Obama/Dems Total Fail in N.Korea..

North Korea perfects nuclear weapons and missiles to carry them to the US, shoots missiles over Japan our top ally in the region, and Trump does nothing.

Yes what a great piece of work, allow North Korea to finish all of it's testing of weapons systems and then meet with them with a smile on your face. Trump has as much credibility a used car salesman still selling Yugos. "Hi Un yes let's sign a great new treaty that limits all of your nuclear desires and don't worry I'll live up to the agreement just as I did with the Iran Deal...oh wait a minute, forget that. I'm going to live up to treaties starting ... NOW!"

I'm sure China and Russia told Un "oh yeah you can trust orange stool as far as you can throw him."

I could never be a Democrat, always dedicated to being a weenie, always pessimistic, always forgetful of Democratic Party history, always blaming someone else, wishing America and Trump will fail, constant negativity and living in a world with unbelievably pathetic and hate filled scenarios.

Susan Rice on ... Obama's .. do relatively nothing about it and leave it for Trump .. North Korea policy

"The fact of the matter is that I believe the North Koreans were not prepared to be serious under Kim Jong Un, with respect to sitting at the table until they perfected their nuclear program and their missiles."

Transcript: Former Ambassador Susan Rice on "Face the Nation," June 10, 2018 - CBS News
Susan Rice, you have the right to remain silent! :p

What is seriously troubling is Rice is actually still a propaganda professional and not in prison for lying to Congress and the American people.
Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures

But as it ends up Trump accomplished nothing. We are in no better position now than we were before.
I am still gobsmacked at the outright ridicule and refusal to acknowledge that Trump did something besides just talk to hear himself speak. Gobsmacked.

Not one of these men voted for President Trump. But more importantly, not one of these men came close to peace across the Korean Peninsula. They had 40 years between them to do so. President Trump has gotten closer in just 18 months! Brutalist
We don't have 'peace' with North Korea. We don't know if we can trust anyting either Kim or Trump says or does or agrees to. Good grief. Can't you people see reality? Don't you wonder about a president who gets along with a violent dictator and fights with our closest ally?
  • Thanks
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North Korea perfects nuclear weapons and missiles to carry them to the US, shoots missiles over Japan our top ally in the region, and Trump does nothing.

Yes what a great piece of work, allow North Korea to finish all of it's testing of weapons systems and then meet with them with a smile on your face. Trump has as much credibility a used car salesman still selling Yugos. "Hi Un yes let's sign a great new treaty that limits all of your nuclear desires and don't worry I'll live up to the agreement just as I did with the Iran Deal...oh wait a minute, forget that. I'm going to live up to treaties starting ... NOW!"

I'm sure China and Russia told Un "oh yeah you can trust orange stool as far as you can throw him."

I could never be a Democrat, always dedicated to being a weenie, always pessimistic, always forgetful of Democratic Party history, always blaming someone else, wishing America and Trump will fail, constant negativity and living in a world with unbelievably pathetic and hate filled scenarios.

Susan Rice on ... Obama's .. do relatively nothing about it and leave it for Trump .. North Korea policy

"The fact of the matter is that I believe the North Koreans were not prepared to be serious under Kim Jong Un, with respect to sitting at the table until they perfected their nuclear program and their missiles."

Transcript: Former Ambassador Susan Rice on "Face the Nation," June 10, 2018 - CBS News

Well I am a democrat and I know the history. And that history includes how the current republican party exists. I also know that conservatives have been wrong about everything, but they blow a lot of hot air and exaggerate. Trump had a meeting. Nothing was changed by that meeting.
Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures

But as it ends up Trump accomplished nothing. We are in no better position now than we were before.
Exactly! Exactly! As far as N. Korea is concerned.

However, we are in big trouble worldwide as far as not getting along with our closest and strongest allies, people we can trust and rely on, not a nutcase dictator.
I am still gobsmacked at the outright ridicule and refusal to acknowledge that Trump did something besides just talk to hear himself speak. Gobsmacked.

And that's what you will be.
Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures

But as it ends up Trump accomplished nothing. We are in no better position now than we were before.
Exactly! Exactly! As far as N. Korea is concerned.

However, we are in big trouble worldwide as far as not getting along with our closest and strongest allies, people we can trust and rely on, not a nutcase dictator.

Yes we are. N. Korea has nothing offer us. But those who do, Trump has screwed.
We don't have 'peace' with North Korea. We don't know if we can trust anyting either Kim or Trump says or does or agrees to. Good grief. Can't you people see reality? Don't you wonder about a president who gets along with a violent dictator and fights with our closest ally?

We are no closer to peace than we were before Trump had this meeting. Trump is going to get credit for a historic meeting and all the conservatives will run to the shiny object blind to the fact this meting produced nothing. But Trump will brag about this and how he made peace in Korea how he made them de-nuke and these guys will believe it no matter how untrue.
Folks, notice the MSM brainwashing talking point are floating to the surface like sh!t of an unhealthy person in a toilet. :p
Folks, notice the MSM brainwashing talking point are floating to the surface like sh!t of an unhealthy person in a toilet. :p

Folks, notice the idiocy already beginning from the right.
IM2, you and other democrats just embarrass yourselves by attacking an historic peace making deal. It confirms you sick f@cks are warmongers actually until you prove otherwise. By the way, are you a "black power" person or just a run of the mill anarchist with that avatar?
IM2, you and other democrats just embarrass yourselves by attacking an historic peace making deal. It confirms you sick f@cks are warmongers actually until you prove otherwise.

I won't be looking stupid as news of this agreement are known. There was no peace made in this deal.
Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures
5 years ago Obama wanted to do this and Republicans said he was a crazy communist LOL
You mean Fake News! IM2, impress me. Tomorrow listen to Rush and then comment!
francoHFW, Dennis Rodman confirmed Obama told Dennis to f@ck off when he suggested talking to Little Rocket Man. Folks democrats are doing their best to deal with being butthurt by this amazing success by The Donald. Democrats, Preparation H now offers Prep H Maximum to help with the pain. :p
North Korea perfects nuclear weapons and missiles to carry them to the US, shoots missiles over Japan our top ally in the region, and Trump does nothing.

Yes what a great piece of work, allow North Korea to finish all of it's testing of weapons systems and then meet with them with a smile on your face. Trump has as much credibility a used car salesman still selling Yugos. "Hi Un yes let's sign a great new treaty that limits all of your nuclear desires and don't worry I'll live up to the agreement just as I did with the Iran Deal...oh wait a minute, forget that. I'm going to live up to treaties starting ... NOW!"

I'm sure China and Russia told Un "oh yeah you can trust orange stool as far as you can throw him."

I could never be a Democrat, always dedicated to being a weenie, always pessimistic, always forgetful of Democratic Party history, always blaming someone else, wishing America and Trump will fail, constant negativity and living in a world with unbelievably pathetic and hate filled scenarios.

Susan Rice on ... Obama's .. do relatively nothing about it and leave it for Trump .. North Korea policy

"The fact of the matter is that I believe the North Koreans were not prepared to be serious under Kim Jong Un, with respect to sitting at the table until they perfected their nuclear program and their missiles."

Transcript: Former Ambassador Susan Rice on "Face the Nation," June 10, 2018 - CBS News

Well I am a democrat and I know the history. And that history includes how the current republican party exists. I also know that conservatives have been wrong about everything, but they blow a lot of hot air and exaggerate. Trump had a meeting. Nothing was changed by that meeting.

Well, maybe you should try again and this time cut back on the hate, intolerance and general poopiness, also .. Dude quit being the top racist around here...
Folks, are you watching the Donald's press conference...tremendous history happening.

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