Obama and Biden Attempt To Take Credit For Surge Success

You're another idiot who can't understand english...best if you just shut your pie hole.

OR ("pie holes" aside) it's your twisting of the language, in an obvious attempt to obfuscate the actual events, that is leading everyone to contradict you.

Just a little reminder for all you liberals who have memories of a nat. :lol::lol::lol:
And from your own magazine too.:lol::lol::lol:

Joe Biden: The Surge Is A Failure

WASHINGTON — A leading Democrat on Saturday declared last year's troop buildup in Iraq a failure. Sen. Joe Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the military push didn't succeed because U.S. troops remain committed there in large numbers and political reconciliation has not been achieved. "The purpose of the surge was to bring violence in Iraq down so that its leaders could come together politically," said Biden, D-Del., in this week's Democratic radio address. "Violence has come down, but the Iraqis have not come together." He later added, "There is little evidence the Iraqis will settle their differences peacefully any time soon." Biden offered an early rebuttal to next week's testimony by Gen. David Petraeus, the top military commander in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador there. Petraeus and Crocker are expected to say the recent buildup in troops has succeeded in improving security. But they also likely will say that a period of assessment is needed this summer before officials can decide whether troop withdrawals can continue. Democrats have called this approach unacceptable and said they would pursue an alternative policy through legislation. They said their focus will be on restoring the strength of the Army and Marines and refocusing the nation's resources on fighting terrorists in Afghanistan. "I believe the president has no strategy for success in Iraq," Biden said. "His plan is to muddle through, and hand the problem off to his successor." Republicans say they are satisfied with the recent drop in violence and that more time is needed to improve the situation there.
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And then Obama's statement, one thing for sure this is all of Booooooooooooooooosh's fault.LOLOLOLOLOL

Obama on the surge - First Read - msnbc.com

From NBC's Domenico Montanaro and Andrew Merten
After Hillary Clinton yesterday said the troop surge is working, but it’s too late and Democrat Brian Baird came out and also said the surge is working, First Read asked Obama what he thinks during a conference call with reporters to announce the endorsement of Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA).

Obama noted that he hadn’t seen a transcript of exactly what Clinton said yesterday about the troop surge during her speech at the VFW, but added, “My assessment is that if we put an additional 30,000 of our outstanding troops into Baghdad, that that's going to quell some of the violence, short term. I don't think that there's ever been any doubt about that. And I don't think that there's any doubt that as long as US troops are present, that, you know, they are going to be doing outstanding work.

“It doesn't change the underlying assessment, which is that there's not a military solution to the problem in Iraq, and that the political dynamic in Iraq has not changed. The only thing that the Iraqi legislature appears to have agreed to, as the surge took place, was a motion to adjourn and go on vacation
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Obama and Biden Attempt To Take Credit For Surge Success -

oh no they don't! Bush took credit before any success!


President George W. Bush declares "mission accomplished" in Iraq, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003.
Tell me what the CAG said, the sailors on board the ship said and what Boooooooosh said. Then tell us who twisted what...OK skippy?

What the hell does it matter what the CAG or the sailors said?

THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES made an internationally televised speech stating that the "Battle of Iraq" had been won, and that "Major combat operations in Iraq" were over.

and it was true in spite of you trying to say otherwise. The Iraqi Army was defeated, the Iraqi government was thrown out of power. The insurgency didn't start for another several weeks AFTER that announcement was made and it was due to piss poor planning by Bremer and a host of other bureaucrats.

Now...please spin some more skippy.
Obama and Biden Attempt To Take Credit For Surge Success -

oh no they don't! Bush took credit before any success!


President George W. Bush declares "mission accomplished" in Iraq, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003.

CNN.com - Bush makes historic speech aboard warship - May. 1, 2003

Can you imagine the speech Obama would have given?

no....because first of all I don't think 9-11 would have happened on his watch.

Are you a truther? :lol:
Obama and Biden Attempt To Take Credit For Surge Success -

oh no they don't! Bush took credit before any success!


President George W. Bush declares "mission accomplished" in Iraq, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003.

CNN.com - Bush makes historic speech aboard warship - May. 1, 2003

Can you imagine the speech Obama would have given?

no....because first of all I don't think 9-11 would have happened on his watch.

Maybe....who knows huh? But, the planning was in the works since the Clinton adminstration, and probably started right after the 93 WTC bombing.
But.....go ahead and think what you want....it comes down to one of those, "I think".
USATODAY.com - White House to move to Texas for a while
White House to move to Texas for a while
By Laurence McQuillan, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Six months after taking office, President Bush will begin a month-long vacation Saturday that is significantly longer than the average American's annual getaway. If Bush returns as scheduled on Labor Day, he'll tie the modern record for presidential absence from the White House, held by Richard Nixon at 30 days. Ronald Reagan took trips as long as 28 days.

But some Republican loyalists worry about critics who say Bush lets Vice President Cheney and other top officials do most of the work. They're also concerned about the reaction of the average American, who gets 13 vacation days each year.
"It can foster other images," says William Benoit, a professor of political communication at the University of Missouri-Columbia. "Maybe he's lazy, maybe he's not determined. It feeds into the impression that he's not in charge."

Bush, who is scheduled to return to Washington on Sept. 3 ( 8 days before 9-11), is taking his vacation while Congress is in recess. Cheney will be in Wyoming.

how many vacation days did Obama take in his first six months in office?
Obama considers the White House HIS house so why would he need to take a vacation?
also I believe that Obama reads his PDB's....which is an important thing to do if you can find the time between clearing brush, golfing and fishing.

Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the President's Daily Brief given to U.S. President George W. Bush on August 6, 2001. The President's Daily Brief (PDB) is a brief of important classified information on national security collected by various U.S. intelligence agencies given to the president and a select group of senior officials. The brief warned of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda over a month before the September 11, 2001 attacks.[1]


"PDB.....what's that?.. ya see I got brush to clear"
Just a little reminder for all you liberals who have memories of a nat. :lol::lol::lol:
And from your own magazine too.:lol::lol::lol:

Joe Biden: The Surge Is A Failure

WASHINGTON — A leading Democrat on Saturday declared last year's troop buildup in Iraq a failure. Sen. Joe Biden, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the military push didn't succeed because U.S. troops remain committed there in large numbers and political reconciliation has not been achieved. "The purpose of the surge was to bring violence in Iraq down so that its leaders could come together politically," said Biden, D-Del., in this week's Democratic radio address. "Violence has come down, but the Iraqis have not come together." He later added, "There is little evidence the Iraqis will settle their differences peacefully any time soon." Biden offered an early rebuttal to next week's testimony by Gen. David Petraeus, the top military commander in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador there. Petraeus and Crocker are expected to say the recent buildup in troops has succeeded in improving security. But they also likely will say that a period of assessment is needed this summer before officials can decide whether troop withdrawals can continue. Democrats have called this approach unacceptable and said they would pursue an alternative policy through legislation. They said their focus will be on restoring the strength of the Army and Marines and refocusing the nation's resources on fighting terrorists in Afghanistan. "I believe the president has no strategy for success in Iraq," Biden said. "His plan is to muddle through, and hand the problem off to his successor." Republicans say they are satisfied with the recent drop in violence and that more time is needed to improve the situation there.

See my last post on Joe Biden. The man is known for shooting his mouth off. I'm not really sure how this counters the point about Bush.
And then Obama's statement, one thing for sure this is all of Booooooooooooooooosh's fault.LOLOLOLOLOL

Obama on the surge - First Read - msnbc.com

From NBC's Domenico Montanaro and Andrew Merten
After Hillary Clinton yesterday said the troop surge is working, but itÂ’s too late and Democrat Brian Baird came out and also said the surge is working, First Read asked Obama what he thinks during a conference call with reporters to announce the endorsement of Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA).

Obama noted that he hadn’t seen a transcript of exactly what Clinton said yesterday about the troop surge during her speech at the VFW, but added, “My assessment is that if we put an additional 30,000 of our outstanding troops into Baghdad, that that's going to quell some of the violence, short term. I don't think that there's ever been any doubt about that. And I don't think that there's any doubt that as long as US troops are present, that, you know, they are going to be doing outstanding work.

“It doesn't change the underlying assessment, which is that there's not a military solution to the problem in Iraq, and that the political dynamic in Iraq has not changed. The only thing that the Iraqi legislature appears to have agreed to, as the surge took place, was a motion to adjourn and go on vacation

Followed by:

“And the ongoing question is how can we trigger a serious conversation and a responsible conversation between the Shiite and the Sunni and the Kurds that will reduce the sectarian conflict. That is not happening, and until it does, we are going to continue to see long-term problems, there, and it's my assessment that until we begin a phased withdrawal from Iraq, we're not going to get the sort of serious talks within Iraq and in the region, that are required.”

Altogether a pretty spot on assessment. After all, it wasn't just "the surge" that was the solution in Iraq, it was the surge mixed with a lot of the local populace turning against the insurgents (much of which was due to a whole lot of bribery), mixed with a whole lot of political maneuvering.

Which is what he said, except for the bribery part of course.
Tell me what the CAG said, the sailors on board the ship said and what Boooooooosh said. Then tell us who twisted what...OK skippy?

What the hell does it matter what the CAG or the sailors said?

THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES made an internationally televised speech stating that the "Battle of Iraq" had been won, and that "Major combat operations in Iraq" were over.

and it was true in spite of you trying to say otherwise. The Iraqi Army was defeated, the Iraqi government was thrown out of power. The insurgency didn't start for another several weeks AFTER that announcement was made and it was due to piss poor planning by Bremer and a host of other bureaucrats.

Now...please spin some more skippy.

Why don't you ask yourself these questions, Scooter:

How many American Troops were killed in Iraq up until the "Mission Accomplished" moment? How many troops were killed afterwards?

How many Iraqis were killed before that moment? How many after?

How many billions of dollars were spent on the Iraq War before that moment? How many after?

These are simple questions that lead to simple answers. Once you answer them honestly, you'll see how wrong you are.
Obama and Biden Attempt To Take Credit For Surge Success -

oh no they don't! Bush took credit before any success!


President George W. Bush declares "mission accomplished" in Iraq, aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003.

CNN.com - Bush makes historic speech aboard warship - May. 1, 2003

Can you imagine the speech Obama would have given?

no....because first of all I don't think 9-11 would have happened on his watch.

Are you that high on drugs? The attacks of 9-11-01 would have happened no matter who the president was.
Are you that high on drugs? The attacks of 9-11-01 would have happened no matter who the president was.

Yeah, I may have to agree here.

I mean maybe if whoever else might have been president had continued the Clinton methods of trying to kill Bin Laden, instead of just ignoring Al Qaeda, they might have gotten lucky and taken him out...

...But even if they had, the attack probably would have happened anyway.
What the hell does it matter what the CAG or the sailors said?

THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES made an internationally televised speech stating that the "Battle of Iraq" had been won, and that "Major combat operations in Iraq" were over.

and it was true in spite of you trying to say otherwise. The Iraqi Army was defeated, the Iraqi government was thrown out of power. The insurgency didn't start for another several weeks AFTER that announcement was made and it was due to piss poor planning by Bremer and a host of other bureaucrats.

Now...please spin some more skippy.

Why don't you ask yourself these questions, Scooter:

How many American Troops were killed in Iraq up until the "Mission Accomplished" moment? How many troops were killed afterwards?

How many Iraqis were killed before that moment? How many after?

How many billions of dollars were spent on the Iraq War before that moment? How many after?

These are simple questions that lead to simple answers. Once you answer them honestly, you'll see how wrong you are.

Since you're a simple person here's a simple response.

Only a dumb-fuck fell for that "Mission Accomplished" angle the press used to discredit Bush. The sign in question was intended to thank the sailors of that carrier for a job well done after a long deployment. A very long deployment. They accomplished their mission.

For your information a "Mission" is one single operation usually only a small part of a larger military action that is conducted during a "Battle". There are usually several missions underway from various elements in any "Battle". There are several "Battles" during every "WAR". So a single mission was being celebrated with that sign, not the entire Iraq War.

Too bad you didn't catch that simple fact.

The mission in question was not a benchmark in the total operation. Bush felt like thanking the men and women on that ship and that battle group.....and he did it in impressive fashion. I knew the F'n Democrats hated every moment of it. So they set out to lie about it and began turning the public against the war.

Damn them. Every single one of them deserves to burn in hell for it. Imagine the costs their actions caused...the lives lost because they practically supported the enemy. Obama and anyone else who said the war was lost....a total failure..., deserves the same treatment. Harry Reid, Jack Murtha, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, and Barrack Obama.

I'd like to kick them all so hard in the ass they taste Kiwi for a month.

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and it was true in spite of you trying to say otherwise. The Iraqi Army was defeated, the Iraqi government was thrown out of power. The insurgency didn't start for another several weeks AFTER that announcement was made and it was due to piss poor planning by Bremer and a host of other bureaucrats.

Now...please spin some more skippy.

Why don't you ask yourself these questions, Scooter:

How many American Troops were killed in Iraq up until the "Mission Accomplished" moment? How many troops were killed afterwards?

How many Iraqis were killed before that moment? How many after?

How many billions of dollars were spent on the Iraq War before that moment? How many after?

These are simple questions that lead to simple answers. Once you answer them honestly, you'll see how wrong you are.

Since you're a simple person here's a simple response.

Only a dumb-fuck fell for that "Mission Accomplished" angle the press used to discredit Bush. The sign in question was intended to thank the sailors of that carrier for a job well done after a long deployment. A very long deployment. They accomplished their mission.

For your information a "Mission" is on single operation usually only a small part of a larger military action that is conducted during a "Battle". There are usually several missions underway from various elements in any "Battle". There are several "Battles" during every "WAR". So a single mission was being celebrated with that sign, not the entire Iraq War.

Too bad you didn't catch that simple fact.

The mission in question was not a benchmark in the total operation. Bush felt like thanking the men and women on that ship and that battle group.....and he did it in impressive fashion. I knew the F'n Democrats hated every moment of it. So they set out to lie about it and began turning the public against the war.

Damn them. Every single one of them deserves to burn in hell for it. Imagine the costs their actions caused...the lives lost because they practically supported the enemy. Obama and anyone else who said the war was lost....a total failure..., deserves the same treatment. Harry Reid, Jack Murtha, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, and Barrack Obama.

I'd like to kick them all so hard in the ass they taste Kiwi for a month.

You keep posting the same nonsense thinking someone, somehow ...will believe it

Yet, while standing under the "Mission Accomplished" sign....Bush said

Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." –President Bush, standing under a "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Lincoln aircraft carrier, May 2, 2003

He said nothing about part of the mission being accomplished, he did not say he was referring to the carriers mission......He said "Major combat operations have ended" not that we still had 4000 more soldiers to die, not that we still had seven more years to go, not that the political situation was a disaster.

He said "The US and our allies had prevailed" and everyone knows they hadn't