Obama/Dems Total Fail in N.Korea..

but things look to be going pretty nicely . And if things do fall apart The TRUMP still has military options .

Things do seem to be going okay but who really knows.

At worst Trump gave it a shot, gave North Korea every opportunity and if North Korea decides on dust, it was their choice.
----------------------------------------------- i keep thinking that a military demonstration on the 'norks' if the 'norks' feck up might work wonders on the perception of the USA by foreigners .
Slow your roll Francis .Trump hasn’t done squat.

Oh, NK was under control during obama years. Trump walks in and Kim starts lobbing missiles all over . His punishment ? A meeting with the President !

mmm .. until you know something (maybe reading the link would help) , you're just another misinformed idiot with nothing of value to offer up.. or just go away little Timmy..

Here’s some info for you . NK launched 2x as many missles in one Trump year vs all of obama years .

List of North Korean missile tests - Wikipedia
NK had to wait to get the uranium from Russia who had to wait to get the uranium from Hillary. It takes time.

More lies . That’s all you trumpers have .
Slow your roll Francis .Trump hasn’t done squat.

Oh, NK was under control during obama years. Trump walks in and Kim starts lobbing missiles all over . His punishment ? A meeting with the President !

mmm .. until you know something (maybe reading the link would help) , you're just another misinformed idiot with nothing of value to offer up.. or just go away little Timmy..

Here’s some info for you . NK launched 2x as many missles in one Trump year vs all of obama years .

List of North Korean missile tests - Wikipedia

Yup, Obama left Trump dire emergencies all over the world, It's great having a real American as President for a change, one that insists on solving difficult challenges despite the anti-American left spreading division, lies and nit picking cowardice.
Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures

President Barack Hussein Obama had better sense than prop up a despot while turning our backs on allies.

Not one of these men voted for President Trump. But more importantly, not one of these men came close to peace across the Korean Peninsula. They had 40 years between them to do so. President Trump has gotten closer in just 18 months! Brutalist

----------------------------------------------- buncha azzholes in that picture , all of them and not only because of the 'norks' . And even if this 'nork' deal falls through it still won't be the President Trumps fault as The TRUMP can't control the 'rocket man' .

mmm. I'd agree on the ones standing .. dufus deluxe Democrats at their best.
and just hearing , mrobama has started crying and is putting out some messages . Hearing this on the news Otto and Timmy .

----------------------------------------------- buncha azzholes in that picture , all of them and not only because of the 'norks' . And even if this 'nork' deal falls through it still won't be the President Trumps fault as The TRUMP can't control the 'rocket man' .

mmm. I'd agree on the ones standing .. dufus deluxe Democrats at their best.
-------------------------------------- thank the 'bushs' for all the third worlders in the USA same as nrobama . They are no different than mrobama , they are ALL one worlders Lumpy .
Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures

President Barack Hussein Obama had better sense than prop up a despot while turning our backs on allies.

Well, that's exactly what Obama did though otto.. think appeasement and Obama's no balls foreign policy.
We have to say.......the rats are not very happy at the moment.....:04:..........good


Slow your roll Francis .Trump hasn’t done squat.

Oh, NK was under control during obama years. Trump walks in and Kim starts lobbing missiles all over . His punishment ? A meeting with the President !

It wasn’t under control, North Korea developed enriched uranium, launched missles and Obama had to stop sending food to North Korea because they kept moving forward with their nuclear plans. Can’t you just be honest? To say Trump has done nothing is close to accurate because who can trust North Korea but to lie about things being under control while Obama was in office is a bunch of BS.
Slow your roll Francis .Trump hasn’t done squat.

Oh, NK was under control during obama years. Trump walks in and Kim starts lobbing missiles all over . His punishment ? A meeting with the President !

mmm .. until you know something (maybe reading the link would help) , you're just another misinformed idiot with nothing of value to offer up.. or just go away little Timmy..

Here’s some info for you . NK launched 2x as many missles in one Trump year vs all of obama years .

List of North Korean missile tests - Wikipedia

And they killed no one. Under obummers watch the NOKO's sank a South Korean warship, and shelled a South Korean Island. Not the sort of comparison you want to be making silly boy.
Slow your roll Francis .Trump hasn’t done squat.

Oh, NK was under control during obama years. Trump walks in and Kim starts lobbing missiles all over . His punishment ? A meeting with the President !

It wasn’t under control, North Korea developed enriched uranium, launched missles and Obama had to stop sending food to North Korea because they kept moving forward with their nuclear plans. Can’t you just be honest? To say Trump has done nothing is close to accurate because who can trust North Korea but to lie about things being under control while Obama was in office is a bunch of BS.
Timmy just hurls shit at a fan to see what gets thrown back at him.
North Korea perfects nuclear weapons and missiles to carry them to the US, shoots missiles over Japan our top ally in the region, and Trump does nothing.

Yes what a great piece of work, allow North Korea to finish all of it's testing of weapons systems and then meet with them with a smile on your face. Trump has as much credibility a used car salesman still selling Yugos. "Hi Un yes let's sign a great new treaty that limits all of your nuclear desires and don't worry I'll live up to the agreement just as I did with the Iran Deal...oh wait a minute, forget that. I'm going to live up to treaties starting ... NOW!"

I'm sure China and Russia told Un "oh yeah you can trust orange stool as far as you can throw him."
Fake News CNN had Bernstine and other Swamp Rats whining that The Donald is embracing meanies like Mr. Kim and Mr. Putin but not being nice to Merkel (the individual genociding German people), "the leader of England and the leader of Canada." Swamp Rat "Watergate" Bernstine couldn't even name them. :p
North Korea perfects nuclear weapons and missiles to carry them to the US, shoots missiles over Japan our top ally in the region, and Trump does nothing.

Yes what a great piece of work, allow North Korea to finish all of it's testing of weapons systems and then meet with them with a smile on your face. Trump has as much credibility a used car salesman still selling Yugos. "Hi Un yes let's sign a great new treaty that limits all of your nuclear desires and don't worry I'll live up to the agreement just as I did with the Iran Deal...oh wait a minute, forget that. I'm going to live up to treaties starting ... NOW!"

I'm sure China and Russia told Un "oh yeah you can trust orange stool as far as you can throw him."

And what would you have done? Obama just said no more food, that didn’t work well because North Korea continued to build nuclear weapons and missles and with in months after Obama left office, North Korea shot missles over Japan, so Obama failed to slow or stop North Korea, as did Every other President in the last 60 plus years.

I’m not sure if Trump will strike peace with North Korea or not, however Obama failed, Bush failed as did Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Nixon, Johnson and Kennedy, and you are only pissed at Trump? Lol! You nuts make me laugh more and more with every post. I wonder if anyone in your life can take you and your BS seriously.
Fake News CNN had Bernstine and other Swamp Rats whining that The Donald is embracing meanies like Mr. Kim and Mr. Putin but not being nice to Merkel (the individual genociding German people), "the leader of England and the leader of Canada." Swamp Rat "Watergate" Bernstine couldn't even name them. :p

You mean the lady that lets Muslims kill Jews?
Yes Papageorgio, Merkel is the creep that actually encourages Muslim savages to enter Germany and The West to obviously supplant Western people in a stealth form of genocide.

Folks, did y'all see The Donald and Mr. Kim sign the documents that lay the groundwork for a brand new, peaceful relationship with North Korea? The Donald did it folks. Amazing successful summitt. Mr. Kim has been invited to The White House from what I gather.

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