Obama and Holder fight for Gay marriage

If the liberal scum want gay marriage legal then so should polygamy be legal.Its a slippery
slope these degenerate liberal creatures are engaging.

I personally think polygamy is none of my business either. If they are consenting adults, who really cares?

You can be married and bring another woman into your marriage as a mistress and break no laws. But if you publically and legally acknowledge both women you get arrested
If the liberal scum want gay marriage legal then so should polygamy be legal.Its a slippery
slope these degenerate liberal creatures are engaging.

I personally think polygamy is none of my business either. If they are consenting adults, who really cares?

You can be married and bring another woman into your marriage as a mistress and break no laws. But if you publically and legally acknowledge both women you get arrested

The problem is that in polygamous cultures they are rarely consenting adults.
If the liberal scum want gay marriage legal then so should polygamy be legal.Its a slippery
slope these degenerate liberal creatures are engaging.

I personally think polygamy is none of my business either. If they are consenting adults, who really cares?

You can be married and bring another woman into your marriage as a mistress and break no laws. But if you publically and legally acknowledge both women you get arrested

Maybe liberals can fight for bi sexuals who could marry both men and women
at the same time.We could call it bi gay polygamy!Or any combination of men or women
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Yep... all the problems around the globe need to be dealt with after Obama makes sure the fags and dykes are happy with him.

Obama is a blatant law breaker, and should be impeached!

If the liberal scum want gay marriage legal then so should polygamy be legal.Its a slippery
slope these degenerate liberal creatures are engaging.

I personally think polygamy is none of my business either. If they are consenting adults, who really cares?

You can be married and bring another woman into your marriage as a mistress and break no laws. But if you publically and legally acknowledge both women you get arrested

The problem is that in polygamous cultures they are rarely consenting adults.

That is a different issue and should be handled under its own crime
If the liberal scum want gay marriage legal then so should polygamy be legal.Its a slippery
slope these degenerate liberal creatures are engaging.

I personally think polygamy is none of my business either. If they are consenting adults, who really cares?

You can be married and bring another woman into your marriage as a mistress and break no laws. But if you publically and legally acknowledge both women you get arrested

Maybe liberals can fight for bi sexuals who could marry both men and women
at the same time.We could call it bi gay polygamy!Or any combination of men or women

If they are consenting adults...I really don't care what they do
I personally think polygamy is none of my business either. If they are consenting adults, who really cares?

You can be married and bring another woman into your marriage as a mistress and break no laws. But if you publically and legally acknowledge both women you get arrested

The problem is that in polygamous cultures they are rarely consenting adults.

That is a different issue and should be handled under its own crime

Do you realize that SCOTUS has already ruled on this issue? Coincidentally, the Mormon Prophet has a revelation from God that marriage is one man, one woman shortly after that decision. Some more cynical people see a link between these tow events, but no Mormon ever admits it.
The problem is that in polygamous cultures they are rarely consenting adults.

That is a different issue and should be handled under its own crime

Do you realize that SCOTUS has already ruled on this issue? Coincidentally, the Mormon Prophet has a revelation from God that marriage is one man, one woman shortly after that decision. Some more cynical people see a link between these tow events, but no Mormon ever admits it.

I really don't care. It is their business

Don't matter if it is a Mormon or a movie star
Hmmm suppose the Bush administration had decided to defy Congress and refused to enforce hate crimes legislation. Wouldn't that outrage the left? How is this different. obama and holder are bound by law to enforce the laws of the land. They do not get to pick and choose nor decide on constitutionality.

Or better yet...what if Bush had refused to enforce environmental legislation or worker protections....

Oops...he did

Yep... all the problems around the globe need to be dealt with after Obama makes sure the fags and dykes are happy with him.

Obama is a blatant law breaker, and should be impeached!


You know...one of the best things I like about living right now is that people like you with your name-calling are being relegated to the same catagory as those using words like "******" and "****". The ashheap of history. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

25 years ago, the majority might applaud you...today they cringe when you speak.
.......hey you know under these auspices, a rep president can say hey I aint defending obama care, enforcing its precepts as legislated by congress etc....

he wants to have to every which way to Sunday, which is not surprising;

just recently-

Last month, then-White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said that “we can’t declare the law unconstitutional…The President believes, as you said, that this is a law that should not exist and should be repealed. But we, at the same time, have to represent the viewpoint of the defendant.” Gibbs said that “given the current makeup of the Congress,” having DOMA repealed would be :inordinately challenging,”

President Obama Instructs Justice Department to Stop Defending Defense of Marriage Act calls Clinton-Signed Law "Unconstitutional" - Political Punch

and he says it best----


Look, I can understand the president struggling, that's the word he used, with the wisdom of gay marriage, with the propriety, with its social effects, but to struggle over the constitutionality of it? This is after two years of defending the constitutionality, all of a sudden he wakes up on a Wednesday and decides that all of his arguments are now invalid -- color me skeptical on this one.

I think what is going on here is you've got a president who's got a listless base on the left, he's running for re-election, this is a nice way to throw a bone to shore up part of his constituency.

And second, here's a president who is all of a sudden out of nowhere, bringing up what the mainstream media likes to call a 'wedge issue, ' a divisive issue, out of nowhere, at a time when he's being attacked for his lack of action, his passivity on the debt issue, for his passivity, lack of action on the Middle East on fire, for his lack of leadership on the debt, all of a sudden he comes up with a social issue on which the Clinton administration had found something of a federal compromise.

It allows each state to be laboratory of democracy, work it out on its own. The key provision of the defense of marriage act is that states are not required to recognize gay marriage of other states so it doesn't federalize it. And that is a good compromise in a large country that is not united on this issue and allows each state to go its own way.

And all of a sudden he's saying I woke up this morning and I can't defend it even though his government is required to actually continue to enforce it. It makes no sense at all.

Read more: Obama Changes His Public Position on Gay Marriage - FoxNews.com

a wag the dog moment to I think...hes getting hammered on several fronts sooooo, old Russian proverb;" what to do when you are in a crisis? Create another crisis...."
Great news...

Why waste taxpayer dollars on this? It will all be legal in a few years anyway

I agree...this is very good news. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Glad to see it finally.

Whether something is generally accepted, inevitable, or "going to happen" has much less meaning for a lot of us than whether it is RIGHT or WRONG. The fact that something is popular or accepted does not make it RIGHT. In fact, in today's society there's a pretty good chance that the popular thing is the WRONG thing.

Homosexuality is not Right on ANY level. Not as a lifestyle, not as a sexual act, not as the basis for a relationship, nevermind a marriage. You can make it Legal in whatever way you want; that will never make it Right or make us accept it.


This person does not speak for me on any level on this issue, not saying he was trying too.

I am a proud conservative that does not suffer from the affliction of being religious and believing in mixing that with politics. The constitution does not recognize sexuality and oppress it.
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Hmmm suppose the Bush administration had decided to defy Congress and refused to enforce hate crimes legislation. Wouldn't that outrage the left? How is this different. obama and holder are bound by law to enforce the laws of the land. They do not get to pick and choose nor decide on constitutionality.

Or better yet...what if Bush had refused to enforce environmental legislation or worker protections....

Oops...he did

While I agree that "gay rights" is a good thing by making them equal and not a sub class of citizen in America, you have to see by your own example how a president picking and choosing what laws to enforce is a bad thing.

Obama’s stance on the issue while surprising at first was nothing more than a gimmick to run off later without actually doing anything presidential and important.

“Vote for me or this law might be enforced” is pathetic. Not to mention on a state by state level this can’t be legal.

I thought Obama studied the constitution, yet he struggles with the basics.

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