The Race to the Midterms.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
The Democrats now control both houses of Congress, and the White House, and now, their troubles really begin.

The Race to the Midterms has started. And the Democrats could not be in a worse position. Let’s be honest. The Democrats have perhaps eight months to fix the biggest issues, and it is simply put impossible. COVID is already mutating, and the Vaccine isn’t going to work on the other strains. So the odds of beating COVID by August are essentially Nil. The economy. We can’t get businesses up and running while maintaining the precautions for the plague. So the economy will for the average person continue to be terrible. And here is where the problems really begin.

Blaming Trump might work for a while. But with control of both houses the people won’t buy it for long. All the Democrats can do is keep sending money. But this short term solution can not be the end of the road. People are worried, stressed. And they are ending up homeless. So expecting them to wait while the next trillion dollar stimulus is debated is just stupid.

As we enter midterm season, the people are going to be fed up. Another summer of no parties for college kids. Another year of no Spring Break financial boon for the getaway towns. No income means no pay. More people unemployed. Frustration, anger, and resentment. And the Democrats will have nobody to blame. The Republicans are in the minority everywhere. The party infighting probably starts about February. No later than March.

That is where the Squad goes ape and blames the Moderates for being so awful.

In the Midterms, Republicans take control of the House and Senate as people are fed up with the Democrats silly excuses.

I figure Biden resigns about then and we have President Harris.
We now have a one party system.

Will the democrat party then split? I think it has to now, assuming Leftists don't revive the GOP instead. It is up to them, so we shall see.

For you see, we all need opposition. It is engrained into us. We need something to fight against because that is what has fueled our survival instinct.

So they will continue to present a token opposition of some sort? The opposition party will do nothing really to threaten their overall goals, but enough to present the illusion of self determination via voting.
How will Republicans take control of anything?
Democrats will make DC and Puerto Rico states thus cementing their lock on Senate and House seats forever.
If that's not enough, they have Dominion voting machines and God knows what other guarantees they can now put in place since they control it all.
Nope. The mid-terms and ALL elections are now a rubber stamp on democrat policies. Same as ALL dictatorships and 4th world countries.
All that's left is to take the guns.....COMING UP !!
"All that was required for evil men to prevail was for good men to keep doing nothing"

Be a good conservative........
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The Democrats now control both houses of Congress, and the White House, and now, their troubles really begin.

The Race to the Midterms has started. And the Democrats could not be in a worse position. Let’s be honest. The Democrats have perhaps eight months to fix the biggest issues, and it is simply put impossible. COVID is already mutating, and the Vaccine isn’t going to work on the other strains. So the odds of beating COVID by August are essentially Nil. The economy. We can’t get businesses up and running while maintaining the precautions for the plague. So the economy will for the average person continue to be terrible. And here is where the problems really begin.

Blaming Trump might work for a while. But with control of both houses the people won’t buy it for long. All the Democrats can do is keep sending money. But this short term solution can not be the end of the road. People are worried, stressed. And they are ending up homeless. So expecting them to wait while the next trillion dollar stimulus is debated is just stupid.

As we enter midterm season, the people are going to be fed up. Another summer of no parties for college kids. Another year of no Spring Break financial boon for the getaway towns. No income means no pay. More people unemployed. Frustration, anger, and resentment. And the Democrats will have nobody to blame. The Republicans are in the minority everywhere. The party infighting probably starts about February. No later than March.

That is where the Squad goes ape and blames the Moderates for being so awful.

In the Midterms, Republicans take control of the House and Senate as people are fed up with the Democrats silly excuses.

I figure Biden resigns about then and we have President Harris.

Sorry. All that momentum Republicans gained on November 3rd? gone. Two Senate runoff races that should have been slam dunks. All in fealty to Trump. While the pandemic raged, Republicans did nothing. If Biden and his team bring a competent and timely response, the country gets back to normal and the Republican advantage is null in 2022. Keep in mind that once again, Republicans have 22 Senate seats up for re-election as opposed to 13 for Democrats. Voters are not going to forget what has happened here over the last two months. Anyone who stood up to be counted with Trump in disputing the election is damaged goods. And all this is dependent on how Republicans handle the crybaby in chief once he leaves office. If they can't shake him, their 2022 prospects are toast.
The Democrats now control both houses of Congress, and the White House, and now, their troubles really begin.

The Race to the Midterms has started. And the Democrats could not be in a worse position. Let’s be honest. The Democrats have perhaps eight months to fix the biggest issues, and it is simply put impossible. COVID is already mutating, and the Vaccine isn’t going to work on the other strains. So the odds of beating COVID by August are essentially Nil. The economy. We can’t get businesses up and running while maintaining the precautions for the plague. So the economy will for the average person continue to be terrible. And here is where the problems really begin.

Blaming Trump might work for a while. But with control of both houses the people won’t buy it for long. All the Democrats can do is keep sending money. But this short term solution can not be the end of the road. People are worried, stressed. And they are ending up homeless. So expecting them to wait while the next trillion dollar stimulus is debated is just stupid.

As we enter midterm season, the people are going to be fed up. Another summer of no parties for college kids. Another year of no Spring Break financial boon for the getaway towns. No income means no pay. More people unemployed. Frustration, anger, and resentment. And the Democrats will have nobody to blame. The Republicans are in the minority everywhere. The party infighting probably starts about February. No later than March.

That is where the Squad goes ape and blames the Moderates for being so awful.

In the Midterms, Republicans take control of the House and Senate as people are fed up with the Democrats silly excuses.

I figure Biden resigns about then and we have President Harris.

The GOP is defending way more seats in the Senate than the Dems are in 2022...five of them in purple or blue states.
The blob is threatening to primary a bunch of incumbents
The gerrymandering the GOP state houses and legislatures did backfired in 2018 where 51% red districts swung back.

All that being said, usually the midterms are not good for the party that controls the Oval.
If Trump's supporters leave, it will be up to the Moderate GOP's led by Pierre Delecto, the Bush Family, Colin Powell, etc. to build up a record of success to motivate people to vote for them. If they fail, they can expect to be schlonged not just in 2022 but for the next 100 generations.
MIdterms! No worry about midterms. The same kind of fraud used in the federal election, in both Georgia elections and for many elections in California will be used in every election.

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