NYPD sued for forcing Muslim women to remove headscarves in arrest photos)

The famous bitch Linda Sarsour was arrested several days ago for a "sit-in" type of thing. I wonder if she got MUGGED
with or without
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The City of course will make the argument that the hijab must be removed in order to ensure proper identification.

The women will respond that because they always wear a hijab out of the home they can still be adequately identified, and forcing them to remove the garment is a violation of religious liberty.

Needless to say, the courts will sort the issue out consistent with the law.

Unfortunately, there is no such resolution with regard to the right’s ignorance, bigotry, and hate – as the hostility most on the right exhibit toward Muslims has solely to do with conservatives’ unwarranted fear and animosity toward Islam and Muslims.
My disdain for muslims is based on their belief in treating women and gays as though they are dirt.
The City of course will make the argument that the hijab must be removed in order to ensure proper identification.

The women will respond that because they always wear a hijab out of the home they can still be adequately identified, and forcing them to remove the garment is a violation of religious liberty.

Needless to say, the courts will sort the issue out consistent with the law.

Unfortunately, there is no such resolution with regard to the right’s ignorance, bigotry, and hate – as the hostility most on the right exhibit toward Muslims has solely to do with conservatives’ unwarranted fear and animosity toward Islam and Muslims.
My disdain for muslims is based on their belief in treating women and gays as though they are dirt.

you left out, Christians, jews, Zoroastrians, hindus, Buddhists and-----the "other sect"------also "blacks"----.
All that coupled with "WE ARE THE MOST TOLERANT"
MEDICAL CARE" and even ----"we invented cous cous"
<<<< very incomplete list
Unfortunately, there is no such resolution with regard to the right’s ignorance, bigotry, and hate – as the hostility most on the right exhibit toward Muslims has solely to do with conservatives’ unwarranted fear and animosity toward Islam and Muslims.

And probably the fact that they kill a lot of people in the name of their religion, but let's not allow that fact to interfere with the ignorance and hatred you're always espousing against conservatives.
Unfortunately, there is no such resolution with regard to the right’s ignorance, bigotry, and hate – as the hostility most on the right exhibit toward Muslims has solely to do with conservatives’ unwarranted fear and animosity toward Islam and Muslims.

And probably the fact that they kill a lot of people in the name of their religion, but let's not allow that fact to interfere with the ignorance and hatred you're always espousing against conservatives.

Clayton's comment on THE RIGHT and "ignorance"
"bigotry" "hate" "hostility" "fear" "animosity" toward
islam and muslims. Clayton------WTF are you saying?
How/why did New York City become Islam's human condom after 9/11? Why are they sick enough to supplicate before the most violent, beheading-fetish, society-wrecking hate ideology on this planet? Why can't New Yorkers understand what reprobate human filth Islam is?
They won't win the lawsuit. It is not Islam that requires headscarves. It is a cultural thing. So the cops were not violating freedom of religion.

Key point here: don't break the law and get arrested.
Even if the headscarves were written into the Koran, still they can't yammer about religion. Islam is not a religion.
The City of course will make the argument that the hijab must be removed in order to ensure proper identification.

The women will respond that because they always wear a hijab out of the home they can still be adequately identified, and forcing them to remove the garment is a violation of religious liberty.

Needless to say, the courts will sort the issue out consistent with the law.

Unfortunately, there is no such resolution with regard to the right’s ignorance, bigotry, and hate – as the hostility most on the right exhibit toward Muslims has solely to do with conservatives’ unwarranted fear and animosity toward Islam and Muslims.
You lost your ability to call conservatives "ignorant", when I challenged you to take my Islamization Quiz, and you punked out.
I underwent two craniotomies----some time ago---my head was sawed opened-----the scars remained in a gross manner-------and -------at one point I had to go to the local
municipal building---------to get in I had to remove the beanie
covering the bald spots and the scars--------CAN I SUE?
Anybody can sue for anything. Winning is another matter.
Even if they lose, watch the Mayor waive them having to pay court costs in order to suck up to the terrorist cells; it's an election year, and the local terrorist votes matter.
In the Democrat world, when it comes to votes, anything goes.
it should be a law that NYPD beat the crap out of them if they don't want to comply
these 2 are jackasses--arrested and then wanting to sue ..F them
After they lose their idiot "case", whatever expense they put the city through, the city should sue them.
Even if they lose, watch the Mayor waive them having to pay court costs in order to suck up to the terrorist cells; it's an election year, and the local terrorist votes matter.
In the Democrat world, when it comes to votes, anything goes.

they boxed themselves in, having to rely on violent racists, terrorists, traitors, deviants, pedophiles, stupid brainwashed kids, etc., many of them at odds with their fellow vermin, which in turn makes it impossible for the DNC to pretend to have any kind of a platform, so they have to rely on fake news and criminality.
I underwent two craniotomies----some time ago---my head was sawed opened-----the scars remained in a gross manner-------and -------at one point I had to go to the local
municipal building---------to get in I had to remove the beanie
covering the bald spots and the scars--------CAN I SUE?
Anybody can sue for anything. Winning is another matter.

fret not-----I have and had no intention of suing----In fact,
I did not OBJECT to beanie removal. I would not so
DEBASE myself over a trivial ------super bad-hair day.
it should be a law that NYPD beat the crap out of them if they don't want to comply
these 2 are jackasses--arrested and then wanting to sue ..F them
After they lose their idiot "case", whatever expense they put the city through, the city should sue them.

the issue is not just expense Jerks who disrupt police, hospitals and firemen ENDANGER other people. I include
demonstrations that block traffic (and ambulances) ------
How/why did New York City become Islam's human condom after 9/11? Why are they sick enough to supplicate before the most violent, beheading-fetish, society-wrecking hate ideology on this planet? Why can't New Yorkers understand what reprobate human filth Islam is?
New Yorkers have lost all sense of common sense. Who they vote for shows that.
A replay of Mateen's pork-and-hamburger religious arrogance.
A replay of THOUSANDS OF EXAMPLES of moronic Muslim Islamization, expecting and demanding that the West adjust to them.

I am afraid of dogs (phobia) I have been thinking of having one, anyway----to walk it past Public Salat Pests. An obscure
shariah bit--------*) if a dog walks in front of a 'salat'ing person-
the "prayer" does not reach jannah----it plops into the
sewer or jahanaam (? (*

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