obama kenya native


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
will obama be kicked out since his mother missed the legal criteria for not being old enough to claim his citizenship under american regulations.
A brilliant new birther! Welcome to USMB. And could you please back up your statement with facts? Thanks!
A brilliant new birther! Welcome to USMB. And could you please back up your statement with facts? Thanks!

It is clear that Obama has violated several Federal laws. First, he has released and the public has relied on a forged Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) to verify his Presidential eligibility. Three independent electronic document experts have all verified the forgery starting with the fact that there is a PhotoShop copyright buried in the file indicating that PhotoShop was used on the file. Second, Obama failed to list his alias, Barry Soetoro, on his law application. These are both serious felonies which makes him an unindicted felon. God only knows why neither the judiciary or the legislature has taken any action on these serious offenses. Add to that the fact that Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, went to school in Indonesia under the adoptive name Barry Soetoro and that there is no record of naturalization on his return to Hawaii/Washington or of an official name change must lead to the conclusion that the man’s real name is Barry Soetoro and he is working under an alias and is an illegal alien – at least until Mr. Soetoro proves otherwise with proper documentation.

By: old1 08/26/09 03:22 PM Report

Occam’s razor. If your father is a Kenyan, and therefore a British Citizen, and is under the British Nationality Act of 1948, as he would have been in 1961 (or 1957) you are born a British Citizen at the moment of your birth independent of the location of that birth. Unless foreigners can become POTUS, you should look for a position that does not require you to be a Natural Born American Citizen. Take away all the rest, and this alone will prove that we today have no Constitutionally eligible POTUS.
eBay birth certificate called fraud

Hospital refuses to authenticate document

Posted: August 25, 2009
10:07 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The alleged Kenyan birth certificate offered by eBay seller Lucas Smith and displayed last weekend on YouTube.com is not a valid document, a WND investigation has revealed.

Administrators at Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa, the hospital named as President Obama's supposed birth hospital in the document, refused to authenticate the record when contacted by WND sources in Kenya.

The document appears to have the following defects:

1. Kenyan news sources have called into question the use of "Coast Province" or "Coast Provincial" as a correct reference to the official name of the Mombasa general public hospital in 1961, citing Professor Dan Branch of the University of Warwick who noted that the term "Coast Province" was not used in the early 1960s when Kenyan provinces were typically referred to as "regions."

2. Until 1964, Kenya was the Dominion of Kenya, not the Republic of Kenya, and Mombasa was part of Zanzibar until Dec. 12, 1963, not a coastal province of Kenya.

3. Dr. James O.W. Ang'awa, the physician who was named in the document as the attending physician at Obama's birth, was a physician who worked in Kenya during the 1960s; however, he worked at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi. Dr. James O.W. Ang'awa never worked at any hospital in Mombasa.

4. The dates on the document are formatted in U.S. style, listing in order the month, day and year; this is not the British format which typically follows the order of day, month and year.

5. The footprint on the document appears nearly perfect in definition; real infant
footprints typically show signs of smudging because of foot movement.

6. The footprint on the document is densely black, revealing few natural lines on the sole of the foot; footprints used for document identification are typically inked much lighter to allow for natural lines to be clearly apparent.

7. Footprints taken for document identification are typically taken for both feet, just as fingerprints taken for identification are typically taken for both hands.

8. The document does not look remotely like the 1961-era birth certificates used in Kenya; infant footprints were not displayed on Kenyan birth certificates in the 1961-era.

WND sources in Kenya described the Smith document as a clever forgery in that Helton Muganga is currently an administrator at Coast Provincial General Hospital.

But when WND sources in Kenya contacted Coast Provincial General Hospital, no administrator would verify the authenticity of the document.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkWd2INPhL4]YouTube - Barack Obama Kenyan Birth Certificate / Lucas Smith / Coast Province General Hospital[/ame]

Moreover, WND sources reported it is unlikely any 1961 birth certificate for President Obama will ever be found at Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa, even if one originally existed.

Administrators and doctors at the hospital told WND sources that in 2004 a high-level team of Kenya's National Security Intelligence Service came to the hospital and seized all files containing birth certificate documents from the years 1960 through 1963.

According to the hospital administrators and doctors interviewed at the hospital, it was not until four months later that Kenya's National Security Intelligence Service returned the seized files to the hospital.

As WND has reported, Lucas Smith, a former resident of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and known by the eBay handle "colmado_naranja," claimed online and in phone conversations with WND to have an authentic document from Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa proving Obama's birth there.

eBay birth certificate called fraud
Shouldn't this thread be in Conspiracy Theories?

EDIT: Ah. I see it's been moved.

Well that's where it gets moved to usually, even though what part about obama not showing his real birth certificate that's a conspiracy has never been pointed out.

But, if you want to fight with a mod about it, you have to do it in private.
Shouldn't this thread be in Conspiracy Theories?

EDIT: Ah. I see it's been moved.

Well that's where it gets moved to usually, even though what part about obama not showing his real birth certificate that's a conspiracy has never been pointed out.

But, if you want to fight with a mod about it, you have to do it in private.
I think it's you who thinks it's not a conspiracy that has to do the fighting.

It's a conspiracy, and it's in the right forum now.

With all the other Krackpot, idiotic conspiracy theories.
It's interesting how quick and efficient Obama supporters are to prove all the defects on so called Kenyan birth certificate.

It would be much easier to show the original.
Ame®icano;1458558 said:
It's interesting how quick and efficient Obama supporters are to prove all the defects on so called Kenyan birth certificate.

It would be much easier to show the original.
Maybe you should complain to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who swore him in.
Shouldn't this thread be in Conspiracy Theories?

EDIT: Ah. I see it's been moved.

Well that's where it gets moved to usually, even though what part about obama not showing his real birth certificate that's a conspiracy has never been pointed out.

But, if you want to fight with a mod about it, you have to do it in private.
I think it's you who thinks it's not a conspiracy that has to do the fighting.

It's a conspiracy, and it's in the right forum now.

With all the other Krackpot, idiotic conspiracy theories.

Sorry... but there's MILLIONS of people that aren't members of your obama ass kissing club, and the numbers are growing by the day. At last polling over HALF THE NATION knows obama is HIDING his BIRTH CERTIFICATE. It's a FACT, not a CONSPIRACY, dumbass. Looks like even some very rich and powerful people wonder too... so you see, YOU are rapidly becoming the MINORITY in this matter... crackpot...

Ame®icano;1458558 said:
It's interesting how quick and efficient Obama supporters are to prove all the defects on so called Kenyan birth certificate.

It would be much easier to show the original.

Sure would... doesn't it make you wonder why obama is spending millions on keeping it hidden then?
Ame®icano;1458558 said:
It's interesting how quick and efficient Obama supporters are to prove all the defects on so called Kenyan birth certificate.

It would be much easier to show the original.
Maybe you should complain to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who swore him in.

Maybe I should. Maybe you should too.

But be honest and answer, wouldn't be easier for eveyone and Obama himself to just show original and shut the everyone's mouth isntead of ignoring all the questions?
If you do a little research on the Kenyan government at the time and then look at the fabricated kenyan birth certificate you'll notice some very inconvenient differences.

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