Obama Admin: Can We Please Have Our Stuff Back?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
You almost have to feel sorry for administration spokespeople like Jen Psaki. They are in an impossible situation, trying to sound mature and intelligent in the face of the worst foreign policy in US history. But this one is rich. The US runs like hell from Yemen, leaves crap there, has crap taken by the rebels, and now they're asking for it back? Seriously?
Spineless State Department On U.S. Weapons Equipment Vehicles Stolen By Houthi Rebels in Yemen We Are Requesting That They Be Returned Video John Hawkins Right Wing News
Check the video before you drone on about the source.
Why, the source says everything.

john Hawkins is one of the Toon Hall nuts. Especially since it was already established the Marines disabled all the equipment in the Embassy before they evacuated.

Again, I worry more about the 25 billion of equipment left behind in IRaq than the few dozen rifles left in an embassy.
lol... What's with this administrations penchant for losing chit then asking for it back?

Why, the source says everything.

john Hawkins is one of the Toon Hall nuts. Especially since it was already established the Marines disabled all the equipment in the Embassy before they evacuated.

Again, I worry more about the 25 billion of equipment left behind in IRaq than the few dozen rifles left in an embassy.
That's why I said to look at the video before shooting your stupid mouth off again. The video doesnt lie. We intentionally abandoned a bunch of stuff there that was picked up by enemies. And as I wrote elsewhere it wouldnt take much to get it back working. Obama has effectively armed our enemies. And not for the first time
the Marines disabled all the equipment in the Embassy before they evacuated.
got proof of that ? every last item was disabled/destroyed, even the ball point pens ?

I'm not that concerned about ball point pens. Or even weapons, for that matter. Our problems in Yemen go a little beyond that.
That's why I said to look at the video before shooting your stupid mouth off again. The video doesnt lie. We intentionally abandoned a bunch of stuff there that was picked up by enemies. And as I wrote elsewhere it wouldnt take much to get it back working. Obama has effectively armed our enemies. And not for the first time

There's no need to look at the video form Toon Hall.

And frankly, who cares if they picked up a few dozen rifles or a truck. Especially since the Iranians are flooding the place with weapons and so are we.
the Marines disabled all the equipment in the Embassy before they evacuated.
got proof of that ? every last item was disabled/destroyed, even the ball point pens ?

I'm not that concerned about ball point pens. Or even weapons, for that matter. Our problems in Yemen go a little beyond that.
What now??

But I thought Yemen was the epitome of Smart Diplomacy?

The bright shining jewel in the Obama foreign policy crown, so to speak.

ISIS/ISIL should wait until the NCAA tournament, then they can take Saudi Arabia while Obama is busy.
That's why I said to look at the video before shooting your stupid mouth off again. The video doesnt lie. We intentionally abandoned a bunch of stuff there that was picked up by enemies. And as I wrote elsewhere it wouldnt take much to get it back working. Obama has effectively armed our enemies. And not for the first time

There's no need to look at the video form Toon Hall.

And frankly, who cares if they picked up a few dozen rifles or a truck. Especially since the Iranians are flooding the place with weapons and so are we.
It's amazing what you are and are not concerned about. Yemenite terrorists getting supplies doesnt bother you. Russian taking over the Ukraine doesnt bother you. Mitt Romney's Mormon faith keeps you up at night, and what kind of underwear he has.
That's why no one takes you seriously,Joe.
What now??

But I thought Yemen was the epitome of Smart Diplomacy?

The bright shining jewel in the Obama foreign policy crown, so to speak.

ISIS/ISIL should wait until the NCAA tournament, then they can take Saudi Arabia while Obama is busy.

Okay, guy, the people who brought us "Mission Accomplished" really don't have room to throw stones in their glass house.

Frankly, I never heard much about what Obama had to say about Yemen until you jokers brought it up.
It's amazing what you are and are not concerned about. Yemenite terrorists getting supplies doesnt bother you. Russian taking over the Ukraine doesnt bother you. Mitt Romney's Mormon faith keeps you up at night, and what kind of underwear he has.
That's why no one takes you seriously,Joe.

Yes, things that happen ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET that don't involve me don't bother me.

Romney's faith only kept me up for that breif period you guys let your party get hijacked by it to run a PSA because you hate the Negro so bad.
It's amazing what you are and are not concerned about. Yemenite terrorists getting supplies doesnt bother you. Russian taking over the Ukraine doesnt bother you. Mitt Romney's Mormon faith keeps you up at night, and what kind of underwear he has.
That's why no one takes you seriously,Joe.

Yes, things that happen ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET that don't involve me don't bother me.

Romney's faith only kept me up for that breif period you guys let your party get hijacked by it to run a PSA because you hate the Negro so bad.
Now you're merely blubbering.
Kind of like Obama. He and Bush are more alike than you might think...

To a degree, yes.

But he also undid some of the damage.

Romney would have made things worse. Just listen to the notorious 47% speech. The part where he thinks it's cool that 120 Chinese girls were locked up behind barbed wire with a single toilet to make him money.
Now you're merely blubbering.

No, i'm making a point. Yemen has no effect on my life. the Ukraine has no effect on my life.

The Weird Mormon Robot would have had an effect, because he'd have done all the same kind of retarded shit Bush did.
Afghanistan had no effect on your life. Until it did.
But thanks for exemplifying the Democrat credoL I've got mine everyone else can get fucked.

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