Now We All Wait For The "DOW Reaction" To The Kavanaugh Vote.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: Got to admit, the wait for Kava vote has us all on edge. It's as if our lives depend on it. Many will make their predictions soon, but the most likely scenario looks like a 52-48 decision only cause those few red state democrats are watching polls, and they know they are toast if they vote no.
But with the DOW, hard to say how much it will go up if he wins, I would say at least 350 points, and another 1000 if we get the red wave.
:RockOn: :iagree:
I doubt the DOW will go up 350 points on the day Kavanaugh is finally nominated. Maybe at least 150. It all depends on what else happens on that day.

Never count your chickens before they hatch.
Umm...I don't watch the dow to see how they react to political happenings.

It can be affected by them, but always those effects are temporary and absorbed into the overall conduct of the market.

Just keep an eye out for the coming recession and act appropriately when you see signs of it.
The first major attack on our democracy was the Democrat Deep State "Russia Collusion" Hoax. The second major attack on our democracy is this Democrat Deep State "Teenage Party" hoax. My guess is the DOW continues on its merry way, but if Democrats are successful in their second attack on our democracy, that could mean Democrats will do more to try to hurt the country and by extension the economy and cause a sell off.
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Umm...I don't watch the dow to see how they react to political happenings.

It can be affected by them, but always those effects are temporary and absorbed into the overall conduct of the market.

Just keep an eye out for the coming recession and act appropriately when you see signs of it.

Recession will be preceded by a drubbing of the markets which is likely to occur within the next 18-24 months. There will be a lot of pain, especially retired and near retirement baby boomers.
"Correlation does not imply causation". No one has yet to prove why a Kavanaugh appointment has or would affect the stock market? The market may be concerned about civil unrest resulting in a vote but even that is just GOP fear mongering.
"Correlation does not imply causation". No one has yet to prove why a Kavanaugh appointment has or would affect the stock market? The market may be concerned about civil unrest resulting in a vote but even that is just GOP fear mongering.

fear mean like....

If Trump is elected, the markets will crash,
and bring about global recession

That kind of fear mongering

A civil uprising is coming darling...
That's not fear mongering, that is reality
ROFLMFAO fear mean like....If Trump is elected, the markets will crash,and bring about global recession That kind of fear mongering A civil uprising is coming darling... That's not fear mongering, that is reality
Well, it doesn't take much to get a yock out of you honey. As for a "civil uprising?" Seems like that's what the republicans want;
Giuliani: If Trump were impeached 'the American people would revolt'. That would affect the stock market. The Americans that would take to the streets to riot and burn things would be, of course, the trump fans.
"Correlation does not imply causation". No one has yet to prove why a Kavanaugh appointment has or would affect the stock market? The market may be concerned about civil unrest resulting in a vote but even that is just GOP fear mongering.

ROFLMFAO fear mean like....If Trump is elected, the markets will crash,and bring about global recession That kind of fear mongering A civil uprising is coming darling... That's not fear mongering, that is reality
Well, it doesn't take much to get a yock out of you honey. As for a "civil uprising?" Seems like that's what the republicans want;
Giuliani: If Trump were impeached 'the American people would revolt'. That would affect the stock market. The Americans that would take to the streets to riot and burn things would be, of course, the trump fans.
Well, it doesn't take much to get a yock out of you honey. As for a "civil uprising?" Seems like that's what the republicans want;
Giuliani: If Trump were impeached 'the American people would revolt'. That would affect the stock market. The Americans that would take to the streets to riot and burn things would be, of course, the trump fans.
Who took to the streets to riot and burn things,
after Trump was elected?

How bout addressing financial Armageddon,
Pelosi said was imminent if Trump were elected....
Fear mongering at its finest

I'm not a Republican and I'm ready for a civil uprising

You brought up fear mongering,
and I responded with an example...

Instead of you addressing my example,
and acknowledging fear mongering from the other side,
you, once again, assume you have value to me.

Stop giving yourself so much credit

You are pathetically, transparent
Who took to the streets to riot and burn things, after Trump was elected?How bout addressing financial Armageddon, Pelosi said was imminent if Trump were elected....
Fear mongering at its finest I'm not a Republican and I'm ready for a civil uprising You brought up fear mongering,
and I responded with an example...Instead of you addressing my example, and acknowledging fear mongering from the other side,you, once again, assume you have value to me. Stop giving yourself so much crediYou are pathetically, transparent
You're pretty stupid for someone so ignorant. You can't read for one thing and took everything I said out of context, but your type are a dime a dozen here. Unless you are unaware, which you are, this is a forum that allows opinions and I'm not under any pressure to address your ridiculous and asinine remarks. If my response triggered you, which is obviously did, take a chill pill.

The Kavanaugh vote isn't going to be a catalyst for massive civil unrest, no matter how much you want one and are prepared for it. I'm sure you'll be out there with your guns just shooting away. Nor, will it produce a long-term affect in the stock market or financial Armageddon you are hoping for. It's people like you that are fear mongering. Where I live, which is obviously has a lot more self-control than where you are, people may be disappointed, one way or another, but nowhere near as emotionally tied up in the Kavanaugh crap as you are. Life simply will go on.

Take my advice, think before you post.
Who took to the streets to riot and burn things, after Trump was elected?How bout addressing financial Armageddon, Pelosi said was imminent if Trump were elected....
Fear mongering at its finest I'm not a Republican and I'm ready for a civil uprising You brought up fear mongering,
and I responded with an example...Instead of you addressing my example, and acknowledging fear mongering from the other side,you, once again, assume you have value to me. Stop giving yourself so much crediYou are pathetically, transparent
You're pretty stupid for someone so ignorant. You can't read for one thing and took everything I said out of context, but your type are a dime a dozen here. Unless you are unaware, which you are, this is a forum that allows opinions and I'm not under any pressure to address your ridiculous and asinine remarks. If my response triggered you, which is obviously did, take a chill pill.

The Kavanaugh vote isn't going to be a catalyst for massive civil unrest, no matter how much you want one and are prepared for it. I'm sure you'll be out there with your guns just shooting away. Nor, will it produce a long-term affect in the stock market or financial Armageddon you are hoping for. It's people like you that are fear mongering. Where I live, which is obviously has a lot more self-control than where you are, people may be disappointed, one way or another, but nowhere near as emotionally tied up in the Kavanaugh crap as you are. Life simply will go on.

Take my advice, think before you post.
You're pretty stupid for someone so ignorant.
ROFLMFAO...yeah, o.k.,
Take your own advice...think before you post
You can't read for one thing and took everything I said out of context
I can read just fine, it's you who lacks reading comprehension skills

I didn't take anything you said out of context...
Instead of accusing me, how bout you point it out
Unless you are unaware, which you are
Your second, idiotic sentence...
And, you have the audacity to tell me,
I'm pretty stupid for someone so ignorant

Again, take your own advice...think before you post
this is a forum that allows opinions and I'm not under any pressure to address your ridiculous and asinine remarks.
I've replied to your asinine remarks in 2 separate posts,
and you have yet to address my comments.

The more you type, the more your idiocy is apparent
If my response triggered you, which is obviously did, take a chill pill.
You're a joke

My response obviously triggered you....
you're the one avoiding addressing my response,
and telling me to take a chill pill
The Kavanaugh vote isn't going to be a catalyst for massive civil unrest, no matter how much you want one and are prepared for it.
I never equated a civil uprising to the Kavanaugh vote...
You came up with that

After I addressed your fear mongering comments
You linked to some article about
Giuliani, Trump, impeachment, revolt...
making comments about trump supporters
rioting in the streets and burning things

Then, after I address those comments,
you post a bunch of mumbo jumbo,
instead of addressing my comments, yet again

You took words, from my comments....
financial Armageddon, fear mongering and civil uprising
Put them in your own context, and that's what you addressed

You are not all that and a bag of chips...
I told you, you are pathetically transparent
"Correlation does not imply causation". No one has yet to prove why a Kavanaugh appointment has or would affect the stock market? The market may be concerned about civil unrest resulting in a vote but even that is just GOP fear mongering.

Hey sweetie, correlations are what matter in the stock market, not causation.

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