Obama/Dems Total Fail in N.Korea..

Fun true fact: North Korea previously pledged denuclearization in 1985, 1992, 1994, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2016. Each pledge was a lie.

Here's what happened all the other times North Korea vowed to denuclearize

Lets see what happens. Unlike many past presidents, Trump is willing to back up his talk. Kim knows this. I am sure Kim's plan could be to push this out for a bit since he is not term limited. I would expect Trump to force the issue if need be. Kim would love nothing more than for the US to elect a weak knee'd Democrat so he could get away with anything he wanted.
Trump back up his talk? He changes his mind on a daily basis. He's an idiot.
The difference is that Obama didn't make serious military threats to N. Korea(nobody would have believed this anyway from Obama) nor was he insightful enough to put economic pressure on China via tariffs to help bring N. Korea inline. Obama was extremely weak. This weakness did not go unnoticed by our enemies or our allies. If Kim doesn't abide by the regulations that will be put into place, there will be significant repercussions, not the "time out" that Obama would have given. What huge concession did the US make to get this? Two military excercises per year, one of which has already taken place? Ridiculous...these can be restarted and even escalated at any time.

Democrats have always been short-sighted, but the ignorant coverage by the mainstream media on this matter is mind bogglingly elementary.
The difference is that Obama didn't make serious military threats to N. Korea(nobody would have believed this anyway from Obama) nor was he insightful enough to put economic pressure on China via tariffs to help bring N. Korea inline. Obama was extremely weak. This weakness did not go unnoticed by our enemies or our allies. If Kim doesn't abide by the regulations that will be put into place, there will be significant repercussions, not the "time out" that Obama would have given. What huge concession did the US make to get this? Two military excercises per year, one of which has already taken place? Ridiculous...these can be restarted and even escalated at any time.

Democrats have always been short-sighted, but the ignorant coverage by the mainstream media on this matter is mind bogglingly elementary.
The difference is that Obama didn't make serious military threats to N. Korea(nobody would have believed this anyway from Obama) nor was he insightful enough to put economic pressure on China via tariffs to help bring N. Korea inline. Obama was extremely weak. This weakness did not go unnoticed by our enemies or our allies. If Kim doesn't abide by the regulations that will be put into place, there will be significant repercussions, not the "time out" that Obama would have given. What huge concession did the US make to get this? Two military excercises per year, one of which has already taken place? Ridiculous...these can be restarted and even escalated at any time.

Democrats have always been short-sighted, but the ignorant coverage by the mainstream media on this matter is mind bogglingly elementary.

Hilarious, maybe. True, for certain. What part do you not believe. You can't possibly think our enemies were fearful of Obama. Now that is hilarious. Obama was nothing more than a community organizer who went on an apology tour bashing the US every chance he got. He oversaw the Iran deal which gave them many millions to fund their nuclear arsenal. All of that because he negotiated from a position of weakness.
That's why all our strong European allies are also part of the Iran deal. Because it is just shit? The Iran nuclear deal is between Iran and a group of world powers: the P5+1 (the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, and China—plus Germany) and the European Union. Iran agreed to a long-term deal on its nuclear program with the P5+1 group of world powers - the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany.

Obama was so 'weak' (I'm using sarcasm) that he led this coalition of world powers. You're hilarious.

The EU is made up of weak, Socialist countries. I thought everyone knew this. Cheez, Merkel is destroying Germany by being overly politically correct. The UK may be waking up a bit with Brexit, but they were certainly in their Liberal comma when they agreed to this deal. Russia and China..LOL, now that is some funny stuff. Why would you think they were on board? I will let you think on that for a while. You libs are the most gullible, ignorant bunch on the plant. I think you need to stop watching so much CNN.
You are obviously completely ignorant of reality. You need to pull yourself away from RW propaganda media sources

Sure...let me guess. You don't think the policies of Trump has helped the US economy either. Head in the sand much?
I'm not surprised that Democrats are avoiding the truth in this thread... I was expecting that they'd show up to make feckless and crude insults as usual though... :lol:
I've never seen one of the sob's tell the truth about anything.
Sheesh, 8 years of Obama/Democratic Party failure with fake media sucking their huevo's and suddenly they all know exactly what to do... could Democrats and there fake news liberals be any more ridiculous?

Well sure they can... :laughing0301:


Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice Said You Could Call The Obama Administration's Attempts To Curb North Korea's Nuclear Ambitions As "A Failure." "Obama national security adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that the U.S. has consistently failed to curtail North Korea's nuclear ambitions, even during the Obama era. 'You can call it a failure,' Rice told CNN. 'I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.'" (Naomi Lim, "Susan Rice Concedes Obama-era Strategy To Curtail North Korea's Nuclear Program Was A 'Failure,'" The Washington Examiner , 03/14/18)

Read the link.. well worth it...

Trump’s Historic Summit Stands In Contrast To Obama’s North Korea Failures
how long has n korea been doing this? oh yea, 60 years or so.

we've had a few presidents in that timeframe on both sides who could do nothing with it. to simply blame obama seems to be out of hate for obama as no republican president did anything either.

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