Obama is gonna take your guns!!

You are a simple, stupid poser far, far to the crazy right.

We lost this election because of folks like you. The rest of America thinks you stink, and Romney's candidacy died on that stink.
Zander you are so far out to the right that anyone to your left looks like socialist to you.

Not concerned with your perception. :lol:

who do you think you are fooling? :lol:
All of you gun idolaters are something.
Do you even understand how the United States government works. DO you?
Let me refresh your little minds, there are Three (3), that is three branches of government that work.

I realize that a lot of Americans believe that the federal government is ready to take action against gun owners. Barack Obama says he's "committed" and "we must do something".

Yeah, right......:cuckoo:

The best indication of Obama's "commitment" is that he has put Joe Biden in charge of the whole operation. The Vice President has no power and Joe Biden is a laughingstock. That's how "committed" Obama is.....:lol:

Let me tell you what is going to happen with "Gun Control" in the US.


The gun control movement is politically impotent.
CMP Sales

Civilian Marksmanship Sales

The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is a U.S. government-chartered program that promotes firearms safety training and rifle practice for all qualified U.S. citizens with special emphasis on youth. Any U.S. citizen who is legally not prohibited from owning a firearm may purchase a military surplus rifle from the CMP, provided they are a member of a CMP affiliated club. The CMP operates through a network of affiliated shooting clubs and state associations that covers every state in the U.S. The clubs and associations offer firearms safety training and marksmanship courses as well as the opportunity for continued practice and competition.
But there is all the federal firearms paperwork and licensing required.

So, no, it is not like walking into Dick's.

And you still have not answered me if you can buy a mortar.

Thanks. You prove that it requires federal licensing with particular rules and regulations. This is not waking into a sporting gun store and buying whatever. This requires paperwork, background checks, etc.

Interesting stuff, GP? Can you buy a working mortar and shells?

Background checks are required whenever you purchase ANY weapon from a dealer. There is no difference between a background check for a .22 rifle or an AR-15 or an Uzi.

The only other requirement is a $400 licensing fee.

IOW, it IS "walking into a sporting gun store and buying whatever."

Run along now dumbass, all your questions have now been answered.


How to Purchase
Inert items and parts can be purchased through our secure e-commerce page.

Ordnance.com will be offering Destructive Devices and other NFA Items and Title 1 Firearms for Sale.

If you can legally purchase a rifle at your local gun store you can legally purchase a Destructive Device from us.

A copy of an approved FFL’s must be on file before any item will be shipped.

• Title 1 Firearms transfer to a regular FFL holder just like a regular Rifle. This would be the case with our Sub-caliber 57mm – 75mm & 106mm Recoilless Rifles.
• Machine Guns and other NFA Items must go to a class 3 SOT Dealer. This is just another class of FFL, nothing more. We can help you find one in your area if you are unaware of one.
•Destructive Device’s will have to be transferred to a DD Dealer, (there are very few of these) or go to an FFL or SOT on an approved Tax Paid Transfer. We will assist you with finding the appropriate Dealer, if you do not have one already in place.
The cup will transfer to an FFL and we will ship the Barrel upon Receipt of a copy of your approved Form 1. Most Artillery where the Breach Ring can be separated from the Barrel can be transferred this way as well.

You can have everything shipped to you minus the cup, ring or receiver; this will have to go to a FFL or SOT.

You cannot legally posses the cup, ring or receiver and the barrel until you have an approved form 1 from the BATF.
We will assist you in filling out the correct Forms as needed.

Contact us via Email or Phone with Questions. We will be happy to help and encourage the NFA Community to explore and understand this important Historical Avenue more!
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Guys, stop and think. It's hard for you but try. Show me where you in your capacity as private individuals, as simple citizens, can go into a store and buy a functional military mortar or heavy machine gun functioning as such. You can't. And consider that of course the legislators can pass ordinances federal and state to prohibit and confiscate certain types of weapons and ordinance.

The beginning of all that is now.

The ignorance of the leftist liberal and their willingness to show that ignorance never ceases to amaze me. A. I own two fully automatic weapons, what you would probably call a "machine gun" but in reality are just a sub machine gun and a true assault rilfe, meanig fully automatic, and if I could afford the price tag I can walk into a gun shop and buy an M-60 light machine gun or even a .50 Ma-duece heavy machine gun. B. No politician will ever pass any ordinance that would allow them to come to your home and confiscate your firearms. They know too many Americans would respond with a fu and a hail of gunfire.

Great, would that make "too many Americans" patriots or serial killers? Clearly, if the Congress voted and the President signed a bill into law outlawing fully automatic weapons anyone who did not follow the law would be a de facto criminal; and, if they were to kill and American defending their illegal weapon they would die on the spot or on a gurney via the needle. Do you aspire to be the next Tim McVeigh?

Actually neither congress nor the president has the authority to deny you your constituional rights, as the whole DADT denying faggots and dykes to openly express their deviancies in the miitary has show us just recently, not to mention the whole keeping slaves issue. Or are you one of those leftist a-holes that think Constitutional rights are only something to be brought up when it involves iminorities and deviants? As for "dying on the spot or on a gurney", yup many would, from BOTH sides, but as current events have shown us over the past twelve years in Afghanistan, the US can't disarm some stone aged sheep herding rag heads, not to mention not being able to disarm the tens of thousands of gang bangers in this nation, so I think they'd have a serious problem disarming 80,000,000 citizens. As for being the next Timothy McVeigh, nope, maybe the next Patrick Henry or Thomas Jefferon, or maybe the next Nathan Bedford Forrest doesn't matter. You may be comfortable living on your knees, I and many other Americans though feel it is far preferable to die on our feet fighting for our freedom than to live on our knees like serfs. I fought once to defend the Constitution I'd have no problem doing so again. My oath before God was to defend my nation and the Constitution against ALL enemies both foreign and domestic and I'll live and die by that oath I took.
The Founders would spit on jtpr312. jtpr312 does not understand that he is not the Constitution's expert. If such a law were passed and upheld by SCOTUS, which it would be, and if jtpr312 did not give up his weapons, killed someone while trying to keep his weapons, yes, Timothy McVeigh-type would be his characterization.
The Founders would spit on jtpr312. jtpr312 does not understand that he is not the Constitution's expert. If such a law were passed and upheld by SCOTUS, which it would be, and if jtpr312 did not give up his weapons, killed someone while trying to keep his weapons, yes, Timothy McVeigh-type would be his characterization.

Fakey, you've just been proven wrong AGAIN, why do you keep coming back for more punishment? I'm beginning to think you have some masochistic tendencies, you should seek counseling.
GuyPinestra is drooling. :lol: jtpr is wrong in his interpretation of the Constitution. The rules of the Constitution are what Congress and SCOTUS say it is, not the libertarian freaks.
Hairplugs is a big anti-gun nut, so just because he is an idiot doesn't mean the people around him on this commission won't push for dangerous changes to the Second Amendment.

They will try and fail, but they will try.
Don't ruin it for the nra, they are using this to get more contributions from the likes of PaleRider/007 & BigRebnc1775. Nothing animates rw's better than fear. Mushroom clouds anyone?

They have nightmares about gay penises chasing them down the street and they're only armed with a bb gun.
Hairplugs is a big anti-gun nut, so just because he is an idiot doesn't mean the people around him on this commission won't push for dangerous changes to the Second Amendment.

Changing an irrelevant amendment can not be dangerous.

How many of you rw's have sent money to the NRA?

If you haven't, you need to write that check today!

That really cracks me up. Not many cartel lobbyists can actually dupe the American people into giving them money in addition to the tax money congress gives them!
How many of you rw's have sent money to the NRA?

If you haven't, you need to write that check today!

That really cracks me up. Not many cartel lobbyists can actually dupe the American people into giving them money in addition to the tax money congress gives them!

Congress gives tax money to the NRA?

Sorry, I was just writing about the tax subsidy that artificially keeps milk prices down even though the cartel of the American Dairy Assoc also gets money from its members. Same with cartels/lobbyists for meat producers. If you eat dairy/meat, you pay for it twice.

My mistake.

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