Now that we have a one party system........


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two.

Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do.

So what do you think?
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two. Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do. So what do you think?
One party doesn't mean there are no political battles. In Baltimore it's essentially a one party system, but it's hardly some kind of dictatorship. There are Democratic clubs that range from the extremely liberal to middle-of-the-road clubs that would be hard to differentiate from more moderate Republicans. There are many contentious races, not to be expected in your usual one-party state with the biggest difference being that primary day is the de facto election day.
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two. Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do. So what do you think?
One party doesn't mean there are no political battles. In Baltimore it's essentially a one party system, but it's hardly some kind of dictatorship. There are Democratic clubs that range from the extremely liberal to middle-of-the-road clubs that would be hard to differentiate from more moderate Republicans. There are many contentious races, not to be expected in your usual one-party state with the biggest difference being that primary day is the de facto election day.
Very true! Blue states have already converted to the one party model.

As I have said, you need some token opposition, but for the most part its just one big happy family of a party.

So I guess the Soviet style model will do.
It really is an interesting question.

On one hand, they are willing to do anything for power - the defining characteristic of tyrants.

But on the other hand - they do very shitty job of representing the people, American values, or having any competence in general.

It's impossible to tell. But it is not impossible to protest, thereby hopefully promoting a quick demise instead of a other 1000 year long dark age.
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two. Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do. So what do you think?
One party doesn't mean there are no political battles. In Baltimore it's essentially a one party system, but it's hardly some kind of dictatorship. There are Democratic clubs that range from the extremely liberal to middle-of-the-road clubs that would be hard to differentiate from more moderate Republicans. There are many contentious races, not to be expected in your usual one-party state with the biggest difference being that primary day is the de facto election day.
Very true! Blue states have already converted to the one party model. As I have said, you need some token opposition, but for the most part its just one big happy family of a party. So I guess the Soviet style model will do.
Are you trying to tell me there aren't places all over the country(we keep getting shown the maps) that are heavily Republican and have a similar situation where Primary Day IS Election Day? :rolleyes-41:
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two. Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do. So what do you think?
One party doesn't mean there are no political battles. In Baltimore it's essentially a one party system, but it's hardly some kind of dictatorship. There are Democratic clubs that range from the extremely liberal to middle-of-the-road clubs that would be hard to differentiate from more moderate Republicans. There are many contentious races, not to be expected in your usual one-party state with the biggest difference being that primary day is the de facto election day.
Very true! Blue states have already converted to the one party model. As I have said, you need some token opposition, but for the most part its just one big happy family of a party. So I guess the Soviet style model will do.
Are you trying to tell me there aren't places all over the country(we keep getting shown the maps) that are heavily Republican and have a similar situation where Primary Day IS Election Day? :rolleyes-41:
The DNC owns all the major cities.

Large cities simply turn the population blue.

So states like California are held hostage by large cities like San Fran and LA, just like Georgia is held hostage by Atlanta.

This means that the DNC will always have more votes because the cities are more heavily populated.

But those living outside of major cities detest the DNC and will continue to be held hostage.

This is why when you look at maps, most of it is red with little blue dots.
We are seeing the inevitable result of the 2 party system.

We need to eschew the notion of political parties and start voting as individuals for individuals
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two.

Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do.

So what do you think?
It's been a one party system since Reagan. No real opposition party.

Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act? Not Bush
Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation? Not Bush
Who increased taxes after they promised NO NEW TAXES? Not a democrat.
Who appointed John Roberts, an obvious compromised judge? Not a democrat.

We have been had and been steering towards one world marxist rule steadily since the turn of the 20th century.

Now it is being realized. The time of the darkness is here.

The only answer now is Christ and His mercy. Yes, I am totally unworthy and godless in many ways myself.

I am begging for mercy and courage for what is about to be happening. He is the only answer. Not kidding. Eternal hell or eternal heaven. The choice, is ours right now. That is what the sacrifice has given us. A choice.

Pray now. It is time.
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two.

Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do.

So what do you think?
It's been a one party system since Reagan. No real opposition party.

Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act? Not Bush
Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation? Not Bush
Who increased taxes after they promised NO NEW TAXES? Not a democrat.
Who appointed John Roberts, an obvious compromised judge? Not a democrat.

We have been had and been steering towards one world marxist rule steadily since the turn of the 20th century.

Now it is being realized. The time of the darkness is here.

The only answer now is Christ and His mercy. Yes, I am totally unworthy and godless in many ways myself.

I am begging for mercy and courage for what is about to be happening. He is the only answer. Not kidding. Eternal hell or eternal heaven. The choice, is ours right now. That is what the sacrifice has given us. A choice.

Pray now. It is time.
I don't argue any of that. What I argue is the need for the illusion of opposition.

Is the illusion of opposition necessary, considering our innate need to fight something, or are we being transitioned or evolving into a mind set where we have no more need to fight anything, rather, just trust government and become completely dependent on them.

It would be akin to prolonging childhood, and as we know, children today are encouraged to prolong their childhood more and more today.
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two.

Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do.

So what do you think?
It's been a one party system since Reagan. No real opposition party.

Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act? Not Bush
Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation? Not Bush
Who increased taxes after they promised NO NEW TAXES? Not a democrat.
Who appointed John Roberts, an obvious compromised judge? Not a democrat.

We have been had and been steering towards one world marxist rule steadily since the turn of the 20th century.

Now it is being realized. The time of the darkness is here.

The only answer now is Christ and His mercy. Yes, I am totally unworthy and godless in many ways myself.

I am begging for mercy and courage for what is about to be happening. He is the only answer. Not kidding. Eternal hell or eternal heaven. The choice, is ours right now. That is what the sacrifice has given us. A choice.

Pray now. It is time.
I don't argue any of that. What I argue is the need for the illusion of opposition.

Is the illusion of opposition necessary, considering our innate need to fight something, or are we being transitioned or evolving into a mind set where we have no more need to fight anything, rather, just trust government and become completely dependent on them.

It would be akin to prolonging childhood, and as we know, children today are encouraged to prolong their childhood more and more today.
The simple truth is America started out as an IDEA, where the people could govern themselves. It was something that had evolved over many years of trial and error. We saw how giving any one person or governing entity the power cause eventually it becomes tyrannical. It matters not if there is a saintly leader NOW, the long term ramifications is what to consider and this is and was the IDEA. Rather revolutionary.

Unfortunately, that type of freedom will be challenged by ambitious lying factions whose goal is power. Ambition driven by demonic PRIDE is never good.

The IDEA was to make sure there was a way to correct mistakes and limit the powers of the government over the people. They knew government was necessary but they also knew how easily a tyrant could rise cause it happened in EVERY SOCIETY that gave too much power to the rulers.

They were also keenly aware how easily the masses could be manipulated with false promises and how easily ignorant minds could be seduced. Hence the reason they avoided using the word democracy in any of the documents defining the new nation they devised.

We slowly allowed the satanic forces to seduce all of us. This is the result. Bad becomes good and good becomes bad. We celebrate everything that isn't godly and abuse those that are.

We passively allowed this to happen and we are in line to experience the misery. We must all beg for mercy. No one is innocent.
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two.

Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do.

So what do you think?
It's been a one party system since Reagan. No real opposition party.

Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act? Not Bush
Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation? Not Bush
Who increased taxes after they promised NO NEW TAXES? Not a democrat.
Who appointed John Roberts, an obvious compromised judge? Not a democrat.

We have been had and been steering towards one world marxist rule steadily since the turn of the 20th century.

Now it is being realized. The time of the darkness is here.

The only answer now is Christ and His mercy. Yes, I am totally unworthy and godless in many ways myself.

I am begging for mercy and courage for what is about to be happening. He is the only answer. Not kidding. Eternal hell or eternal heaven. The choice, is ours right now. That is what the sacrifice has given us. A choice.

Pray now. It is time.
I don't argue any of that. What I argue is the need for the illusion of opposition.

Is the illusion of opposition necessary, considering our innate need to fight something, or are we being transitioned or evolving into a mind set where we have no more need to fight anything, rather, just trust government and become completely dependent on them.

It would be akin to prolonging childhood, and as we know, children today are encouraged to prolong their childhood more and more today.
The simple truth is America started out as an IDEA, where the people could govern themselves. It was something that had evolved over many years of trial and error. We saw how giving any one person or governing entity eventually becomes tyrannical. It matters not if there is a saintly leader NOW, the long term ramifications is what to consider and this is and was the IDEA. Rather revolutionary.

Unfortunately, that type of freedom will be challenged by ambitious lying factions whose goal is power. Ambition driven by demonic PRIDE is never good.

The IDEA was to make sure there was a way to correct mistakes and limit the powers of the government over the people. They knew government was necessary but they also knew how easily a tyrant could rise cause it happened in EVERY SOCIETY that gave too much power to the rulers.

They were also keenly aware how easily the masses could be manipulated with false promises and how easily ignorant minds could be seduced. Hence the reason they avoided using the word democracy in any of the documents defining the new nation they devised.

We slowly allowed the satanic forces to seduce all of us. This is the result. Bad becomes good and good becomes bad. We celebrate everything that isn't godly and abuse those that are.

We passively allowed this to happen and we are in line to experience the misery. We must all beg for mercy. No one is innocent.
People tend to romanticize about the Founding Fathers. Keep in mind though that these same men who fought a bloody revolution to be free from the clutches of a tyrannical king, then turned right around and passed the Alien and Sedition Acts that made it illegal to speak out against the government. If it were not for Thomas Jefferson, who blew a gasket when this was passed and became President to overturn it, it would have been a much darker country. But Jefferson does not get a free pass here either as he took full advantage of the Alien and Sedition Acts himself before doing away with it, much like how he wanted to free the slaves with the Declaration of Independence but later compromised with the slave owners and still owned slaves himself.

What this should tell you is the very dark nature of man, no matter how "good" they may appear to be. The issue is that power corrupts and only God was meant to have such power. So man is, therefore, plagued with those who oppress their fellow man as most men have been either slaves or fought and died for tyrants. It is only human nature.

So what to do? Just fight to decrease the power of man and centralized government where you can. There is no utopia here, just survival.
Now that the GOP is officially dead, will the DNC split or can it survive like the former communist party model of a one party no opposition allowed organization?

I think it problematic for the one party system to survive. After all, it is engrained into us to fight something. We need something to fight against because we need the fight instinct for purposes of preserving the survival instinct to keep us alive.

So will the DNC split, having a token opposition to the Leftists that can be easily managed by them, or will the Left revive the GOP to do the dirty job for them?

After all, to stop the "defend the DNC at all costs" mentality has been ferverishly maintained by the Left for a very long time, so it would be a shame now to throw all that away by letting the DNC split in two.

Or maybe people here think that the former Soviet model will do.

So what do you think?
It's been a one party system since Reagan. No real opposition party.

Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act? Not Bush
Who signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which exempted default swaps from regulation? Not Bush
Who increased taxes after they promised NO NEW TAXES? Not a democrat.
Who appointed John Roberts, an obvious compromised judge? Not a democrat.

We have been had and been steering towards one world marxist rule steadily since the turn of the 20th century.

Now it is being realized. The time of the darkness is here.

The only answer now is Christ and His mercy. Yes, I am totally unworthy and godless in many ways myself.

I am begging for mercy and courage for what is about to be happening. He is the only answer. Not kidding. Eternal hell or eternal heaven. The choice, is ours right now. That is what the sacrifice has given us. A choice.

Pray now. It is time.
I don't argue any of that. What I argue is the need for the illusion of opposition.

Is the illusion of opposition necessary, considering our innate need to fight something, or are we being transitioned or evolving into a mind set where we have no more need to fight anything, rather, just trust government and become completely dependent on them.

It would be akin to prolonging childhood, and as we know, children today are encouraged to prolong their childhood more and more today.
The simple truth is America started out as an IDEA, where the people could govern themselves. It was something that had evolved over many years of trial and error. We saw how giving any one person or governing entity eventually becomes tyrannical. It matters not if there is a saintly leader NOW, the long term ramifications is what to consider and this is and was the IDEA. Rather revolutionary.

Unfortunately, that type of freedom will be challenged by ambitious lying factions whose goal is power. Ambition driven by demonic PRIDE is never good.

The IDEA was to make sure there was a way to correct mistakes and limit the powers of the government over the people. They knew government was necessary but they also knew how easily a tyrant could rise cause it happened in EVERY SOCIETY that gave too much power to the rulers.

They were also keenly aware how easily the masses could be manipulated with false promises and how easily ignorant minds could be seduced. Hence the reason they avoided using the word democracy in any of the documents defining the new nation they devised.

We slowly allowed the satanic forces to seduce all of us. This is the result. Bad becomes good and good becomes bad. We celebrate everything that isn't godly and abuse those that are.

We passively allowed this to happen and we are in line to experience the misery. We must all beg for mercy. No one is innocent.
People tend to romanticize about the Founding Fathers. Keep in mind though that these same men who fought a bloody revolution to be free from the clutches of a tyrannical king, then turned right around and passed the Alien and Sedition Acts that made it illegal to speak out against the government. If it were not for Thomas Jefferson, who blew a gasket when this was passed and became President to overturn it, it would have been a much darker country. But Jefferson does not get a free pass here either as he took full advantage of the Alien and Sedition Acts himself before doing away with it, much like how he wanted to free the slaves with the Declaration of Independence but later compromised with the slave owners and still owned slaves himself.

What this should tell you is the very dark nature of man, no matter how "good" they may appear to be. The issue is that power corrupts and only God was meant to have such power. So man is, therefore, plagued with those who oppress their fellow man as most men have been either slaves or fought and died for tyrants. It is only human nature.

So what to do? Just fight to decrease the power of man and centralized government where you can. There is no utopia here, just survival.
Yes, being it was a brand new idea, there would be absolute bumps and mass crisis along the way. John Adams an example of an ambitious person and really first among most presidents that didn't realize that President didn't mean king.

Thomas Jefferson was so disillusioned with the presidency and came to hate the office so much that he had it left off of his tombstone. He tried passing the Embargo Act because every ruling he made pissed off half the Country. Including the Louisiana Purchase which funded the Napolean war machine in Europe and pissed off England, which in turn pissed off the northern merchants who traded with England and relied on them. So, Jefferson in order to silence everyone, decided that because the Louisiana Purchase more than doubled the size of our country, that we no longer needed any resources from ANYWHERE. So he decided that we get out of the world's affairs and remain here. Sound familiar? Sounds logical and everyone has that plan until it is tried and it turns into a greater disaster.

The point is the idea of the country is they knew they would make mistakes and future generations would make mistakes. They created the Constitution so that they can along with future generations, fix those mistakes.

They knew slavery was a sin. They also knew the unreal problems with just ending it so they kicked that can down the road. James Monroe the fifth president tried ending it by passing the recolonization act. He knew just ending slavery and setting blacks free into a world without any education or place to integrate into society simply wouldn't work. So, he tried shipping blacks back to Africa and form their own land. Liberia was the plan and today Liberias capital is named Monrovia after President James Monroe.

The uneducated manipulated left today thinks it would have been just so simple to stop slavery just like that. They have lost all ability to think. They are mindless possessed atomotons that march to the orders of their devilish masters. All to their own eternal destruction.

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