Obama Denied Requests For Increased Security At Libyan Consulate


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

This story is starting to float out that Chris Stevens had been attacked several times and had requested that security be beefed up and it was refused.

I can attest that this is highly possible because the same thing happened to my unit when I was stationed in Mogadishu Somalia in 93'. We requested armored vehicles after several attacks and the Clinton White House denied our requests.

What drives Democrat Presidents to take such risks????

The result was 18 dead and 99 wounded during the October 3rd 1993 Blackhawk Down operation.

When we arrived in Somalia we noticed that every other country had armored personnel carriers while we only had aluminum and canvas covered HumVees.

Now the Obama Administration is trying to cover up the goings on leading up to, during, and after the September 11th attacks on our consulate in Libya. A cover story blaming a you tube video was produced and to date not one FBI agent has investigated the murder scene.

Fact is Obama felt the risk was worth the goodwill he felt that relaxed security would give him. Well, it proved to be a deadly mistake and a misjudgement. But as Bill Clinton said during his speech at the DNC even he couldn't have done better than Obama with the economy, it seems that Obama made the same mistakes Bubba made in 93'. Trusting radicals to behave and risking the lives of Americans.

Didn't some news organization manage to go through the crime scene and they even located a diary the ambassador kept, which revealed how frightened he was for his life.

If extra security could not be arranged in the face of death threats, he shouldn't have been allowed to stay there. We know it was a planned attack and the terrorists obviously had inside information because they found the ambassador in hiding.

Heads should be rolling, but the libs still carry on and cheer the arrest of the filmmaker, so looks like they haven't got the latest news revealing the ugly truth about how this went down.

Obama should be put on the spot. The debates would be a good time to ask him some direct questions about this and a whole lot of other disasters, but I won't bet on it.
Race-baiting... seriously.

Is that how the GOP wants to go down?

What the fuck does this have to do with race you fucken imbecile???

Hey Mudwhistle, I looked this up in the liberal handbook and it simply states to respond with accusations of racism in lieu of a real answer when up against a wall. Hope this helps. Makes no sense to me why they do this but, hey, it's the rules.
Obamination only cares about getting re-elected, bothering him over terrorist threats and later the murder of the Ambassador is just noise to his re-election machine.
Congress had cut the security budget.

Obama had nothing to do with it.

Issa FAIL.

This wasn't a matter of simple daily security. This was in response to threats from terrorists. That doesn't mean saying, "Gee, sorry, it's not in the budget." It's about quickly responding to direct threats from terrorists. I suppose those budget cuts are responsible for not allowing our troops to use any force to defend themselves against attacks. I guess someone figured it was cheaper to bring them home in caskets rather than allow them to use bullets to stop the enemy. Meanwhile, Michelle costs us millions a year on her vacations and various government agencies are stocking up on ammo. Shame they couldn't loan some to our troops in the hot zone.

I guess the only time a budget isn't a consideration is when Obama is buying votes.
Shut the fuck up, twit.

The State Department throws around millions like it's going out of style. They had the money to pay for any level of security there.

Obamination found the money to bomb Libya.....

Congress had cut the security budget.

Obama had nothing to do with it.

Issa FAIL.
Congress had cut the security budget.

Obama had nothing to do with it.

Issa FAIL.

This wasn't a matter of simple daily security. This was in response to threats from terrorists. That doesn't mean saying, "Gee, sorry, it's not in the budget." It's about quickly responding to direct threats from terrorists. I suppose those budget cuts are responsible for not allowing our troops to use any force to defend themselves against attacks. I guess someone figured it was cheaper to bring them home in caskets rather than allow them to use bullets to stop the enemy. Meanwhile, Michelle costs us millions a year on her vacations and various government agencies are stocking up on ammo. Shame they couldn't loan some to our troops in the hot zone.

I guess the only time a budget isn't a consideration is when Obama is buying votes.

Im still trying to remember when the last budget was submitted, let alone passed :confused:
Shut the fuck up, twit.

The State Department throws around millions like it's going out of style. They had the money to pay for any level of security there.

Obamination found the money to bomb Libya.....

Congress had cut the security budget.

Obama had nothing to do with it.

Issa FAIL.

He also found the funds to hang out with Jay Z... he finds it in the budget to pay for tons of golfing and vacationing as well.

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