Obama Puts Boots On The Ground In Africa


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
Obama, His Lordship, has found a tribe in Africa, who has been fighting with each other for decades, and he is sending OUR soldiers ( over 100 ) to help them. I understand they are Special Ops. He does this all on his own and when our country is not being threatened. Isn't that violating the Constitution or Rule of Law? Obama is violating the rules and pulling out all the stops, before his term is up.*** Where is the outrage?

This time, the place is Uganda, and the people needing to be killed are the members of the Lord's Resistance Army.


Under the President's new found powers, since he has determined that the lunatics are in need of being killed, the President doesn't have to ask for an "authorization to use force" from Congress or go through any judicial proceeding. That stuff is for people who believe in due process and Constitutions, not for this President.

And, besides, how much longer does the President have to kill all the people in the world who need to be killed? Opinion polls show him further and further down in the polls. Why, if he's get these things done, he's just going to have to take matters into his own hands.


Oh, previously, the position of the Administration on the Lord's Resistance Army was, "You're not going to see US boots on the ground."


Find an obscure conflict with no obvious US interests at stake, and Democrats will clamor to get US troops involved. But show them a situation where US national interests are clearly at stake, and they will find a thousand reasons for not intervening. “That’s somebody else’s war,” or even”Well we caused the problem in the first place” is their excuse. -- Bryan Preston, PJ Tatler

Libertarian Republican: President uses new found power to engage US in yet another African War
I dont think so much "abuse" of power.... he does have the power.

I think of it more as drunk on power.... and playing while he can.
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Special Forces have been assigned to many countries over the years including Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Columbia in Central and South America. SF are usually termed (in most instances) training forces for foreign armies and thereby avoid the combat designation and this how Ronald Reagan and other Presidents used them.
Obama, His Lordship, has found a tribe in Africa, who has been fighting with each other for decades, and he is sending OUR soldiers ( over 100 ) to help them. I understand they are Special Ops. He does this all on his own and when our country is not being threatened. Isn't that violating the Constitution or Rule of Law? Obama is violating the rules and pulling out all the stops, before his term is up.*** Where is the outrage?

This time, the place is Uganda, and the people needing to be killed are the members of the Lord's Resistance Army.


Under the President's new found powers, since he has determined that the lunatics are in need of being killed, the President doesn't have to ask for an "authorization to use force" from Congress or go through any judicial proceeding. That stuff is for people who believe in due process and Constitutions, not for this President.

And, besides, how much longer does the President have to kill all the people in the world who need to be killed? Opinion polls show him further and further down in the polls. Why, if he's get these things done, he's just going to have to take matters into his own hands.


Oh, previously, the position of the Administration on the Lord's Resistance Army was, "You're not going to see US boots on the ground."


Find an obscure conflict with no obvious US interests at stake, and Democrats will clamor to get US troops involved. But show them a situation where US national interests are clearly at stake, and they will find a thousand reasons for not intervening. “That’s somebody else’s war,” or even”Well we caused the problem in the first place” is their excuse. -- Bryan Preston, PJ Tatler

Libertarian Republican: President uses new found power to engage US in yet another African War

I think its kind of a payback for all the help Uganda has given us on Somalia, we don't want US Boots back on the ground after what happened in 1993 so Uganda has done alot of work on our behalf on the ground there, as well as Ethiopia and other AU countries. Our troops will be in a support/training role and will not attack the LRA, unless they are attacked first. The LRA are a bunch of blood thirsty thugs and I won't mind helping bring them down, besides we have troops in training/support roles all over the globe to help in conflicts like this, the Phillippines and Colombia come to mind.
This is exactly why Special Forces was created. I don't really see why people are going bonkers about it.

Mainly for this reason: Oh, previously, the position of the Administration on the Lord's Resistance Army was, "You're not going to see US boots on the ground."

It's probably coincidence that this president whom I do not trust in anyway, would choose the homeland of his father, in which to "train our troops." Tribal wars..lol. God I hope we don't lose an American soldier to satisfy Obama's appetite for power.
This is exactly why Special Forces was created. I don't really see why people are going bonkers about it.

Mainly for this reason: Oh, previously, the position of the Administration on the Lord's Resistance Army was, "You're not going to see US boots on the ground."

It's probably coincidence that this president whom I do not trust in anyway, would choose the homeland of his father, in which to "train our troops." Tribal wars..lol. God I hope we don't lose an American soldier to satisfy Obama's appetite for power.

I don't want any American Troops dying in Uganda either, I hope this just stays as a training mission like we do against Abu Sayyaf in the Phillipines.
This is exactly why Special Forces was created. I don't really see why people are going bonkers about it.

Well, allow me to draw you a fucking picture:

People are going bonkers about the hypocracy of a President who campaigned with anti-war rhetoric and was subsequently given the Nobel Peace Prize, but who is also deploying US forces to a country which has the largest oil reserves in Africa.
This is exactly why Special Forces was created. I don't really see why people are going bonkers about it.

Well, allow me to draw you a fucking picture:

People are going bonkers about the hypocracy of a President who campaigned with anti-war rhetoric and was subsequently given the Nobel Peace Prize, but who is also deploying US forces to a country which has the largest oil reserves in Africa.

That is a very good point, I didn't know about the oil until recently.
This is exactly why Special Forces was created. I don't really see why people are going bonkers about it.

Well, allow me to draw you a fucking picture:

People are going bonkers about the hypocracy of a President who campaigned with anti-war rhetoric and was subsequently given the Nobel Peace Prize, but who is also deploying US forces to a country which has the largest oil reserves in Africa.

That is a very good point, I didn't know about the oil until recently.

I wouldn't have known it either had I not been watching Al Jazerra's English Newscast over the weekend.
Well, allow me to draw you a fucking picture:

People are going bonkers about the hypocracy of a President who campaigned with anti-war rhetoric and was subsequently given the Nobel Peace Prize, but who is also deploying US forces to a country which has the largest oil reserves in Africa.

That is a very good point, I didn't know about the oil until recently.

I wouldn't have known it either had I not been watching Al Jazerra's English Newscast over the weekend.

If places like South Sudan and Uganda have oil why don't we start doing business with them and stop fucking around in the Middle East? is there no infrastructure or the countries aren't stable enough?
That is a very good point, I didn't know about the oil until recently.

I wouldn't have known it either had I not been watching Al Jazerra's English Newscast over the weekend.

If places like South Sudan and Uganda have oil why don't we start doing business with them and stop fucking around in the Middle East? is there no infrastructure or the countries aren't stable enough?

We don't need it that bad.
Meh, we're already in Africa and have been for a while.

I've been to Africa twice over the past 14 years during my military career. Once for Operation Bright Star in Egypt and another time with CJTF-HOA. Keeping the "Beauty in Djibouti"

This is not news.
This is exactly why Special Forces was created. I don't really see why people are going bonkers about it.

Mainly for this reason: Oh, previously, the position of the Administration on the Lord's Resistance Army was, "You're not going to see US boots on the ground."

It's probably coincidence that this president whom I do not trust in anyway, would choose the homeland of his father, in which to "train our troops." Tribal wars..lol. God I hope we don't lose an American soldier to satisfy Obama's appetite for power.

I don't really consider 100 3rd Group (the SFG that covers Africa) Green Berets in Africa doing the mission they were created to do, go into hostile countries to train and raise Armies to dispose of tyrants as "boots on the ground".

If we start sticking conventional Infantry in there to assume the bulk of the fighting, I will be upset.

As it stands, this is what Special Forces exists to do, and all the men who join SF know it. They aren't assuming a mission they weren't specially trained and volunteered for.
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This is exactly why Special Forces was created. I don't really see why people are going bonkers about it.

Well, allow me to draw you a fucking picture:

People are going bonkers about the hypocracy of a President who campaigned with anti-war rhetoric and was subsequently given the Nobel Peace Prize, but who is also deploying US forces to a country which has the largest oil reserves in Africa.

Then go bonkers. This is a far cry from engaging the U.S. in another ground war, though.
If a republican administration bombed Libya and put combat Troops in Africa the libs would literally be screaming in the streets. Obama's loyalty runs deep with his real African heritage. His bigamist father was drinking himself to death in his African hut when Rosa Parks was kicked off the bus.
If a republican administration bombed Libya and put combat Troops in Africa the libs would literally be screaming in the streets. Obama's loyalty runs deep with his real African heritage. His bigamist father was drinking himself to death in his African hut when Rosa Parks was kicked off the bus.

So? who cares what his father did or didn't do? nobody gets to choose their parents.
If a republican administration bombed Libya and put combat Troops in Africa the libs would literally be screaming in the streets. Obama's loyalty runs deep with his real African heritage. His bigamist father was drinking himself to death in his African hut when Rosa Parks was kicked off the bus.

So? who cares what his father did or didn't do? nobody gets to choose their parents.

The red-herring rhetorical bomb-throwers of the right wing care.

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