Now Trump blames the press for his being late to deliver his speech in Columbus, OH

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Washington, D.C.
Just now on TV I heard Trump say, and I quote:

...The reason I was late to the podium was because [the press] weren't ready. We waited for them. I said, 'Let's go up without 'em.' Who cares? But my people said, 'No. We should wait 'til the press is ready.' So I'm sorry to keep you waiting but it's [the press'] fault not mine.
Excuse me? Will that man take ownership of anything? Does anything ever go awry that, in his mind, is due to his own actions and words? And since when does Trump do anything at the behest of others? He's suddenly listening to his campaign staffers' advice? Why the hell is whether to wait for the media that he hates to be ready, assuming that's even so, something he'd give as a reason to make his adoring fans wait even longer to see and hear him?

That doesn't even make sense given his supposed disdain for the press and the enmity he's created among his supporters for the press. With regard to him and his fans, he was right the first time, "who cares?" Surely none of them. Yet that he waited gives the lie to the image and attitude he's been trying to convey about the press. The fact is that Donald Trump is wholly dependent on the press and he cares. Indeed, but for the press covering his primary rallies, had the press only remarked that Trump held a rally and didn't actually air them, there would be no Donald Trump, nominee for President.

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