Obama said he wanted to 'fundamentally' change America


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
What did he really mean by that?

Obama said in 2008 that he planned to “Fundamentally Transform America.”

Those of us who love and cherish our country, did not see a need for transformation. I do not believe that anyone other than the radical left, knew that this president meant a complete transformation from top to bottom, and a change in foreign relations.

He began his destruction of our country, with the infamous “Apology Tour.” Of course he went to those who have a history of despising the U.S. — Arabic countries. His talk of Muslims, and how much they have contributed to society, was really our first clue as to Mr. Obama’s plans. He spoke outright lies about America, and that she was never a Christian country. He downplayed our exceptionalism, as if it was an evil thing.

First, the reader must know that Obama is a creation of George Soros. Soros first presented his “Frankenstein” to the world at the DNC in 2004 as the keynote speaker. It seemed that overnight BHO became the talk of the town in Washington circles.

Soros groomed BHO to become the darling of the Left. A brilliant scheme, actually.

He got his start in Chicago as a community organizer (that’s always a Socialist program) then became a state Senator (propped up by the Chicago Democratic Socialist Party) and then on to Washington to wreak havoc, and so he has ever since.

Soros is a multibillionaire, whose favorite pastime is using his money to shake up countries, and bring them as far left as possible. I would say that Soros might be the most evil man who walks the planet right now — well, maybe in the top three. Even thought Soros himself is a billionaire, he HATES capitalism, and seeks to destroy it wherever he can.

Although Obama’s camp has attempted to silence those who know of his checkered past, the truth has a way of coming out. You can visit website after website where Obama’s cocaine habit and his being part of the gay community are well documented. Unfortunately, some of his former lovers have been murdered; even some from his church, led by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” – BHO

Well, the liberal press have been given the narrative regarding the deaths of many who attempted to bring down BHO. Remember Andrew Breitbart? So, “murder” is never used by the media. We hear of strange car accidents and young people dying from “natural causes.” Isn’t that “UNnatural?

So, now you know some of the past of the one who resides at the White House as our leader. Is it any surprise that this man is now on a rampage to destroy America?

He placed the MOST radical Islamists in positions all over our government. I recently wrote a piece on Mohamed Elibiary, who Obama put in a key position in our DHS. Elibiary was relieved of his duties there last September. There have been rumors of him leaking sensitive information, which is extremely troubling, since this man is a member and staunch supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama had multiple meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House. The last meeting he arranged, the press was banned from attending. How did we allow this to happen?? This is America — not Red China!

The rest of the country called this Islamic killing machine “ISIS” but Obama and his minions call them ISIL. This is because of his hatred of Israel. The “L” stands for the Levant. It is a territory that includes Israel, which the terrorists plan to take, as they spread like cockroaches across the Middle East.

“Between 2010 and 2013, the Obama administration imported almost 300,000 new immigrants from Muslim nations — more immigrants than the U.S. let in from Central America and Mexico combined over that period… Many of the recent Muslim immigrants are from terrorist hot spots like Iraq, where the Islamic State operates. From 2010-2013, Obama ushered in 41,094 Iraqi nationals from there… House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul called the new policy “a federally sanctioned welcome party to potential terrorists.” [1] – source

There has never been a president of the U.S. who has been as hateful, disrespectful and shown as much disdain for Israel and her leader like this president. He doesn’t even attempt to hide this hatred. My words here pale in comparison to God’s Holy Word:

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 (KJV)

The United States of America is now cursed by God because of this president.

Obama should have been removed from office for high treason and for aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States.

Even countries in the region, including Egypt, were alarmed at the actions of Barack Obama. Egypt knew full well that BHO had a hand in the so-called “Arab Spring.” They know that Obama is close friends with Mohamed Morsi — the ousted and imprisoned Muslim Brotherhood leader. There are even law suits in Egypt against our president!

As much as I despise what I see happening in the U.S., because I believe that the Word of God is true, and that His prophecies will ALL be fulfilled, I realize that what is happening here must be part of the plan.

As Christians, we should still speak out against evil!


Obama: Transforming America | National Review
"Fundamentally transform America" is Orwellian doublespeak for "Fundamentally destroy America."
he wanted whitey to be the minority/slaves/etc
he wanted blacks to be more in charge
"Fundamentally transform America" is Orwellian doublespeak for "Fundamentally destroy America."

Yes....and the democratic party is doing its best to accomplish that whether or not they realize it. They know not what they do. Who said dat?
he wanted whitey to be the minority/slaves/etc
he wanted blacks to be more in charge

You understand what most do not............any group that finds itself a minority amongst a majority population will constantly and forever seek more power whether it be by increasing their numbers or by suppressing the majority pop. in some manner. They see that as a way to insure their safety and survival. And.........they are not wrong. I do not blame the blacks for doing anything they can to increase their power.....that is simply something that should be expected.

I do blame and violently so the liberal whites for siding with them in their quest to subdue the White Race.
he wanted whitey to be the minority/slaves/etc
he wanted blacks to be more in charge

You understand what most do not............any group that finds itself a minority amongst a majority population will constantly and forever seek more power whether it be by increasing their numbers or by suppressing the majority pop. in some manner. They see that as a way to insure their safety and survival. And.........they are not wrong. I do not blame the blacks for doing anything they can to increase their power.....that is simply something that should be expected.

I do blame and violently so the liberal whites for siding with them in their quest to subdue the White Race.
ever go to black forums and read the HATE!!!!!!??
much HATE from the blacks
listen to Maxine Waters---that's just pure hate
What did he really mean by that?

Obama said in 2008 that he planned to “Fundamentally Transform America.”

Those of us who love and cherish our country, did not see a need for transformation. I do not believe that anyone other than the radical left, knew that this president meant a complete transformation from top to bottom, and a change in foreign relations.

He began his destruction of our country, with the infamous “Apology Tour.” Of course he went to those who have a history of despising the U.S. — Arabic countries. His talk of Muslims, and how much they have contributed to society, was really our first clue as to Mr. Obama’s plans. He spoke outright lies about America, and that she was never a Christian country. He downplayed our exceptionalism, as if it was an evil thing.

First, the reader must know that Obama is a creation of George Soros. Soros first presented his “Frankenstein” to the world at the DNC in 2004 as the keynote speaker. It seemed that overnight BHO became the talk of the town in Washington circles.

Soros groomed BHO to become the darling of the Left. A brilliant scheme, actually.

He got his start in Chicago as a community organizer (that’s always a Socialist program) then became a state Senator (propped up by the Chicago Democratic Socialist Party) and then on to Washington to wreak havoc, and so he has ever since.

Soros is a multibillionaire, whose favorite pastime is using his money to shake up countries, and bring them as far left as possible. I would say that Soros might be the most evil man who walks the planet right now — well, maybe in the top three. Even thought Soros himself is a billionaire, he HATES capitalism, and seeks to destroy it wherever he can.

Although Obama’s camp has attempted to silence those who know of his checkered past, the truth has a way of coming out. You can visit website after website where Obama’s cocaine habit and his being part of the gay community are well documented. Unfortunately, some of his former lovers have been murdered; even some from his church, led by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” – BHO

Well, the liberal press have been given the narrative regarding the deaths of many who attempted to bring down BHO. Remember Andrew Breitbart? So, “murder” is never used by the media. We hear of strange car accidents and young people dying from “natural causes.” Isn’t that “UNnatural?

So, now you know some of the past of the one who resides at the White House as our leader. Is it any surprise that this man is now on a rampage to destroy America?

He placed the MOST radical Islamists in positions all over our government. I recently wrote a piece on Mohamed Elibiary, who Obama put in a key position in our DHS. Elibiary was relieved of his duties there last September. There have been rumors of him leaking sensitive information, which is extremely troubling, since this man is a member and staunch supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama had multiple meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House. The last meeting he arranged, the press was banned from attending. How did we allow this to happen?? This is America — not Red China!

The rest of the country called this Islamic killing machine “ISIS” but Obama and his minions call them ISIL. This is because of his hatred of Israel. The “L” stands for the Levant. It is a territory that includes Israel, which the terrorists plan to take, as they spread like cockroaches across the Middle East.

“Between 2010 and 2013, the Obama administration imported almost 300,000 new immigrants from Muslim nations — more immigrants than the U.S. let in from Central America and Mexico combined over that period… Many of the recent Muslim immigrants are from terrorist hot spots like Iraq, where the Islamic State operates. From 2010-2013, Obama ushered in 41,094 Iraqi nationals from there… House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul called the new policy “a federally sanctioned welcome party to potential terrorists.” [1] – source

There has never been a president of the U.S. who has been as hateful, disrespectful and shown as much disdain for Israel and her leader like this president. He doesn’t even attempt to hide this hatred. My words here pale in comparison to God’s Holy Word:

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 (KJV)

The United States of America is now cursed by God because of this president.

Obama should have been removed from office for high treason and for aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States.

Even countries in the region, including Egypt, were alarmed at the actions of Barack Obama. Egypt knew full well that BHO had a hand in the so-called “Arab Spring.” They know that Obama is close friends with Mohamed Morsi — the ousted and imprisoned Muslim Brotherhood leader. There are even law suits in Egypt against our president!

As much as I despise what I see happening in the U.S., because I believe that the Word of God is true, and that His prophecies will ALL be fulfilled, I realize that what is happening here must be part of the plan.

As Christians, we should still speak out against evil!


Obama: Transforming America | National Review

The Left Wing Voters are dumb brainwashed fanatics.
What they want is an amoral culture and a marxist economy.
It's a prefect recipe for self destruction.

Obamas HATE America!!!
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America
Michelle Obama's 'Proud' Remarks
.....racist/hater/etc Wright denounced America for the Abomb bombing of Japan---what a dumbass
Obama call a white cop stupid but not the stupid blackman
he sent his AG to comfort the family of a BLACK criminal that attacked a WHITE cop
Obama is a racist
Review | Before Michelle, Barack Obama asked another woman to marry him. Then politics got in the way.
....don't try to paint the blacks as ''poor oppressed'' like the people try to paint the Native Americans as corn growers who gave out flowers
..they commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
he wanted whitey to be the minority/slaves/etc
he wanted blacks to be more in charge

You understand what most do not............any group that finds itself a minority amongst a majority population will constantly and forever seek more power whether it be by increasing their numbers or by suppressing the majority pop. in some manner. They see that as a way to insure their safety and survival. And.........they are not wrong. I do not blame the blacks for doing anything they can to increase their power.....that is simply something that should be expected.

I do blame and violently so the liberal whites for siding with them in their quest to subdue the White Race.
In MN thanks to suburban white voters, we have Keith Ellison and Ilhan Omar in major positions. Liberals here patted themselves on the back for electing Muslims into office celebrating their diversity while ignoring their questionable connections.
What could we expect since we are the state with a high Somalian population?
We have had many arrests here from folks sending money to terrorist groups.
"FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION" was his exact words. It is code word for Communism. Then he told us "You Didn't Build That!!!". Yes we did. Our tax dollars built everything. Government generates no wealth, it just confiscates from private citizens.
Exactly..........liberals are stuck on stupid. If it was not for the media covering for them even the Negroes would abandon the democratic party.
he wanted whitey to be the minority/slaves/etc
he wanted blacks to be more in charge

You understand what most do not............any group that finds itself a minority amongst a majority population will constantly and forever seek more power whether it be by increasing their numbers or by suppressing the majority pop. in some manner. They see that as a way to insure their safety and survival. And.........they are not wrong. I do not blame the blacks for doing anything they can to increase their power.....that is simply something that should be expected.

I do blame and violently so the liberal whites for siding with them in their quest to subdue the White Race.
In MN thanks to suburban white voters, we have Keith Ellison and Ilhan Omar in major positions. Liberals here patted themselves on the back for electing Muslims into office celebrating their diversity while ignoring their questionable connections.
What could we expect since we are the state with a high Somalian population?
We have had many arrests here from folks sending money to terrorist groups.

I have noticed liberals many times reveal they have no conception of self defense not even to mention national security.
I remember when the first Krispy Kreme Doughnuts location hit my home town in the early 1980s.

It was located on 70th Street just east of Mansfield Road.

If you drove by there between 2:30 AM & 4:00 AM there would be at least half a dozen cop cars there & no one else.

It was like a cop shop away from the cop shop :21:
Can anyone name one good thing Obama did for America?

Now of course I understand the liberals believe because he was the first Afro-American to be President that makes him --oh just so fantastic. hehheh

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