Congressional Democrats Performance On DHS Funding Bill A Disgrace!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Congress members' behavior on the Department of Homeland Security Funding Bill that passed this week was a disgrace! This bill should have definitely contained restrictions on spending money implementing President Obama's November 2014 Executive Order deferring deportations but not contained any other riders for they would infringe the President's legitimate discretion to enforce America's immigration laws as the President sees fit. There was a critically important constitutional principle at stake here which members of Congress did not stand up for which is the President does not make laws only the Congress does including in the area of immigration law. The stakes for the American people on this issue of immigration are enormous. America's current illegal immigration problem results in a lot of lost jobs for Americans and Americans having their wages suppressed because of competition from illegal immigrant workers; America is losing its ethnic melting pot culture as a result of this problem it is on track to become an Hispanic country which will likely result in a future for America of having widespread poverty and a highly dysfunctional government like those seen in South America. Before you readers become all unhinged believing this writer is an anti-Hispanic racist which I am not let me say that if America were to become an Irish country, an Italian country or a whatever ethnic group country because of ethnic demographics its future would be dramatically less bright compared to our current ethnic melting pot culture because every ethnic group has character shortcomings it is only the reality of the power in America resting in a blend of many ethnic groups that suppresses any one ethnic group's character shortcomings controlling in America and causing harm and blocking America from reaching its potential as a good country! America doesn't have to have a demographics of ninety plus percent Hispanics to be an Hispanic country; when the Hispanic demographic in America is high enough where that community's representatives are in political control of our country and their voting numbers are high enough to essentially guarantee their representatives will continually be in political power for the indefinite future in the country then America will be an Hispanic country!

This Executive Order is not a meaningless matter for the welfare of America. If President Obama is allowed to implement this executive order which in total will give deportation deferrals to "four plus million" currently illegal immigrants plus work permits it will devastatingly weaken America's immigration laws in so far as they stand for the proposition that foreigners need a visa to come and stay in America. The practical result of this executive order is that largely these four million illegal immigrants will be getting permanent legal status because although the executive order only bestows a three year deferral from deportation to deport someone in America the illegal immigrant has to be taken before a judge and the judge has to order a deportation. After this program is implemented and complete immigration judges who see these program participants in deportation hearings are going to reason this illegal immigrant has been in the United States for at least eight years for one has to be a five year U.S. resident to be eligible for the EO program, the illegal immigrant is a parent of a U.S. citizen or a permanent legal resident and the President of the United States did not believe this person deserves to be deported based on the equities involved so why should I go against all these factors that favor denying the deportation petition the easy path for me to take is deny the petition if anyone has a problem with this blame the President he was the first to give legal status to this illegal and such deportation petitions will be denied en masse. The other big consideration is that now that President Obama will have created this precedent legalizing four plus million illegal immigrants what is to stop future Presidents every ten years or so issuing an executive order giving legal status to millions and millions of illegals in America, there is nothing; foreigners throughout the world will prudently believe even if you don't have a visa you can go to America and eventually you will get legal status the President gives it periodically. The result is that America's immigration laws will be weak and won't be able to control the problem of illegal immigration into America for the American people.

You Senate Democrats and House Democrats didn't do your duty on this DHS funding bill. Your duty called for you to support the riders blocking the implementation of this November 2014 Executive Order and there is no valid defense you have to obfuscate your accountability here; God knows the American people need you elected officials in Washington to start doing your job because their lives are too hard do to your failings! This defense that budget bills should not be used to change White House policy is baloney; the whole matter of a budget bill is a negotiation between Congress and the White House about policy. This Executive Order issue here is super relevant in the DHS funding bill what is the cost to implement this EO. I'm no financial expert but ordinary common sense indicates the DHS is going to need a boat load of people to process these four plus million deferred deportation and work permit applications. Common sense would indicate DHS will at least need a staff of five-hundred people what is the average cost of wages and benefits to the Treasury for such workers $75,000.00 per year that would make a staff expense of $37.5 million, the DHS will need an information technology system (that will require software creation) to implement this program what is the cost of something like that at least $20 million and DHS will likely need to lease space and provide office equipment for such a large staff what will that cost probably be at least $20 million dollars, Congress definitely has the right to sign off on an expense as large as $75 plus million. It doesn't hold any water the claim that the DHS budget overall isn't being increased by implementation of the executive order the DHS secretary will just be moving funds around within the Department and that is not Congress's business to get involved in such detail of a Department's spending decisions; this is not the standard that the U.S. government operates by Congress routinely weighs in on such details of government spending.

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