Obama Official Helped Prepare Dire National Climate Assessment

The NCA is most assuredly not the work of one man. Your link is not publicly available.
The report was created by over 300 individual climate experts with the guidance of a committee of 60 federal advisors. The report is heavily reviewed by the public and other experts including 13 (Trump) federal agencies and a panel from the National Academy of Sciences. Since Obama took the position that science knows what its doing and Trump takes the position that he knows better, it's not surprising it should look like an Obama report to Trump supporters.

The report was created by over 300 individual climate experts with the guidance of a committee of 60 federal advisors. The report is heavily reviewed by the public and other experts including 13 (Trump) federal agencies and a panel from the National Academy of Sciences. Since Obama took the position that science knows what its doing and Trump takes the position that he knows better, it's not surprising it should look like an Obama report to Trump supporters.


And yet similar hordes of scientific experts employed by the Democrats insist that a man can become a bonafide woman by use of various hormones, silicon implants and hacking off the penis. :auiqs.jpg:

Whence comes credibility?
The report was created by over 300 individual climate experts with the guidance of a committee of 60 federal advisors. The report is heavily reviewed by the public and other experts including 13 (Trump) federal agencies and a panel from the National Academy of Sciences. Since Obama took the position that science knows what its doing and Trump takes the position that he knows better, it's not surprising it should look like an Obama report to Trump supporters.


And yet similar hordes of scientific experts employed by the Democrats insist that a man can become a bonafide woman by use of various hormones, silicon implants and hacking off the penis. :auiqs.jpg:

Whence comes credibility?
Link, ignoramus? Seems you have to prove yourself an idiot any time you post. These people are experts in physics, meteorology, and geology, not psychology and biology, so why would they opine on that?
The report was created by over 300 individual climate experts with the guidance of a committee of 60 federal advisors. The report is heavily reviewed by the public and other experts including 13 (Trump) federal agencies and a panel from the National Academy of Sciences. Since Obama took the position that science knows what its doing and Trump takes the position that he knows better, it's not surprising it should look like an Obama report to Trump supporters.


And yet similar hordes of scientific experts employed by the Democrats insist that a man can become a bonafide woman by use of various hormones, silicon implants and hacking off the penis. :auiqs.jpg:

Whence comes credibility?
Link, ignoramus? Seems you have to prove yourself an idiot any time you post. These people are experts in physics, meteorology, and geology, not psychology and biology, so why would they opine on that?

Not real big on English comprehension, are you.
I think, like me, he comprehends that you need to be ignored.
So am I. It shows clearly what sort of idiots and ignoramuses are Trump and the rest of you deniers.
Yes. You'd think they'd just kidnap Trump and Pence and lock them up in the basement of the Department of Agriculture. Pelosi can take over and straighten out this massive pile of ratshit.
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The whole damn report is meant to be fear generating propaganda.

I am surprised the Trump Admin allowed them to publish this pile of crap..

Just out of curiosity, by what mechanism do you believe President Trump would or could have stopped it?
The report is produced by a presidential directive issued in 1989 by then-president Ronald Fucking Reagan and mandated by Congress in 1990 in the Global Change Research Act.

You people are just SOOOOOO fucking stupid
The report is produced by a presidential directive issued in 1989 by then-president Ronald Fucking Reagan and mandated by Congress in 1990 in the Global Change Research Act.

You people are just SOOOOOO fucking stupid

Another billboard bow s0n. And you call us stupid!

Symbolic stuff is ghey....which the "stupid" people realize! Progressives are always taking omnipotent bows in front of symbols on everything: gun control, policing, inequality, climate change.......but NOTHING ever changes!:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::backpedal:

Bow away.....go, go go!!

But "the Stupids" are WINNING :fu:

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