Obama: Government made this country great

It's the Obama Doctrine: The, ah, federal government can uh, solve every problem on earth..... except um high oil prices and uh anything else that might hurt my um reelection chances.

I like how you have a token white guy in your signature.... so it's not just a long list of black people.

He's actually a Puerto Rican. OK he's not a Puerto Rican but wants to pass for one.
But nice deflection from the topic.

Puerto Rican isn't a race, Einstein! Geraldo is white. Over 75% of Puerto Ricans are white.

What the hell kind of thought went through your head to mention Puerto Rican as if it was somehow a counter to what I said?
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I like how you have a token white guy in your signature.... so it's not just a long list of black people.

He's actually a Puerto Rican. OK he's not a Puerto Rican but wants to pass for one.
But nice deflection from the topic.

Puerto Rican isn't a race, Einstein! Geraldo is white. Over 75% of Puerto Ricans are white.

What the hell kind of thought went through your head to mention Puerto Rican as if it was somehow a counter to what I said?

HE tries to pretend to be a minority. That's probably why he's in the rogue's gallery there.
But you're deflecting. Again.
How was your post anyway related to the OP??
He's actually a Puerto Rican. OK he's not a Puerto Rican but wants to pass for one.
But nice deflection from the topic.

Puerto Rican isn't a race, Einstein! Geraldo is white. Over 75% of Puerto Ricans are white.

What the hell kind of thought went through your head to mention Puerto Rican as if it was somehow a counter to what I said?

HE tries to pretend to be a minority. That's probably why he's in the rogue's gallery there.
But you're deflecting. Again.
How was your post anyway related to the OP??

It's not, stupid. I made no attempt to claim it was. I have another post earlier in the thread that does pertain to the OP.

You really found the need to make attention of a post that wasn't pertaining to the OP by yourself making one that doesn't pertain to the OP?
Strange how a man with an agenda can complain about other people for not reason other than they have an agenda.

You learn a lot from Professor Obama, don’t you? You may have thought the Founding Fathers, who strongly believed in low taxes, small government, and checks and balances to keep politicians from gaining too much power helped make America a great nation. You might give even more credit to the many soldiers who gave their lives for freedom, along with the great American inventors, entrepreneurs, and the masses of decent Americans who worked hard, took care of their families, and pursued the American dream.
Instead, Obama seems to believe this country is great because a bunch of know-it-all politicians confiscated people’s money and “invested” it for them.
Why, just think of all the wonderful “investments” we’ve had since Obama became President. What would we have ever done without the Cash for Clunkers program? What about the loan to Solyndra? We also can’t forget the greatest Obama “investment” of them all, the stimulus bill. The Obama administration said we had to borrow a trillion dollars to create “jobs, jobs, jobs” and keep unemployment under 8%. What did we get out of that “investment?” A bunch of “projects funded by the federal stimulus” road signs? Wow, that was money well spent. Obama might as well have just asked liberals to write “I heart Obama” in toilet stalls across the country. It would have had about the same impact and we could have saved a trillion dollars.
Here’s a newsflash for Barack Obama: government investments didn’t make this country great. The government’s role in America’s greatness was building roads, securing America against enemies foreign and domestic, street lights, a few basic regulations and getting out of everyone’s way. The people did all the rest and the very fact that Obama is lolling around the White House, thinking that he’s responsible for America’s greatness because he’s confiscating money from people who’ve earned it and doling it out to a bunch of bureaucrats, campaign contributors, and wasteful government programs is as galling as it as foolish.

Did “Government Investment” Make America Great? Obama Thinks So. « Hot Air

Aside from the checks and balances stuff..that's alot of hooey.

And a good deal of the founders were also extremely concerned with the concentration of wealth in the hands of coporations and banks.

You guys don't know shit about the founders, the constitution or much else..really.
Puerto Rican isn't a race, Einstein! Geraldo is white. Over 75% of Puerto Ricans are white.

What the hell kind of thought went through your head to mention Puerto Rican as if it was somehow a counter to what I said?

HE tries to pretend to be a minority. That's probably why he's in the rogue's gallery there.
But you're deflecting. Again.
How was your post anyway related to the OP??

It's not, stupid. I made no attempt to claim it was. I have another post earlier in the thread that does pertain to the OP.

You really found the need to make attention of a post that wasn't pertaining to the OP by yourself making one that doesn't pertain to the OP?

You need to work on appropriate responses to threads rather than just posting whatever shit enters your feeble brain.
HE tries to pretend to be a minority. That's probably why he's in the rogue's gallery there.
But you're deflecting. Again.
How was your post anyway related to the OP??

It's not, stupid. I made no attempt to claim it was. I have another post earlier in the thread that does pertain to the OP.

You really found the need to make attention of a post that wasn't pertaining to the OP by yourself making one that doesn't pertain to the OP?

You need to work on appropriate responses to threads rather than just posting whatever shit enters your feeble brain.

You missed the part where I made my response to the thread, retard.
All big government people think that if small government is good then bigger more expensive, more intrusive government must be even better.
All big government people think that if small government is good then bigger more expensive, more intrusive government must be even better.

Well there's some truth to this..which is why those people think it is okay to for the government to listen in on your conversations, assume you are going to commit a crime by the way you look, have total control over the health decisions made by women, spend tax payer money on massive exotic weapon systems that don't work, subsidize the extremely wealthy, put limits on free speech, detain people and hold them indefinitely without charge.
Strange how a man with an agenda can complain about other people for not reason other than they have an agenda.

You learn a lot from Professor Obama, don’t you? You may have thought the Founding Fathers, who strongly believed in low taxes, small government, and checks and balances to keep politicians from gaining too much power helped make America a great nation. You might give even more credit to the many soldiers who gave their lives for freedom, along with the great American inventors, entrepreneurs, and the masses of decent Americans who worked hard, took care of their families, and pursued the American dream.
Instead, Obama seems to believe this country is great because a bunch of know-it-all politicians confiscated people’s money and “invested” it for them.
Why, just think of all the wonderful “investments” we’ve had since Obama became President. What would we have ever done without the Cash for Clunkers program? What about the loan to Solyndra? We also can’t forget the greatest Obama “investment” of them all, the stimulus bill. The Obama administration said we had to borrow a trillion dollars to create “jobs, jobs, jobs” and keep unemployment under 8%. What did we get out of that “investment?” A bunch of “projects funded by the federal stimulus” road signs? Wow, that was money well spent. Obama might as well have just asked liberals to write “I heart Obama” in toilet stalls across the country. It would have had about the same impact and we could have saved a trillion dollars.
Here’s a newsflash for Barack Obama: government investments didn’t make this country great. The government’s role in America’s greatness was building roads, securing America against enemies foreign and domestic, street lights, a few basic regulations and getting out of everyone’s way. The people did all the rest and the very fact that Obama is lolling around the White House, thinking that he’s responsible for America’s greatness because he’s confiscating money from people who’ve earned it and doling it out to a bunch of bureaucrats, campaign contributors, and wasteful government programs is as galling as it as foolish.

Did “Government Investment” Make America Great? Obama Thinks So. « Hot Air

The obamas are believers.

They fully believe that any problem government creates, more government will fix it.

Obama seems to be a product of the system, so he thinks the system works. The facts mean nothing.
EVERYTHING that happened created the world we have today.

Parcing out on small part of history and crediting all of history for that one thing or event is sheer nonsense.

Debating about the validity of such assinine claims is as dumb as the statement itself.
All big government people think that if small government is good then bigger more expensive, more intrusive government must be even better.

Well there's some truth to this..which is why those people think it is okay to for the government to listen in on your conversations, assume you are going to commit a crime by the way you look, have total control over the health decisions made by women, spend tax payer money on massive exotic weapon systems that don't work, subsidize the extremely wealthy, put limits on free speech, detain people and hold them indefinitely without charge.

So why aren't you opposed to Obama and the Democrats? You've laid out their policies perfectly.
All big government people think that if small government is good then bigger more expensive, more intrusive government must be even better.

Well there's some truth to this..which is why those people think it is okay to for the government to listen in on your conversations, assume you are going to commit a crime by the way you look, have total control over the health decisions made by women, spend tax payer money on massive exotic weapon systems that don't work, subsidize the extremely wealthy, put limits on free speech, detain people and hold them indefinitely without charge.

So why aren't you opposed to Obama and the Democrats? You've laid out their policies perfectly.

We weren't born yesterday, but you may just have been.
Strange how a man with an agenda can complain about other people for not reason other than they have an agenda.

You learn a lot from Professor Obama, don’t you? You may have thought the Founding Fathers, who strongly believed in low taxes, small government, and checks and balances to keep politicians from gaining too much power helped make America a great nation. You might give even more credit to the many soldiers who gave their lives for freedom, along with the great American inventors, entrepreneurs, and the masses of decent Americans who worked hard, took care of their families, and pursued the American dream.
Instead, Obama seems to believe this country is great because a bunch of know-it-all politicians confiscated people’s money and “invested” it for them.
Why, just think of all the wonderful “investments” we’ve had since Obama became President. What would we have ever done without the Cash for Clunkers program? What about the loan to Solyndra? We also can’t forget the greatest Obama “investment” of them all, the stimulus bill. The Obama administration said we had to borrow a trillion dollars to create “jobs, jobs, jobs” and keep unemployment under 8%. What did we get out of that “investment?” A bunch of “projects funded by the federal stimulus” road signs? Wow, that was money well spent. Obama might as well have just asked liberals to write “I heart Obama” in toilet stalls across the country. It would have had about the same impact and we could have saved a trillion dollars.
Here’s a newsflash for Barack Obama: government investments didn’t make this country great. The government’s role in America’s greatness was building roads, securing America against enemies foreign and domestic, street lights, a few basic regulations and getting out of everyone’s way. The people did all the rest and the very fact that Obama is lolling around the White House, thinking that he’s responsible for America’s greatness because he’s confiscating money from people who’ve earned it and doling it out to a bunch of bureaucrats, campaign contributors, and wasteful government programs is as galling as it as foolish.
Did “Government Investment” Make America Great? Obama Thinks So. « Hot Air

Aside from the checks and balances stuff..that's alot of hooey.

And a good deal of the founders were also extremely concerned with the concentration of wealth in the hands of coporations and banks.

You guys don't know shit about the founders, the constitution or much else..really.

Corporations were public utilities with a licensed monopoly when the founders complained about them gathering power. When you start complaining about the government mandated monopolies instead of supporting them, you can talk about what the founders wanted.
All big government people think that if small government is good then bigger more expensive, more intrusive government must be even better.

Well there's some truth to this..which is why those people think it is okay to for the government to listen in on your conversations, assume you are going to commit a crime by the way you look, have total control over the health decisions made by women, spend tax payer money on massive exotic weapon systems that don't work, subsidize the extremely wealthy, put limits on free speech, detain people and hold them indefinitely without charge.

So why aren't you opposed to Obama and the Democrats? You've laid out their policies perfectly.

Because the Democrats are pure of intent and the Republicans are evil. The fact that they want to do the exact same thing is irrelevant to him.

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