Obama Election, The End of Sovereignty

Pol. Chick where did you get your education? How can someone really think the way you do?

Rush Limbaugh used to close his Friday shows by telling the listeners,

don't bother to watch the news over the weekend. Monday I'll tell you what the news was, and what it means.

I think many a conservative among the commoners took that instruction to heart. And not limited to Limbaugh.

On that topic, let me give an example of the Limbaugh insight.

With every liberal pundit and amanuensis carrying on about gun laws being responsible for the murder-suicide of Jovan Belcher and girlfriend, Limbaugh conjectured as to how different the results might have been had marriage and religion been more prominent factors in the situation.
There are so very many errors in your post that one hardly knows where to begin.

I truly like to write....and educate....but this one would require a book length treatise.

You are a fear monger who spreads no facts.

Another brilliant pity post!!

How DO you manage to come up with these???

If you want to discuss the falsehoods I pointed out instead of offering a sweeping condemnation, feel free.
The debt increased 86% under Bush, just for perspective.

77% as I recall....

....but let's not change the subject.

The point...as I have proven yet again, Clinton had no surplus.

Clinton had surpluses because the figures you are using to deny it include intra-government debt, which is essentially money the government owes itself.

When intra-government debt gets paid off, the money one part of the government is paying goes to another part of the government, so there is no net loss to the public.

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

And, as you indicate, liberals are quite susceptible to spin.

There was no surplus.
Did you not post the numbers from 1993 to 2000?

OK....let's see if the THIRD time is a charm....this from the original post:

Did you miss this?
"The table 7.1 will also show that he inherited a $4 trillion debt."

Table 1.1 shows that Clinton had several years of surpluses.

The United States of America did not.
It's national debt rose 41% over the course of the rapist's term.

But I do have the explanation for your insistence on the on your master's fiscal genius. You'll notice immediately how perfectly you fit.

'The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising…

As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.” Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon.'
From Coulter's "Demonic," chapter two.
Obama’s Exec. Order 13575, Agenda 21, and the Loss of American Sovereignty

Barack Obama bows to foreign kings again.

Executive Order for Sustainable Development – Agenda 21

From Whitehouse.gov, June 9, 2011:

Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands.

Read more:
Obama’s Exec. Order 13575, Agenda 21, and the Loss of American Sovereignty | Suffolk County Liberty Report
Pol. Chick where did you get your education? How can someone really think the way you do?

Rush Limbaugh used to close his Friday shows by telling the listeners,

don't bother to watch the news over the weekend. Monday I'll tell you what the news was, and what it means.

I think many a conservative among the commoners took that instruction to heart. And not limited to Limbaugh.

On that topic, let me give an example of the Limbaugh insight.

With every liberal pundit and amanuensis carrying on about gun laws being responsible for the murder-suicide of Jovan Belcher and girlfriend, Limbaugh conjectured as to how different the results might have been had marriage and religion been more prominent factors in the situation.

You mean like with Warren Jeffs? That was all about religion and marriage.
OK....let's see if the THIRD time is a charm....this from the original post:

Did you miss this?
"The table 7.1 will also show that he inherited a $4 trillion debt."

Table 1.1 shows that Clinton had several years of surpluses.

The United States of America did not.
It's national debt rose 41% over the course of the rapist's term.

But I do have the explanation for your insistence on the on your master's fiscal genius. You'll notice immediately how perfectly you fit.

'The mob characteristic most gustily exhibited by liberals is the tendency to worship and idolize their political leaders. Le Bon explained that mobs can only grasp the “very simple and very exaggerated.” Their chosen images must be absolute and uncompromising…

As Le Bon says, the “primitive” black-and-white emotions of a crowd slip easily into “infatuation for an individual.” Liberals worship so many political deities that they must refer to them by initials, just to save time- FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, LBJ, and O.J. Ever hear a conservative get weepy about “RWR” or refer to something as hokey as “Camelot”? Passionate adoration are the primitive emotions of a mob, sentiments generally associated with women, children, and savages, according to Le Bon.'
From Coulter's "Demonic," chapter two.

Oh, so you link us to a resource that says Clinton had a surplus, and you stand by that resource as reliable,

and then you argue with your own resource? lolol
77% as I recall....

....but let's not change the subject.

The point...as I have proven yet again, Clinton had no surplus.

Clinton had surpluses because the figures you are using to deny it include intra-government debt, which is essentially money the government owes itself.

When intra-government debt gets paid off, the money one part of the government is paying goes to another part of the government, so there is no net loss to the public.

Spin…altering the truth without altering the facts.

And, as you indicate, liberals are quite susceptible to spin.

There was no surplus.

Your own link said there were surpluses. Perhaps you could start another thread and have a debate with yourself.

You are WAY out of your league here...
What is it that Republicans links to resources that prove them wrong on matters of the economy. Like Romney saying all those studies said he could cut taxes and not increase the deficit, when in fact they said that it could only be done by closing loopholes so that the cuts and deductions were revenue neutral. The studies also said that cutting taxes would NOT create jobs.

Cutting taxes and then closing loopholes to keep the tax cut revenue neutral is giving with one hand and taking with the other. Republicans seem to have a real problem with this kind of math.
What is it that Republicans links to resources that prove them wrong on matters of the economy. Like Romney saying all those studies said he could cut taxes and not increase the deficit, when in fact they said that it could only be done by closing loopholes so that the cuts and deductions were revenue neutral. The studies also said that cutting taxes would NOT create jobs.

Cutting taxes and then closing loopholes to keep the tax cut revenue neutral is giving with one hand and taking with the other. Republicans seem to have a real problem with this kind of math.

Did you vote for this failure?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN5-ovvFL0]FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years - YouTube[/ame]
What is it that Republicans links to resources that prove them wrong on matters of the economy. Like Romney saying all those studies said he could cut taxes and not increase the deficit, when in fact they said that it could only be done by closing loopholes so that the cuts and deductions were revenue neutral. The studies also said that cutting taxes would NOT create jobs.

Cutting taxes and then closing loopholes to keep the tax cut revenue neutral is giving with one hand and taking with the other. Republicans seem to have a real problem with this kind of math.

Did you vote for this failure?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN5-ovvFL0]FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years - YouTube[/ame]

The economy turned around in 2009.
Did you vote for this failure?

I don't think that any politician is ever 100% successful in doing everything they set out to do. A number of politicians who are beloved by their constituents are viewed by history as abject failures and those who are reviled by the electorate are later lauded as great men. Lincoln, the first Republican president, was that kind of politician. Both North and South blamed him for the Civil War and the death and destruction it caused. Plus he took all that land away from the plantation owners and gave it to slaves.

This is exactly the kind of things that today's Republicans are calling "re-distribution of wealth". The biggest re-distribution of wealth in the history of the world has taken place in the United States during my lifetime. And it's all been unward. The working class now live in poverty and the middle class are struggling. In the meantime there are more billionaires in the United States, per capita, than in any other country in the world, and this all took place during a thirty year period of cutting taxes combined with runaway spending started by Ronald Reagan in 1980.

A capitalist society requires a large, economically vibrant middle class in order to have a willing market for its consumer goods. This is Economics 101. The number of poor is rising not because they won't work, but because their wages have, in real terms, not gone up in 30 years. I do taxes for have a long-time family friend who is making the same hourly rate he was making in 1990, when his daughter was born. He had a great job with a future in an expanding company and was in line for a promotion.

When my friend graduated from college, labour forecasts in his field basically said that there were extreme labour shortages in his chosen trade and he would have employment for life. With a family to support, he wasn't in a position to go back to school when NAFTA was signed and most of the jobs in his trade moved to Mexico. His employer, who had taken out big loans to finance his ill-timed expansion, went of out business. The remaining jobs in his field were paying half what he had been making. His wife went back to work. He finally got back to making his 1990 wages in 2008, and hasn't had a raise since. His story is not unique.

In 1990, we were both earning about the same amount. We're both still in the same fields today today as we were in 1990, albeit we both changed employers more than once. Today, I make twice as much as I did in 1990 and more than four times what I was making in 1985. And that doesn't include billable hours and bonuses, which, are nearly as much as I was making in 1985. My friend works longer hours than I do, and there's no air conditioning in summer.

Not everyone can or should be working in only the highest paying fields. We need trades people to repair our homes, our cars, our goods, and people to work in agriculture, and food processing, and to make our clothes. We need people to work in stores, in restaurants, and fast food joints. We need civic employees to clear our roads and pick up our garbage, but they need to be paid living wages, not the least amount possible. We need to be hiring people in our OWN communities and countries to do all of that work, we need to make our own stuff, giving employment to our neighbours so we can all rise together in dignity.

I could never vote for anyone who refers to people like my friend, and the people I encounter in my everyday life, in the manner which Romney did in his 47% speech.
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What is it that Republicans links to resources that prove them wrong on matters of the economy. Like Romney saying all those studies said he could cut taxes and not increase the deficit, when in fact they said that it could only be done by closing loopholes so that the cuts and deductions were revenue neutral. The studies also said that cutting taxes would NOT create jobs.

Cutting taxes and then closing loopholes to keep the tax cut revenue neutral is giving with one hand and taking with the other. Republicans seem to have a real problem with this kind of math.
Another fucking foreigner who thinks she has a right to talk about MY country.
Another fucking foreigner who thinks she has a right to talk about MY country.

God knows Americans interfere with the governments of other countries all of the time, but don't dare say anything to them when they behave like asshats, you smile and say nothing. YOUR government told Canadians to cancel their health care program and because it gave our employers an unfair advantage under NAFTA. Even Brian Mulroney, who worshipped the ground Ronald Reagan walked on and is now teaching at Harvard, knew his ass would be grass if he even considered such a thing, although he personally wasn't adverse to the idea.

Large American corporations have bought up everything they can buy in Canada including the Hudson's Bay Company and Molsons Brewery, the first two companies incorporated in Canada. The NRA came up here and helped convince the Conservative government to scrap the national gun registry program over the objection of every police chief in Canada. Whether we like it or not, our fiscal fortunes are inexorably entwined, so don't try to tell me to STFU cause it ain't happening.

MY friends and co-workers lost their jobs because of a US created economic collapse. My parents suffered in the 1930's financially, because of the US created Great Depression. When the US has an economic sneeze, the rest of the world catches a cold. My best friend lost half of her retirement savings the day the stock market crashed. I don't trust the stock market. Never have.

It's your country, but being a world super-power doesn't mean that the rest of the world doesn't know or care what you do or who you elect. People around the world are relieved that the Republicans are NOT back in power because these people are incapable of balancing a budget or behaving with any degree of fiscal responsibility, or respect for the rights of other sovereign nations.
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Another fucking foreigner who thinks she has a right to talk about MY country.

God knows Americans interfere with the governments of other countries all of the time, but don't dare say anything to them when they behave like asshats, you smile and say nothing. YOUR government told Canadians to cancel their health care program and because it gave our employers an unfair advantage under NAFTA. Even Brian Mulroney, who worshipped the ground Ronald Reagan walked on and is now teaching at Harvard, knew his ass would be grass if he even considered such a thing, although he personally wasn't adverse to the idea.

Large American corporations have bought up everything they can buy in Canada including the Hudson's Bay Company and Molsons Brewery, the first two companies incorporated in Canada. The NRA came up here and helped convince the Conservative government to scrap the national gun registry program over the objection of every police chief in Canada. Whether we like it or not, our fiscal fortunes are inexorably entwined, so don't try to tell me to STFU cause it ain't happening.

MY friends and co-workers lost their jobs because of a US created economic collapse. My parents suffered in the 1930's financially, because of the US created Great Depression. When the US has an economic sneeze, the rest of the world catches a cold. My best friend lost half of her retirement savings the day the stock market crashed. I don't trust the stock market. Never have.

It's your country, but being a world super-power doesn't mean that the rest of the world doesn't know or care what you do or who you elect. People around the world are relieved that the Republicans are NOT back in power because these people are incapable of balancing a budget or behaving with any degree of fiscal responsibility, or respect for the rights of other sovereign nations.

I really don't give a fuck about your irrelevant opinion of America.
I really don't give a fuck about your irrelevant opinion of America.

I don't think you have the ability to consider anyone's opinion but your own. You're certainly not open to discussion with others here. You've made up your mind about everything and the facts be damned. Once you close yourself off to the ideas of others, you become irrelevant.

I've been lurking and reading your posts.

Having an opportunity to see yourself as others see you provides invaluable information.
I really don't give a fuck about your irrelevant opinion of America.

I don't think you have the ability to consider anyone's opinion but your own. You're certainly not open to discussion with others here. You've made up your mind about everything and the facts be damned. Once you close yourself off to the ideas of others, you become irrelevant.

I've been lurking and reading your posts.

Having an opportunity to see yourself as others see you provides invaluable information.

Nope only those with a stake in America. Your opinion is irrelevant because you don't pay taxes nor are you allowed to vote here.

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