Obama.com Site Removed Security Screening For Donations But Not For Swag Purchases


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

If you want to buy a T-Shirt or a coffee cup at Obama.com you have to give your 3 digit security code on the back of your credit card but if you want to donate you don't.

This is how Obama has been able to pull in $181 million dollars in donations, much of it from foreign donors.

The Obama campaign was caught not requiring the security code 4 years ago and it seems they are doing it again.

Course when your butt-buddy runs the DoJ you have nothing to worry about when you get caught breaking the law.

I went to his site myself and discovered they don't ask for that security code so they can make sure you own the card and are an American.

How would the Security Code on the back of a Credit Card "make sure" that a donor is an American?

It verifies that you are the owner. It protects you from internet fraud.

You know, some foreigner using stolen credit card numbers. The card number is useless without the security code on the back of the card. It helps merchants know that you're actually holding the card in your hand. Nobody is allowed to have that security card other than the issuer and the person that owns the card.

Every purchase I've ever made the company asks for it.....except the Obama site, which doesn't.

3-Digit Security Code | Personal | Visa USA
How would the Security Code on the back of a Credit Card "make sure" that a donor is an American?

It verifies that you are the owner. It protects you from internet fraud.

You know, some foreigner using stolen credit card numbers. The card number is useless without the security code on the back of the card. It helps merchants know that you're actually holding the card in your hand. Nobody is allowed to have that security card other than the issuer and the person that owns the card.

Every purchase I've ever made the company asks for it.....except the Obama site, which doesn't.

3-Digit Security Code | Personal | Visa USA

I'll repeat my question.

How would asking for the Security Code prevent non-Americans from donating?

Do you think that non-American credit cards don't have a security code?
Corruption: Exposing Barack Obama's Illegal Foreign Campaign Money Loophole

A new report obtained by Townhall from the non-partisan Government Accountability Institute [GAI] shows the Obama campaign has potentially violated federal election law by failing to prevent the use of fraudulent or foreign credit card transactions on the official Obama for America [OFA] donation webpage.

OFA seems to be taking advantage of a "foreign donor loophole" by not using CVV on their campaign donation page. When you donate online to the Obama campaign using a credit card, the contribution webpage does not require donors to enter a secure CVV number (also known as CSC, CVV2 or CVN), the three-digit securing code on the back of credit cards. This code, although not 100 percent effective, is used to ensure a person making a purchase physically possesses the card.

Because of the lack of a CVV code requirement, the door is opened for OFA to accept robo-donations, or in other words, large numbers of small and automatic donations made online to evade FEC reporting requirements.​

Obama campaign illegally solicited foreign donors | Drudge Retort
How would the Security Code on the back of a Credit Card "make sure" that a donor is an American?

It verifies that you are the owner. It protects you from internet fraud.

You know, some foreigner using stolen credit card numbers. The card number is useless without the security code on the back of the card. It helps merchants know that you're actually holding the card in your hand. Nobody is allowed to have that security card other than the issuer and the person that owns the card.

Every purchase I've ever made the company asks for it.....except the Obama site, which doesn't.

3-Digit Security Code | Personal | Visa USA

I'll repeat my question.

How would asking for the Security Code prevent non-Americans from donating?

Do you think that non-American credit cards don't have a security code?

Are you really this fucken stupid?
In a story on the Daily Caller accusing Marco Rubio of doing the same thing I found this......

High profile members who don’t use such protections on their campaign website include members of the congressional Democratic leadership, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin.

All Congressional GOP leadership — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, House Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor – use the CVV protection against fraudulent and foreign donations.

That said, several high-profile Republicans in Congress don’t employ such protections. They include: House Homeland Security Committee chairman Rep. Peter King, Senate Judiciary committee ranking member Sen. Chuck Grassley and House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Dave Camp, among others.

Congressmen vulnerable to foreign donations, just like Obama | The Daily Caller
I visited the barrackobama.com site and found the same situation.

They didn't ask for my CVV code.

This story is getting a lot of play now. The excuse will be that everyone does it. Problem is not everyone does it. Certainly not Romney.

If you want to buy a T-Shirt or a coffee cup at Obama.com you have to give your 3 digit security code on the back of your credit card but if you want to donate you don't.

This is how Obama has been able to pull in $181 million dollars in donations, much of it from foreign donors.

The Obama campaign was caught not requiring the security code 4 years ago and it seems they are doing it again.

Course when your butt-buddy runs the DoJ you have nothing to worry about when you get caught breaking the law.

I went to his site myself and discovered they don't ask for that security code so they can make sure you own the card and are an American.


I'm surprised you want to purchase Obama swag.

If you want to buy a T-Shirt or a coffee cup at Obama.com you have to give your 3 digit security code on the back of your credit card but if you want to donate you don't.

This is how Obama has been able to pull in $181 million dollars in donations, much of it from foreign donors.

The Obama campaign was caught not requiring the security code 4 years ago and it seems they are doing it again.

Course when your butt-buddy runs the DoJ you have nothing to worry about when you get caught breaking the law.

I went to his site myself and discovered they don't ask for that security code so they can make sure you own the card and are an American.


Yes I've been watching this story. He's possibly getting ILLEGAL foreign contributions. It will be interesting to watch as the day goes on.
It would be ridiculously easy to find out. Records are kept of all IPs visiting a site and all credit cards can be traced.

I should think that if there were problem donations they would have been discovered a long time ago.

My guess - this is a last-minute desperate propaganda story from the right.
It would be ridiculously easy to find out. Records are kept of all IPs visiting a site and all credit cards can be traced.

I should think that if there were problem donations they would have been discovered a long time ago.

My guess - this is a last-minute desperate propaganda story from the right.

The campaigns must release that information and to date the Obama campaign refuses to do so.

Donations less than $200 dollars the donors' name and address doesn't have to be listed. So millions of $199 and less donations came flowing into the Obama campaign helping him to pull in $181 million dollars in a single month even though his donations were lagging in comparison to 4 years ago.

On the Obama. com web-site that is owned by Robert Roche, a close associate to Obama, 60% of the traffic was from foreigners. 98% of it the names and addresses did not have to be listed.
Corruption: Exposing Barack Obama's Illegal Foreign Campaign Money Loophole

A new report obtained by Townhall from the non-partisan Government Accountability Institute [GAI] shows the Obama campaign has potentially violated federal election law by failing to prevent the use of fraudulent or foreign credit card transactions on the official Obama for America [OFA] donation webpage.

OFA seems to be taking advantage of a "foreign donor loophole" by not using CVV on their campaign donation page. When you donate online to the Obama campaign using a credit card, the contribution webpage does not require donors to enter a secure CVV number (also known as CSC, CVV2 or CVN), the three-digit securing code on the back of credit cards. This code, although not 100 percent effective, is used to ensure a person making a purchase physically possesses the card.

Because of the lack of a CVV code requirement, the door is opened for OFA to accept robo-donations, or in other words, large numbers of small and automatic donations made online to evade FEC reporting requirements.​

Obama campaign illegally solicited foreign donors | Drudge Retort

You're the fifth stupid fuck that started a thread on a report that you were too lazy to read. Once again, here it is:

Full Report » Campaign Funding Risks | Campaign Funding Risks

Read the damn thing, moron. It says that both presidential campaigns and various congressional campaigns are vulnerable. Not an iota of evidence that Obama has received any foreign money.
It would be ridiculously easy to find out. Records are kept of all IPs visiting a site and all credit cards can be traced.

I should think that if there were problem donations they would have been discovered a long time ago.

My guess - this is a last-minute desperate propaganda story from the right.

The campaigns must release that information and to date the Obama campaign refuses to do so.

Donations less than $200 dollars the donors' name and address doesn't have to be listed. So millions of $199 and less donations came flowing into the Obama campaign helping him to pull in $181 million dollars in a single month even though his donations were lagging in comparison to 4 years ago.

On the Obama. com web-site that is owned by Robert Roche, a close associate to Obama, 60% of the traffic was from foreigners. 98% of it the names and addresses did not have to be listed.
You can always tell when the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood is lying, they keep exaggerating their lies. On Fox and Fiends it was 43%, now it's up to 60% and tomorrow it will be 80%. And you must ASSume that there are no Americans abroad who might want to donate to one campaign or another.
Corruption: Exposing Barack Obama's Illegal Foreign Campaign Money Loophole

A new report obtained by Townhall from the non-partisan Government Accountability Institute [GAI] shows the Obama campaign has potentially violated federal election law by failing to prevent the use of fraudulent or foreign credit card transactions on the official Obama for America [OFA] donation webpage.

OFA seems to be taking advantage of a "foreign donor loophole" by not using CVV on their campaign donation page. When you donate online to the Obama campaign using a credit card, the contribution webpage does not require donors to enter a secure CVV number (also known as CSC, CVV2 or CVN), the three-digit securing code on the back of credit cards. This code, although not 100 percent effective, is used to ensure a person making a purchase physically possesses the card.

Because of the lack of a CVV code requirement, the door is opened for OFA to accept robo-donations, or in other words, large numbers of small and automatic donations made online to evade FEC reporting requirements.​

Obama campaign illegally solicited foreign donors | Drudge Retort

You're the fifth stupid fuck that started a thread on a report that you were too lazy to read. Once again, here it is:

Full Report » Campaign Funding Risks | Campaign Funding Risks

Read the damn thing, moron. It says that both presidential campaigns and various congressional campaigns are vulnerable. Not an iota of evidence that Obama has received any foreign money.

You didn't read up on it.

Romney put in the security screening and Obama didn't.

I checked it out for myself.

Obama figures nobody can stop him from breaking the law. And it seems you're falling for his usual "Everybody Does it" excuse.
I might have this confused with another story. Heard it on the radio and was trying to pay attention but it was a crowded place and the noise level interfered.

If this is the same website, the story claimed it wasn't even owned by the Obama campaign but some wealthy American who's been living in China for a long time and has very close ties to rich folks there as well as high government and military officials. And in addition to helping to raise millions in questionable donations the guy's visited the Obama White House twenty or so times since Barry started to soil the place.
I might have this confused with another story. Heard it on the radio and was trying to pay attention but it was a crowded place and the noise level interfered.

If this is the same website, the story claimed it wasn't even owned by the Obama campaign but some wealthy American who's been living in China for a long time and has very close ties to rich folks there as well as high government and military officials. And in addition to helping to raise millions in questionable donations the guy's visited the Obama White House twenty or so times since Barry started to soil the place.

Robert Roche owns the site but the site directs donors to the Obama campaign.

I tried to see if Obama's official site (barrackobama.com) asks for a CVV and they do not.

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