The Liars On The Left Accusing Romney Of Lying


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

It's hilarious all of these liars accusing Romney of lying all over the news. Debate response: Democrats call Romney a liar | Fox News Video

A long list of well known liars from Robert Gibbs to David Axelrod to Stephanie Cutter.

Stephanie Cutter, the campaign aid to Obama that dreamed up the "Mitt Romney killed my wife" ad.

The people that wouldn't know the truth if it kicked em in the shins are making this their number one attack.

'Mitt Romney Is A Big Fat Liar'

This is nothing new. They've been smearing him in any shape or form imaginable but now the focus is that Mitt Romney is a compulsive liar. That's all they talked about this Sunday morning. It's one of the reasons I refused to tune in. I knew that the Obama campaign was getting desperate and I didn't feel the need to raise my blood-pressure one iota.

Say what you want about President Obama regarding his ideas and policies, but Obama remains very likable among voters. In the eyes of many, he's the guy you can sit with at a summer BBQ and comfortably talk with about sports or kids.

This is his trump card -- his likability. If he plays it, you know that the campaign is desperate. Personally attacking Mitt Romney -- in other words, going negative, negative, negative, and casting him as someone unlikable and out of touch compared to Obama's own likable character -- could produce some gains for the campaign. Of course, it could instead horribly backfire and eliminate arguably Obama's strongest characteristic among voters and perhaps the driving force for his re-election bid.

Funny, but the truth is Obama is a compulsive liar and we have plenty of evidence to prove it. They sure have some nerve.


Stephanie Cutter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Debate response: Democrats call Romney a liar | Fox News Video

Articles: Obama's Game Plan
Mud....they don't have anything else. The reason why Obama got rolled has nothing to do with all the BS excuses everyone has been laying out. It is pretty simple: he doesn't have a legitimate response to Romney's attacks. The left can't respond to Romney head on, issue by issue, so they call him a liar and like a pair of underwear worn for a week straight, they throw it against the wall and hope it sticks.
Calling Romney a liar is supposed to cushion obama's poor performance next time. When obama loses, they can fall back on the cushion.
Calling Romney a liar is supposed to cushion obama's poor performance next time. When obama loses, they can fall back on the cushion.

Well....I mean....come on. What's amusing is that they are screaming about Romney being a liar like Obama stood up there and told the gospel truth. I saw an article on HuffPo yesterday that said "Obama really won because he maintained his integrity" I nearly fell off my chair laughing at that one. I literally laughed out loud.
533 Romney lies in 30 weeks. Good luck refuting ... well, any of them, much less all 533. Check out all the links that demonstrate exactly how Mitt is lying. A few of them might be written off as "difference of opinion", but most of 'em are just outright big whoppers from the mouth of Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks, Steve Benen documents them

None of the Romney-cultists is going to check out that list. Deep down, even they know Romney lies more than any other political candidate of our lifetimes. But as long as they refuse to look at documentation of Mitt's lies, they can still pretend it's not happening, and thus maintain their excuses for screaming deranged hatred at the liberals who dared point out that they lick the keister of serial liar.
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533 Romney lies in 30 weeks. Good luck refuting ... well, any of them, much less all 533. Check out all the links that demonstrate exactly how Mitt is lying. A few of them might be written off as "difference of opinion", but most of 'em are just outright big whoppers from the mouth of Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks, Steve Benen documents them

None of the Romney-cultists is going to check out that list. Deep down, even they know Romney lies more than any other political candidate of our lifetimes. But as long as they refuse to look at documentation of Mitt's lies, they can still pretend it's not happening, and thus maintain their excuses for screaming deranged hatred at the liberals who dared point out that they lick the keister of serial liar.

I stopped at lie #1.

Obama did go around apologizing for America. He also did it a few weeks ago when Chris Stevens was murdered.

End of discussion.

Epic fail
It's expanded way beyond Romney is lying. Now, everyone is lying. When obama misrepresented the opinion of the Princeton Economist, Dr. Rosen corrected him. Now Dr. Rosen is lying. Linda Morrison asked Paul Ryan a question which he answered to her satisfaction. obama mischaracterized her question and answer. Ms. Morrison was outraged that obama used her. Linda Morrison is a liar. Jim Lehrer defended his position as moderator, Jim Lehrer is now a liar. The Prime Minister of Libya said that the story about the attack on our embassy being all about a movie was preposterous. He was a liar. In order to make Romney a liar, obama has to make everyone a liar and this will undoubtably hurt him more than help him.

The whole world is lying BUT obama. If obama tries to use Romney is a liar in the debates, look for Romney to counter with "Is everyone lying but you?"

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