Obama Bin Lying's Record On Terrorism

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
There are too many things to list here. I can't even begin to list the most recent attacks on our own soil against citizens, law enforcement, and innocent women and children, but suffice to say, Barak Hussein Obama has the absolutely worst record for dealing with Islamic Extremism, which you will not hear him ever utter from his lips.

Oh, but he has no issues ridiculing Jews and Christians....

Read and Weep. Not even the most foaming at the mouth Jihadi Liberal can approve of Obama's Record on Terrorism.

So Let's talk about Obama's & Clinton's record on terrorism and Nations that sponsor it.
What is it? How extensive is it? How bad is it?

They gave 33 Billion to Iran which used the money to buy weapons from Russia....and then Iran gave those weapons to HAMAS.

They gave weapons and money to a known Jihadist Terrorist Organization called The Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow The Egyptian Government. And when a Nationalist Leader who opposes Islamic Terrorism rose up to defend his nation and his people, The Obama administration, not only refused to help him, they backed the very Terrorists Assisi Ousted and is fighting to this day, and still back them, even inviting members of The Muslim Brotherhood to THE WHITEHOUSE. That's like inviting Hitler to dinner at a Jewish Mitzvah.

They gave weapons and money to Al Queda Affiliates to overthrow The Libyan Government and assassinate Qaddafi. These same people were forwarded CLASSIFIED INFORMATION that Dumbass Hillary Clinton Illegally sent to Blumenthal which is an act of TREASON AND ESPIONAGE, and these emails were classified and fell in to the hands of several foreign governments, causing The US Backed Terrorists to attack The Benghazi Post because it was actually a secret weapons dump. There was no video. It was a strategic, planned attack that occurred because of Clinton's violation of The Espionage Act.

Then they lied about the attack, Hillary's careless use of her private and secret email server which OBAMA BIN LYING KNEW ABOUT AND LIED ABOUT. AN IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE. Hell, everything in this post which is TRUE, are impeachable offenses.

Now let's go to Syria. They have been giving Al Nusra a known Jihadist Terrorist group money and arms to fight Assad. Not only is this a violation of International Law to support and arm terrorist groups like we did in Egypt and Libya, but it is defined as TREASON by The Patriot Act as well as is in violation of multiple US CODES on consorting with, aiding, comforting and abetting our enemies. He should be impeached and then tried and hung for TREASON.

Let's talk about HAMAS. Again we are supplying arms and giving them money DIRECTLY to fight ASSAD. And so is IRAN giving HAMAS arms and money we Illegally gave Iran as Ransom for hostages.

Remember, it is illegal for The US to give US Dollars, or to make Electronic Transfers to Iran of any type. So Obama thumbed his nose at THE LAW, and in the cover of darkness flew to Europe, exchanged US Dollars for EUROS and sent pallets of Euros to Iran to the tune of $400 Million. In total we gave IRAN 33 Billion during Obama's Administration. Every dollar given them was a violation of US law per the sanctions Congress had in place at the time.

Let's talk about ISIS. You know, THE JV TEAM that is in 33 countries now, and who have affiliates on every continent, such as Boko Haram and friends. Obama created ISIS, and from what I have read, he did this intentionally.

He wanted them to attack Syria, which they are doing, but he did not expect Iraqi forces to be attacked and to be so impotent at holding their own territory. Between ISIS and Syria 500,000 people have been killed. ISIS was a poor choice to fight a proxy war with Syria through.

ISIS has beheaded, burned alive, drowned innocent men women and children. They have Crucified Christians, cut them in half with chain saws, (SAWN ASSUNDER) and thrown gays off of buildings, and stoned women to death for refusing to allow themselves to be raped. They have bashed babies heads against rocks in front of their parents, and run people through bread making factories. They have Drawn and Quartered entire families and villages, and have Mass Graves all over The Middle East, so many that we don't even know the final Kill Tally of ISIS. They have turned little girls as young as 8 in to sex slaves and pass them around among themselves like a bottle of booze. Nice friends Obama made there.

Now let's talk about GITMO. Obama has released these Mass Murderers back in to the battlefields to kill American Soldiers and our allies in unprecedented and never seen before actions despite The American people and Congress opposing this. Absolutely disgusting and unforgivable. Worse yet, he exchanged several Jihadist Generals for one disgusting deserter.

Now let's talk about his domestic record withe regard to vetting immigrants from terrorist nations HE BROUGHT in using methods to CIRCUMVENT IMMIGRATION LAW. No president has failed more at protecting this Nation than Obama Bin Lying, and no leader of any nation has enabled the spread of Radical Islamic Terrorism than this fool. He single handedly caused the so called "refugee crisis" which is oddly and overwhelmingly composed of men of military fighting age. Millions flooding Europe, and many being brought in to US. Gang Rape, and Rape Night have become the National Sport in Islamic Enclaves.

He presided over a record number of Domestic Terrorist Attacks attempted and executed successfully on our own soil by people he invited here. Many of the attacks were carried out by refugees that had they been properly vetted, should have never been allowed in this country. If Barak Hussein Obama and his ring with an Islamic inscription on it, is not a Muslim, he is a Islamic Jihadist's best friend. Again, ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE.

He cites his policies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Iran as policy successes? WTF is he smoking? Does even the most hardened fanatical Jihadi Democrat believe that?

Short mention of THE PLO: It's public knowledge that Obama has actively supported them, monetarily and politically, and they are classified as a Terrorist Organization. Again, these are Treasonous Actions, that he should be prosecuted for.

Let's talk IRAN some more: Not only did this fool give $33 Billion Dollars to The World's Largest State Sponsored Supporters of Terrorism, he allowed them to develop Nuclear Weapons with the Help of The Chinese & North Koreans. Some claim The Russians also helped them, but it is more accurate to point to North Korea, as Iranian Nuclear Scientists have made multiple trips there, and participated in the creation and testing of Nuclear Weapons there. IRAN already has Nukes, and Obama Bin Lying's agreement with them is nothing but CYA cover for IRAN so they can eventually come out of the closet with their illegal weapons under cover of International Law without having Israel Justifiably Attack them.

But wait, Martie, tell us what Else He Has Won! Not only have we legitimized their illegal Nuclear Program, we helped them directly by giving them Uranium, and allowing them to develop and test Nuclear Launch Vehicles in Violation of International Law and agreements which IRAN signed themselves. And to show how much little respect Iran has for Obama, the US and Israel, two of the missiles tested had the following inscriptions painted on them: DEATH TO ISRAEL & DEATH TO AMERICA!

And to show exactly WHO HE IS, as IF YOU HAD SOME QUESTION ABOUT IT, he goes behind everyone's backs, in the dead of night, at the twelfth hour and secretly crafts A UN RESOLUTION to GIFT ISLAMIC TERRORISTS a Condemnation of Israel over their Legally Possessed Territories in GAZA and THE WEST BANK!

Phucking Outrageous, especially considering that Israel is at relative peace with Jordan and Egypt, and both of these Nations, OFFICIALLY RELINQUISHED their claims to The West Bank and Gaza which makes them legally, under International Law, Israeli Territories. Therefore, they are Israel's to govern and do with as they see fit.

If in 500 years, someone dug up Obama's record on terrorism, and did not know he was a sitting US President, they would equate him with Yasser Arafat, or Obama Bin Laden.

Hence a name that I will always address him with: Obama Bin Lying.
Not only is it deserved, it fits the man, his character, his actions, and his legacy.
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Not so much the lying, but when will the smokes and Old Thunderbird finally catch up to Obama?

What are you silly people going to write about after January 21st..?

So you don't deny all that was written was true? Every part of it is verifiable. And your response indicates that you don't give a phuck about what Barak Hussein Obama has done to undermine, betray, and seditiously attack our own people and our allies.

You are every bit as much as a Jihadi Enabler, and a Seditious Traitor as Obama Bin Lying.
ISIS thanks your for your aiding, abetting, and comforting of them and their cause.
What are you silly people going to write about after January 21st..?

So you don't deny all that was written was true? Every part of it is verifiable. And your response indicates that you don't give a phuck about what Barak Hussein Obama has done to undermine, betray, and seditiously attack our own people and our allies.

You are every bit as much as a Jihadi Enabler, and a Seditious Traitor as Obama Bin Lying.
ISIS thanks your for your aiding, abetting, and comforting of them and their cause.

Trump isn't even in office yet and I have seen every excuse in the book used already...
What are you silly people going to write about after January 21st..?

So you don't deny all that was written was true? Every part of it is verifiable. And your response indicates that you don't give a phuck about what Barak Hussein Obama has done to undermine, betray, and seditiously attack our own people and our allies.

You are every bit as much as a Jihadi Enabler, and a Seditious Traitor as Obama Bin Lying.
ISIS thanks your for your aiding, abetting, and comforting of them and their cause.

Trump isn't even in office yet and I have seen every excuse in the book used already...

Exactly what excuses are you talking about?
Technically Trump has done nothing as president, so exactly who is making excuses for him?
He has already been a wild success at his last press conference.
Piss Gate, and Russian Hacking Hoax have been dismissed, and CNN and THE DNC have been outed as lying sacks of shit.
He is assembling a Dream Team of people who have and abide by a strong Code of Ethics and who bring real expertise, and vision to Government. The Obama Administration has had more scandals than any Presidency before. Time to clean government up, and oust your corrupt, lying, dishonest friends.
He is already stronger on Islamic Extremism then Obama Bin Lying, who is the single biggest coddler of despots and terrorists the world has ever seen.
And he is already having an impact on Domestic Investment in Manufacturing, and on Wall Street.

Election wise, he was a quick study having never officially run for office. He trounced 16 GOP candidates in The Primaries, Defeated 4 Major Candidates in The General election and 1,700 people in total running for President.

So, exactly what are you trying to blubber about, and do you need a tissue to dry your tears?
But more importantly, why won't you denounce his deplorable record on terrorism?

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