay for itself."

"If you like your doctor / plan you can keep your doctor / plan."

“We’re going to lower your premiums by up to $2500 per family per year.

“No family making less than $250,000 a year will see their taxes increase.”

“More young black men languish in prison than attend colleges and universities across America”

“We signed into law the biggest middle-class tax cut in history”

“90 percent of the budget deficit is due to George W. Bush’s policies”

“The Capitol Hill janitors just got a pay cut”

“The day after Benghazi happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism”

“I didn’t call the Islamic State a ‘JV’ team”

“Republicans have filibustered 500 pieces of legislation”

“The Keystone pipeline is for oil that bypasses the United States”

“We have fired a whole bunch of people who are in charge of these [VA] facilities”

Obama’s biggest whoppers

A Re-hash of Obamacare Lies: Let's Make this Obamacare's Last Birthday

Too bad you do not give a shit about the lies by the current resident of the White House.
"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

Rigged vs. Influenced...

Think about it, come on, you can get there...

Are you seriously trying to channel Bill Clinton and his 'definition of the word 'is' defense? :p
"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

Rigged vs. Influenced...

Think about it, come on, you can get there...

Are you seriously trying to channel Bill Clinton and his 'definition of the word 'is' defense? :p

Come on now, even you are not stupid enough not to know the difference between rigged and influenced.

Or am I giving you too much credit?
Come on now, even you are not stupid enough not to know the difference between rigged and influenced.

I love how you snowflakes come right out in the open and show how stupid..or false you are.....

The leaked DNC e-mails exposed it all, how Hillary and the DNC RIGGED primaries, CHEATED in debates gaged in ELECTION FRAUD, the FEC has on file / reported how Hillary violated both election laws and campaign finance laws, and even the Chairwoman of the DNC came right out and told you to your face, 'HILLARY AND THE DNC RIGGED PRIMARIES' AS WELL AS CONFIRMED EVERYTHING JUST SAID....


Case In Point:
Former FBI Lawyer Lisa Page Said Anti-Trump Texts With Peter Strzok 'Mean Exactly What They Say'

PAIGE just testified under oath before Congress saying the texts sent by the FBI, to include her adulterous lover, meant EXACTLY what they say, exposing massive bias and the fact that Strzok LIED (Perjury). And you and other snowflakes are falling all over yourselves to claim now that PAIGE lied and can not be trusted, that YOU know better. :p

After this constant display no one could possible give you LESS credit than you deserve...because you have shown you have ZERO credibility.
Last edited:
He means litteral hacking and changing votes .

The russia thing is about spreading misinformation and propaganda in order to fool people .

Hillary’s emails were misinformation?

Yes . When fake stories say they were hacked by the friendly Russians .

Then why didnt hillary and the DNC try to refute the contents of those e-mails?
I'm sure everyone here but you knows why.
"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

He is talking about something ENTIRELY different than the Russian "interference" in our election. When are you people going to learn how to correctly define your terms? It is just so frustrating trying to talk to posters who literally don't seem to know "ass" from "elbow."
Now read that quote of yours IN CONTEXT of what Obama was actually talking about--what Trump was actually "whining" about, and explain to me what Obama was talking about when he said "interference."
He is talking about something ENTIRELY different than the Russian "interference" in our election. "


Thank you, Carnac The Magnificent, for channeling Obama and telling us what he really meant...

"There is no serious person out there," said Obama barely two years ago, "who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections, in part because they're so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved." He said this before the 2016 election, when Trump was voicing concern that the election would be rigged. Obama added that there was no evidence that this had happened in the past and no evidence that it could happen in that election, and that Trump should stop "whining" about the election being rigged and go out and try to get more votes.

Here's the video, if you doubt any of this:

Rigged vs. Influenced...

Think about it, come on, you can get there...

Are you seriously trying to channel Bill Clinton and his 'definition of the word 'is' defense? :p

Let's talk about the meaning of words. If it isn't too late for you.
Let's talk about the meaning of words. If it isn't too late for you.

Let's, instead, stick to the thread topic and your belief that Obama needs someone to stick up for him and tell everyone what THEY think he really meant. Obama is a 'big boy'. He doesn't need 'Liberal Translators' covering his ass, spinning what he said.

But, again....


Thank you, Carnac The Magnificent,
for channeling Obama and telling us what
he really meant...
2016 was not rigged. Russians attempted to influence public opinion and to get Americans to fight each other (not that it's all that difficult, it turns out). They tried to put a thumb on the scale. We don't know if they made a difference or not.

The media does this constantly... when are they going to be investigated?

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