Obama Administration 'Doubles-Down' On Denying Vets Health Care


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
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AFTER those in charge were given HUGE BONUSES, AFTER the scandal Broke, and AFTER the Obama administration's vow to fix the problem...

Report Finds Sharp Increase in Veterans Denied V.A. Benefits...

It (the report) found that veterans who served after 2001 were nearly twice as likely as those who served during Vietnam to be barred from benefits, and four times as likely as men and women who served during World War II.

'Other Than Honorable' Discharges are being used to deny military members benefits. One case in the article how one soldier / Marine suffered nightmares, exhibited symptoms of PTSD, went missing for a time, and was given an Other Than honorable' discharged. Due to this the government has denied him any and all benefits.

“We separate people for misconduct that is actually a symptom of the very reason they need health care,” said Coco Culhane, a lawyer who works with veterans at the Urban Justice Center in New York."

"About 6.5 percent of all Iraq and Afghanistan troops have bad paper discharges, the report said. The highest rate is found in the Marine Corps, where one in 10 is now ineligible for benefits."

So now you want to beat up the VA for following the law? You should be directing your anger at DOD.
Biggest shame of his shameful Presidency. Our Vets have suffered so much during his tenure. Their 'Commander in Chief' treated Illegals far better. It's very sad.
So now you want to beat up the VA for following the law? You should be directing your anger at DOD.
IF there's some scandal here, it'd be about why the increase in servicemen/women receiving less than honorable discharges. I'm not sure how Obama could be to blame ... unless there's some Muslim Kenyan Socialst Marxist conspiracy to hurt wounded warriors. And I rather doubt that.

I'll hazard a guess. Making servicemen serve multiple tours in asymmetrical warfare where they're being blown up by booby traps and ambushed by civilians is really FOCKING PEOPLE UP, and they are unable to complete their terms of enlistment.

Maybe the military should look at weight we're making something like .5% of the population carry for the rest of us. But, I'm sure the TPM congress won't raise taxes or debt to pay for the weight.
So now you want to beat up the VA for following the law? You should be directing your anger at DOD.
IF there's some scandal here, it'd be about why the increase in servicemen/women receiving less than honorable discharges. I'm not sure how Obama could be to blame ... unless there's some Muslim Kenyan Socialst Marxist conspiracy to hurt wounded warriors. And I rather doubt that.

I'll hazard a guess. Making servicemen serve multiple tours in asymmetrical warfare where they're being blown up by booby traps and ambushed by civilians is really FOCKING PEOPLE UP, and they are unable to complete their terms of enlistment.

Maybe the military should look at weight we're making something like .5% of the population carry for the rest of us. But, I'm sure the TPM congress won't raise taxes or debt to pay for the weight.

There are procedures to get an OTH discharge upgraded, I've seen several people do it successfully. That said, it's not an easy process and it shouldn't be, but it can be done with adequate evidence.
So now you want to beat up the VA for following the law? You should be directing your anger at DOD.
IF there's some scandal here, it'd be about why the increase in servicemen/women receiving less than honorable discharges. I'm not sure how Obama could be to blame ... unless there's some Muslim Kenyan Socialst Marxist conspiracy to hurt wounded warriors. And I rather doubt that.

I'll hazard a guess. Making servicemen serve multiple tours in asymmetrical warfare where they're being blown up by booby traps and ambushed by civilians is really FOCKING PEOPLE UP, and they are unable to complete their terms of enlistment.

Maybe the military should look at weight we're making something like .5% of the population carry for the rest of us. But, I'm sure the TPM congress won't raise taxes or debt to pay for the weight.

There are procedures to get an OTH discharge upgraded, I've seen several people do it successfully. That said, it's not an easy process and it shouldn't be, but it can be done with adequate evidence.
Oh yeah. I was just speculating that we may be putting these men and women through such hellish experiences that it may be unfair to expect them to be able to fully function during their entire enlistments.

In Vietnam we still had a conscripted force, and even the marines had to resort to the draft. But, for most with the army, a guy got drafted, and if he survived his 12 mo tour, he was home free. He could re-up. And some heroically did. I know an air force guy who volunteered for a second enlistment flying F-105s, which were called "thuds" for the sound they made crashing. More than a few did that. But in today's military, the 'tours without end" seems to be the rule rather than the exception. And it sucks.
So now you want to beat up the VA for following the law? You should be directing your anger at DOD.
I was thinking that it'd be unfair to blame the military. They have a limited and declining number of personnel slots, and seemingly unending wars. IF some guy can't do the job, even it it's for really good reasons, they can't just carry the guy.

We can blame Obama, and maybe we should, but Congress has the pusestrings, and maybe the laws need to be changed. I know the VA's still got problems delivering care, especially in rural/isolated areas. I don't see an answer so long as those vets aren't getting treatment from professionals in their communities and not really hired by the VA system, and that's controversial. And, there are politics and even Obamacare at issue. But, maybe we need to change what a vet has to do in order to qualify for benefits.
So now you want to beat up the VA for following the law? You should be directing your anger at DOD.
I was thinking that it'd be unfair to blame the military. They have a limited and declining number of personnel slots, and seemingly unending wars. IF some guy can't do the job, even it it's for really good reasons, they can't just carry the guy.

We can blame Obama, and maybe we should, but Congress has the pusestrings, and maybe the laws need to be changed. I know the VA's still got problems delivering care, especially in rural/isolated areas. I don't see an answer so long as those vets aren't getting treatment from professionals in their communities and not really hired by the VA system, and that's controversial. And, there are politics and even Obamacare at issue. But, maybe we need to change what a vet has to do in order to qualify for benefits.

The services are the ones that characterizes a persons service according to regulations and the UCMJ. The only thing VA goes from is the DD214 and the law. As for care in rural areas all I can say is I live in a rural area and VA has completed 2 new outpatient facilities, in the last 3 years, within 25 miles of me and I go to a civilian dentist because there is no VA dentist within 50 miles.
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