Obama Has Hypocritical Subversive Meltdown Against Trump After Comey Destroys DNC False Campaign


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After Comey's testimony yesterday - which completely destroyed the Democrats' campaign of lies, false accusations, and continuing 'Witch Hunt' investigations - one might expect Obama to have gone into hiding after Comey testified how Obama's 2nd criminal US AG Obstructed th FBI's Clinton investigation and how Obama helped prevent Hillary's indictment and prosecution.

Instead, realizing that the Democrats' last best effort to Impeach Trump and save what is left of Barry's 'Legacy' had been wiped out, Barry became 'triggered' and completely 'WENT OFF' on a hypocritical tirade against Trump, continuing his seditious break from past Presidential tradition.

Obama Continues In His Unprecedented Break From Traditional Presidential Politics

"Former President Barack Obama resumed attacks on President Donald Trump Wednesday, continuing unprecedented level of critiques from a former president.

The former president
recently warned the public about the “appeals of authoritarianism” and cautioned people looking for “control and certainty” to pursue a leader who “suggested rolling back the rights of others.” Obama made the statements in a Montreal speech earlier this week, according to CNN."


'Authoritarianism' and 'rolling back the rights of others'?


noun: authoritarianism

  1. the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
    • lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others."
* See 'Barak Obama'


Barak Obama just set a new world record for 'Hypocrisy'.

The man's administration imposed a minority-supported socialist health care bill onto a majority of Americans who opposed it at the time, and one of his Party's leaders openly, defiantly in true self-appointed leader fashion declared to the American people that they had no RIGHT to know what was in a law being forced upon them until it had been signed into law.

Obama's NSA illegally spied on millions of Americans and perjured himself about it before Congress.

Obama's CIA illegally spied on CONGRESS and possibly the USSC, according to Justice Kennedy.

Obama's FBI illegally shared protected classified information on American citizens with a 3rd party.

Obama became only the 2nd US President to EVER use the IRS as a WEAPPON against American citizens to prevent his 'political enemies' from stopping his re-election as they had effected the previous mid-term elections.

Obama vowed to the world that to appease Islamic Extremists, who had committed terrorist attack on us and killed 4 Americans, he would jail an American citizen who exercised his right to Free Speech for creating a film that had absolutely nothing to do with the attack. (The American filmmaker was jailed, yet after 1 year of finding and finally capturing the 'mastermind' behind the terrorist attack, Obama released him.)

Obama sent out his (2nd) criminal US AG to threaten with legal punishment any American who exercised their Constitutional Right of Free Speech by criticizing Islamic Extremism after a terrorist Obama allowed into the US murdered 7 Americans in a terrorist attack.

President Obama and his administration broke laws by illegally sharing protected classified personal information that was deemed to have no Intel value with 16 Intel agencies for political gain - a crime according to the NSA and FBI, called for and got the illegal un-masking of US citizens, and facilitated the crimes of Felony Espionage, the releasing of classified information by his loyalists for political gain.



So you don't like Obama calling the fascist Trump a fascist authoritarian.

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