NY Times admits it was wrong about Trump/Russia collusion

Today's Democrats are like the International Communist dupes of the 1920s and 1930s. They believe in a mythical communal paradise that can only be attained by threats, coercion and brutal force. Admitting that the all-powerful State was wrong about anything is unacceptable. If necessary, people and events will be erased from history. Hillary who?

No Socialist Regime Survives Without Murder.

If you went through socialist government school, they hid that from you. If they had informed you of the truth, you would have put two and two together, and recognized that Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists, Maoists,……and Democrats…..are all socialist. And none of ‘em have the slightest compunction about murder.

Just to underscore the difference…..no government has to force anyone to be a capitalist. In the free market, every man, woman and child is scheming to find a better way to make a product or service that will make a fortune!
Let's not forget a bill was proposed in the house that would make the unethical insider trading that Nancy Pissloser does illegal.

She slapped that bill down so fast it makes your head spin.
I get apprehensive when CNN and MSNBC turn on a Democrat.
They could, of course, be doing it to get back to their usual dismal ratings as opposed to almost no one currently watching.
Probably using damage control big time, because it's only going to get worse.

Ok, so the FBI is alledgedly crooked, and now they are in favor of political outcomes taking precedent over blind justice, but riddle me this batcapers - why did they want Trump out so bad, and why were they willing or being directed to do whatever it takes to get the job done ??

Trump did his collusion with Russia in public, telling them to go after hillary's emails which they did immediately and talking to Putin for hours with no oversight whatsoever. The Russians are not interested in having help from incompetent ********* and liars ...... ......
Boy were you F stoopid for buying that crap.....

How GD stupid you are
The media partnered with the democrats to try and ruin Trump and his administration and now they are aiding them by helping to cover up election fraud and a one sided 3rd world show trial in the house....
How do you explain that every respected media around the world agrees with everything our national respected media says? You have media run by Murdoch, a scumbag who's been thrown out or tightly leashed everywhere else partnered with the democrats to try and ruin Trump and his administration and now they are aiding them by helping to cover up election fraud and a one sided 3rd world show trial in the house....

How do you explain that every respected media around the world agrees with everything our national respected media says? You have media run by Murdoch, a scumbag who's been thrown out or tightly leashed everywhere else comma along with internet conspiracy nuts.... Change the god damn channel and try reality
Reporters are employees like everyone else; they have little choice.
I believe reporters have a lot of leeway in order to be good reporters, especially investigative reporters, but something bad has happened where as the Democrat's had basically fused themselves together or merged with the reporter's in order to gain their power for nefarious purposes.

Time for all you libs on here to admit the same. That it was a hoax cooked up by Hillary Clinton cause she couldn't handle losing to Trump and you all bought it. That in your rage, anger and TDS you surrendered all common sense and morals and have allowed this nation to descend into the state it is cause Orange Man Bad

Straight out of the Lib playbook. Slow roll it for years and then let out a little apology. That's what they are doing with the Biden crime family right now. Years from now they will be issuing the same apology.
Straight out of the Lib playbook. Slow roll it for years and then let out a little apology. That's what they are doing with the Biden crime family right now. Years from now they will be issuing the same apology.
That's what happens when they lay with the devil, and get up with the loss of their soul's.

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