Obama administration guts work requirements for Clinton-era welfare reform


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The Marxist dictator has bypassed Congress so many times, we've lost count (dictated that the US government will ignore the law and will not allow the proper prosecution of young illegal aliens among countless others), has spit in the face of the Supreme Court so many times, we've lost count (after ruling on SB1070, Obama instructed Homeland Security to ignore calls from Arizona with regards to illegal aliens), and has ignored the will of the American peope so many times, we've lost count (the extremely unpopular Obamacare being the biggest of course). And now the latest - ignoring our entire system of government to change a law that signed by Democrat Bill Clinton!

The imperial Presidency has overturned Congress and the law again. Not content to stop at rewriting immigration policy, education policy and energy policy, yesterday, President Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released an official policy directive rewriting the welfare reform law of 1996. The new policy guts the federal work requirements that were the foundation of the Clinton-era reform.

Morning Bell: President Obama's Imperial Presidency

If you need something done, why would you go to Congress?
Obama seems to think he was elected king. Where the hell are the other two branches of government while he's playing at buying an election with taxpayer money?

Obama administration guts work requirements for Clinton-era welfare reform

The landmark welfare reform law President Bill Clinton signed in 1996 helped move nearly 3 million families off the government dole — the result of federal work requirements that promoted greater self-reliance.

Yesterday the Obama administration gutted those federal work rules, ignoring the will of Congress by issuing a policy directive that allows the Department of Health and Human Services to waive the work requirements for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. “The result is the end of welfare reform,” wrote Robert Rector and Kiki Bradley of The Heritage Foundation.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), author of welfare reform legislation, said in response to the news:

President Obama just tore up a basic foundation of the welfare contract. In exchange for taxpayer-funded TANF payments, the law calls on able-bodied adults to work, look for work, take classes, or undergo drug and alcohol counseling. It’s the tough love that gives people motivation to help themselves.

The administration’s decision follows other recent executive actions on immigration, marriage, religion, education and energy policies. In each case, President Obama has put his own “imperial presidency” ahead of Congress and federal law.

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I was not not a Clinton supporter, but I can say that at least Clinton knew how to work with the Republican Congress to actually do something good and something that actually worked.

Obama falls on the extreme left of Clinton
Not surprisingly the liberal press has completely ignored this. Not only have Obama policies added millions to the food stamp and welfare roles, now he says to just stay home and relax and let the government take care of you.
Morning Bell: Obama’s Imperial Presidency Guts Welfare Reform
Amy PayneJuly 13, 2012 at 9:14 am(21)

The imperial Presidency has overturned Congress and the law again. Not content to stop at rewriting immigration policy, education policy and energy policy, yesterday, President Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released an official policy directive rewriting the welfare reform law of 1996. The new policy guts the federal work requirements that were the foundation of the Clinton-era reform.
While this real news occurred yesterday, most of the media remained fixated on political ads and speeches, letting a major and unilateral shift in America’s welfare system go nearly unreported.
Morning Bell: Obama's Imperial Presidency Dissolves Welfare Reform
That's too many choices for a LOLberal. Mine is too complicated so they wont read any of it and then pretend it didnt happen.
The guy was an activist his whole life as in the rules for radicals if things aren't going the Marxists' way throw more fuel on the fire. I'd look for a dozen executive orders nobody but Obama and his true believer Marxists will agree with.
I was not not a Clinton supporter, but I can say that at least Clinton knew how to work with the Republican Congress to actually do something good and something that actually worked.

Obama falls on the extreme left of Clinton

And Republicans worked with Clinton. It was compromise, which in today's political environment is a very, very dirty word and the result is nothing gets done or Obama goes off on one of his power trips.
Work requirements?

How many Americans do we have turning down jobs?
Work requirements?

How many Americans do we have turning down jobs?

When you can collect UI for two years and then go on SS disability for life?

A lot.

That's why you always see the signs telling you to not feed the wild animals.
Obama will do anything to build a dependent voting class for the Democratic Party.
This is one of the greatest bi-partisan achievements in recent history that finally ended the chronic welfare shackles that for decades impeded minority advancement.
Every self respecting black American should be throwing up red flags right and left on this. Nothing - NOTHING was more effective at creating and maintaining a permanent decline in minority population than the abyss of welfare dependency.
Shame on this President. If this article is true - then this is the worst move he has made in office in a loooong line of faults.

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