-Obama Deports 1,000,000 Hispanics


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Obama Deports 1,000,000 Hispanics
and Lied He had No Choice

SANTA FE, NM (By Jon Garrido, The Jon Garrido Network) August 29, 2011 — Obama won two-thirds of the Hispanic vote in 2008 by promising immigration policies would be a top priority in his first term and would be overhauled.

But Obama failed to deliver Immigration Reform granting a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Instead, Obama implemented Secure Communities, a deportation program, used to deport more than 1 million undocumented immigrants since 2009.:D

Obama's failure with Immigration has resulted in deep Hispanic disappointment with Obama.
Obama Deports 1,000,000 Hispanics and Lied He had No Choice
If someone is here against the law, they need to go back where they came from. If Obama is following this principle, he may be in danger of being re elected by the citizens of the country where he is chief magistrate.
Ruben Navarrette claim (The Week Magazine)http://theweek.com/article/index/222022/deporting-parents-to-win-votes that in the first half of this year the Obama administration deported 46,000 parents of U.S. born children. Often these “blameless” kids are simple dumped into foster care. (to be taken care of by U.S. taxpayers. Best reason yet to repeal the 14th Amendment.) These heartless incompetent unfit parents simple passed their responsibility on to the U.S. Government and taxpayers and should be charged with child abandonment and banned from ever entering the country again. What is in the best interest for the children. To be dumped or deported with the parents? Most of those here illegally left children back in Mexico when the came here anyway so they can take the U.S. born children with them when they leave. Millions that have self deported took their children with them. Remember those U.S. born children of illegals from Mexico are Mexican citizens according to the Mexican Government. Dumping them on the U.S. taxpayers is a form of Blackmail and we do not bargain with blackmailers. Obama is doing the right thing even if it cost him re-election. Who say we cannot round them up and deport them. 1.3 million have been deported since Obama took office. Navarette claim the children chose to remain here. WITFing parent?
How many of the 46,000 parents deported were criminals?
Deportation is the punishment for the crime of being in this country illegally.
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If that number (1,000,000) comes from a hispanic reporter, then I am in deep doubt.
Obama Deports 1,000,000 Hispanics
and Lied He had No Choice

SANTA FE, NM (By Jon Garrido, The Jon Garrido Network) August 29, 2011 — Obama won two-thirds of the Hispanic vote in 2008 by promising immigration policies would be a top priority in his first term and would be overhauled.

But Obama failed to deliver Immigration Reform granting a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Instead, Obama implemented Secure Communities, a deportation program, used to deport more than 1 million undocumented immigrants since 2009.:D

Obama's failure with Immigration has resulted in deep Hispanic disappointment with Obama.
Obama Deports 1,000,000 Hispanics and Lied He had No Choice

That 'article' was nothing more than an emotive editorial and not at all worth the time it took to read it. And I note with no small amount of concern the attempt to portray every deportation as the deportation of Hispanics. That deliberate characterization along 'racial' lines is more than a little troubling.
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oh brother. get off your knees:eusa_hand:

Still sobbing about Bin Laden and Gaddafi?

Don't worry. Some more of your pals will show up to do us Americans harm again.

LOL, I knew this was coming next..still aren't your knees getting raw by now.?

Well living in a town that was actually hit by a terrorist attack..I appreciate that the terrorist that planned it is at the bottom of the ocean. This President was the one who did that.

The last President, George W. Bush..let him waltz out of Tora Bora into a plush Pakistani Mansion. Could it be that he took over his brother's business? Or that his father funded his campaign against the Soviets? Was George W. Bush feeling nostalgic? Or did he feel he was justified. Like these fine conservatives heroes.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
Still sobbing about Bin Laden and Gaddafi?

Don't worry. Some more of your pals will show up to do us Americans harm again.

LOL, I knew this was coming next..still aren't your knees getting raw by now.?

Well living in a town that was actually hit by a terrorist attack..I appreciate that the terrorist that planned it is at the bottom of the ocean. This President was the one who did that.

The last President, George W. Bush..let him waltz out of Tora Bora into a plush Pakistani Mansion. Could it be that he took over his brother's business? Or that his father funded his campaign against the Soviets? Was George W. Bush feeling nostalgic? Or did he feel he was justified. Like these fine conservatives heroes.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

IF your alls hero, Bill Clinton had got Bin Laden AFTER THE FRIST WORLD TRADE CENTER BOMBING. we might not of have HAD 9/11. So your alls rewriting of history, is just THAT.
As for the Obama getting him, all that was set IN MOTION under BUSH. so there again..rewrite your history to make the OBama out to be the hero, and of course he has NO PROBLEM taking all the credit for it. he is such a humble human being.
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