Now that the table has turned, how will GOPer's react?

I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
Thing is Donnie spends like O did. You love O and hate Don, yet they are similar.

You shouldn't accuse others of hypocrisy, when you are guilty of it.
I wasn't a great Obama fan, but imo your post is not accurate. Obama responded to the meltdown by covering states deficits with federal deficit dollars, but the deficits WERE declining as jobs returned. The problem was the jobs were not what they once were, and Obama did nothing to help the people who lost homes and couldn't pay student loans. (Not the Moscow Mitch was in the mix on that)

Trump's deficits were climbing before Corvid. Whatever stimulus we spend will NOT be new entitlements, so by this time next year we may well sitting with 2-3% growth, but we'll still have the gop taxcuts that cut revenue from Obama levels.
I can’t agree. O bailed out the rich while doing almost nothing for the people. Trump has done the same thing.

O made W’s tax cuts for the rich permanent. Then dumb Don give them more tax cuts.

The Fed showered Wall Street with trillions while O was king, and they are doing the same under Don.

The Fed showered Wall Street with trillions while O was king,

Yeah, exchanging cash, which paid 0% interest for bonds which paid in the 2%-4% range....awful!
Yes it is awful when you understand the people got shafted. You won’t ever comprehend.

Who got shafted? The people who sold the bonds, or the people who didn't?
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
The deficit for this fiscal year is already up by over $2 trillion and there's still 5 months to go.

And tomorrow's not going to be a good day either ..... 1st quarter GDP comes out.
"We had a great economy!"

It doesn't really read like a good campaign slogan, but it will fit on a bumper sticker.
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
Thing is Donnie spends like O did. You love O and hate Don, yet they are similar.

You shouldn't accuse others of hypocrisy, when you are guilty of it.
I wasn't a great Obama fan, but imo your post is not accurate. Obama responded to the meltdown by covering states deficits with federal deficit dollars, but the deficits WERE declining as jobs returned. The problem was the jobs were not what they once were, and Obama did nothing to help the people who lost homes and couldn't pay student loans. (Not the Moscow Mitch was in the mix on that)

Trump's deficits were climbing before Corvid. Whatever stimulus we spend will NOT be new entitlements, so by this time next year we may well sitting with 2-3% growth, but we'll still have the gop taxcuts that cut revenue from Obama levels.
I can’t agree. O bailed out the rich while doing almost nothing for the people. Trump has done the same thing.

O made W’s tax cuts for the rich permanent. Then dumb Don give them more tax cuts.

The Fed showered Wall Street with trillions while O was king, and they are doing the same under Don.

The Fed showered Wall Street with trillions while O was king,

Yeah, exchanging cash, which paid 0% interest for bonds which paid in the 2%-4% range....awful!
Yes it is awful when you understand the people got shafted. You won’t ever comprehend.
But the fed giving out loans to banks did not affect the deficit, which was the point of the OP. So you and gipper are out of bounds

The issue is whether the gop will now decry deficits that thanks to the Trump tax cuts for the 1% are more structural than under Obama … whom I didn't vote for btw, but he was the lesser devil to what we have now in terms of deficits
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.
The deficit for this fiscal year is already up by over $2 trillion and there's still 5 months to go.

And tomorrow's not going to be a good day either ..... 1st quarter GDP comes out.
It's gonna be UUUUUUGE
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut

Budget busting tax cut? Sounds serious!!!

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
What were you saying?

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

The U.S. government’s red ink for fiscal 2019 swelled past the $1 trillion mark in August, the first time that level has been eclipsed in seven years, the Treasury Department reported Thursday.

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
IOW, "hey........look at that shiny object over there."

So about that huge tax cut again...…....
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned. His 2017 tax break for corporations and individuals has helped contribute to a deficit that has grown from $584.6 billion in 2016.

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month, but so have expenditures, which are averaging $377 billion a month, or about $25 billion a month more than in 2018. Last year closed with a $779 billion deficit.
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned.

Yes, simply awful!

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month,

He cut taxes but revenue accelerated? How do accelerating revenues bust the budget?
LOL I like how you entirely skip over FY2018, the first year the tax cuts were implemented. Oh, this is why...

How would the left have reacted if Trump had vetoed all spending bills and congress would have overridden his vetos? Would the left still blame him?

That's a swell hypothetical, but the GOP wouldn't even vote to override his vetoes when he was usurping Congressional authority with phony emergency declarations.
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

ATTN: Dumbass berg80,

It is not Trump that proposes the US budget and inserts a bunch of unneeded crap into it. It takes bipartisan grifters in the House to do that.
Then it goes to the Senate where all those bipartisan crooks tack on the other drains on the taxpayers like they've been bribed to do by special interest groups. After that it lands up on Trump's desk and he can sign it and things will be bad, or refuse to sign it, in which case the cry will go out "Trump is holding the country hostage by not signing the budget". In the end, what they are doing is fucking all present and future Americans. They are grifting us all right into the poorhouse.

Term limits now!
The last thing I need is a civics lesson from a brain dead zombie.

Question; why do you give undeserved credit to Capt. Clorox but hold him responsible for nothing negative?

Well apparently you missed the one you should have paid attention to in school, bitch!
But the fed giving out loans to banks did not affect the deficit, which was the point of the OP. So you and gipper are out of bounds

The issue is whether the gop will now decry deficits that thanks to the Trump tax cuts for the 1% are more structural than under Obama … whom I didn't vote for btw, but he was the lesser devil to what we have now in terms of deficits

The Fed bailing out the big banks was exactly the wrong thing to do. It should have bailed out the citizens and depositors and let the banks fail.

Now there's fewer banks with more consolidated assets and power, and poorer and "homeless" citizens that were victims of that, thanks to taxpayer money bailing the banks out.
(Ben Franklin's quote comes to mind).
How many times are you going to cite that WRONG web page written by lying shits?

Will you read something yourself and make up your own mind, instead of parroting the lies of communist fuck twinkle-toed cocksuckers?

What really happened - Ben Franklin's Quote

"As to the other two acts, the Massachusetts must suffer all the hazards and mischiefs of war rather than admit the alteration of their charters and laws by Parliament. ‘They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.’ "

"Franklin’s remarks about the trade offs between “essential liberty” and “a little temporary safety” seem to have been directed at those in the colonies who could see that further compromise was no longer possible by the Crown and that it was up to the colonies to cave in in order to maintain the peace. Franklin was urging them that to do this would be to give up the entire game and thereby scuttle any chance for real liberty and independence in the colonies."

When it comes time to pay the piper with a VAT (Value Added Tax) in addition to raising taxes, I can hear the Progs screaming already.
Don't you nitwit republicans get it yet? Obama had to pull us out of a republican presidents hole and now another Dem will need to pull us out of the cavern trump put us in and btw the moron couldn't read a PDB ?
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut

Budget busting tax cut? Sounds serious!!!

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
What were you saying?

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

The U.S. government’s red ink for fiscal 2019 swelled past the $1 trillion mark in August, the first time that level has been eclipsed in seven years, the Treasury Department reported Thursday.

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
IOW, "hey........look at that shiny object over there."

So about that huge tax cut again...…....
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned. His 2017 tax break for corporations and individuals has helped contribute to a deficit that has grown from $584.6 billion in 2016.

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month, but so have expenditures, which are averaging $377 billion a month, or about $25 billion a month more than in 2018. Last year closed with a $779 billion deficit.
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned.

Yes, simply awful!

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month,

He cut taxes but revenue accelerated? How do accelerating revenues bust the budget?
LOL I like how you entirely skip over FY2018, the first year the tax cuts were implemented. Oh, this is why...



Trump had massive tax cuts.....and revenues were up in 2018.

Thanks! That really refuted my claim that tax cuts didn't bust the budget.
But the fed giving out loans to banks did not affect the deficit, which was the point of the OP. So you and gipper are out of bounds

The issue is whether the gop will now decry deficits that thanks to the Trump tax cuts for the 1% are more structural than under Obama … whom I didn't vote for btw, but he was the lesser devil to what we have now in terms of deficits

The Fed bailing out the big banks was exactly the wrong thing to do. It should have bailed out the citizens and depositors and let the banks fail.

Now there's fewer banks with more consolidated assets and power, and poorer and "homeless" citizens that were victims of that, thanks to taxpayer money bailing the banks out.

The Fed bailing out the big banks was exactly the wrong thing to do. It should have bailed out the citizens and depositors and let the banks fail.

That would have been awesome!!!!

Instead of profitable "bailouts" we'd have spent/lost hundreds of billions. Trillions?

Now there's fewer banks with more consolidated assets and power, and poorer and "homeless" citizens that were victims of that, thanks to taxpayer money bailing the banks out.

The taxpayer made money on the bank "bailouts".
Were you poorer and "homeless" because of TARP?
Please explain further.
None of you team player assholes give a hoot in hell about spending or the debt....You just make yourselves look like even bigger boobs than you already are (if that's possible) with the finger pointing.
Not at all. That’s the point. Right now democrats aren’t kicking and screaming about the debt or trump spending but when we said Obama was doing a good job and we pointed to low unemployment and the stock market you republicans gave these arguments as to why Obama wasn’t doing a good job.

1. The debt.

2. His yearly growth number. In 2019 trump had only 2.3% growth yet you rave about his economy

3. The monthly job numbers. Trumps numbers are about the same.

And obama didn’t have to give that huge tax break away. Trumps signature accomplishment didn’t work and increased the debt. He said it would pay for itself. You knew that was a lie
None of that addresses the fact that you don't give one single flying fuck until the guy from the other team spends like mad and further balloons the debt.
We don’t care! We’re calling you guys out. When Obama was potus you were fiscally conservatives. And when biden wins you’ll start doing it again.

are democrats in Congress crying about the debt?

This is proof the media isn’t liberal because I don’t hear shit about the debt on tv since trump won.
Yes! Biden is the real deal and his last speech has sold me! I can't see how Trump can possibly compete against this!

Look! Joe says NOTHING!
I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut

Budget busting tax cut? Sounds serious!!!

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
What were you saying?

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

The U.S. government’s red ink for fiscal 2019 swelled past the $1 trillion mark in August, the first time that level has been eclipsed in seven years, the Treasury Department reported Thursday.

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
IOW, "hey........look at that shiny object over there."

So about that huge tax cut again...…....
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned. His 2017 tax break for corporations and individuals has helped contribute to a deficit that has grown from $584.6 billion in 2016.

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month, but so have expenditures, which are averaging $377 billion a month, or about $25 billion a month more than in 2018. Last year closed with a $779 billion deficit.
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned.

Yes, simply awful!

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month,

He cut taxes but revenue accelerated? How do accelerating revenues bust the budget?
LOL I like how you entirely skip over FY2018, the first year the tax cuts were implemented. Oh, this is why...



Trump had massive tax cuts.....and revenues were up in 2018.

Thanks! That really refuted my claim that tax cuts didn't bust the budget.

Despite millions of jobs added, revenues were up LESS than every fiscal year under Obama prior to his tax cuts.

I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut

Budget busting tax cut? Sounds serious!!!

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
What were you saying?

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

The U.S. government’s red ink for fiscal 2019 swelled past the $1 trillion mark in August, the first time that level has been eclipsed in seven years, the Treasury Department reported Thursday.

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
IOW, "hey........look at that shiny object over there."

So about that huge tax cut again...…....
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned. His 2017 tax break for corporations and individuals has helped contribute to a deficit that has grown from $584.6 billion in 2016.

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month, but so have expenditures, which are averaging $377 billion a month, or about $25 billion a month more than in 2018. Last year closed with a $779 billion deficit.
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned.

Yes, simply awful!

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month,

He cut taxes but revenue accelerated? How do accelerating revenues bust the budget?
LOL I like how you entirely skip over FY2018, the first year the tax cuts were implemented. Oh, this is why...



Trump had massive tax cuts.....and revenues were up in 2018.

Thanks! That really refuted my claim that tax cuts didn't bust the budget.

Despite millions of jobs added, revenues were up LESS than every fiscal year under Obama prior to his tax cuts.

I always found one of the more maddening, unfounded criticisms of Obama by GOPer's (now POTer's) to be about the debt accumulated during his presidency. It was typically done in such a way as to use the raw numbers to imply Obama was a profligate and reckless spender of tax payer money. What those accusations lacked was context. The context being Obama inherited an economy in free fall. Losing 600K jobs a month, credit markets nearly frozen, a housing market that had crashed, and the impact of the Great Bush Recession being felt around the world. Essentially, he was blamed for a calamity not of his making. Then he was blamed for a stubbornly sluggish recovery to due systemically slow growth (that still persists), the depth of the recession, the enduring effect on the rest of the world, and the Repub's sabotage.

Fast forward to Capt. Clorox's presidency. Before doing so let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut that had the country headed for a $1T+ deficit before COVID landed on our shores.

Let's also stipulate we won't discuss President Sunshine's culpability for the severity of COVID's spread in the US and the damage done to the economy as a result.

Instead, let's just focus on this. "The federal budget deficit is projected to be $3.7 trillion."

So......I'm just wondering out loud how Trumpleheads would react if Dems used the $3.7T number, without context as GOPer's did, to make accusations like, "the King of Debt is responsible for smashing the record for the largest budget deficit in a single year by over $2T?"

Doesn't seem fair to you does it? Remember that the next time you make accusations about Obama's deficits.

let's stipulate we won't focus on the Grifter-in-Chief's budget busting tax cut

Budget busting tax cut? Sounds serious!!!

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
What were you saying?

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

The U.S. government’s red ink for fiscal 2019 swelled past the $1 trillion mark in August, the first time that level has been eclipsed in seven years, the Treasury Department reported Thursday.

2016 federal receipts were $3.268 trillion.
How much lower were they in 2019?
IOW, "hey........look at that shiny object over there."

So about that huge tax cut again...…....
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned. His 2017 tax break for corporations and individuals has helped contribute to a deficit that has grown from $584.6 billion in 2016.

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month, but so have expenditures, which are averaging $377 billion a month, or about $25 billion a month more than in 2018. Last year closed with a $779 billion deficit.
During his presidential campaign, President Donald Trump promised economic growth that would easily take care of the tax cuts and new spending he planned.

Yes, simply awful!

Revenue has accelerated slightly in 2019 to about $280 billion a month,

He cut taxes but revenue accelerated? How do accelerating revenues bust the budget?
LOL I like how you entirely skip over FY2018, the first year the tax cuts were implemented. Oh, this is why...



Trump had massive tax cuts.....and revenues were up in 2018.

Thanks! That really refuted my claim that tax cuts didn't bust the budget.

Despite millions of jobs added, revenues were up LESS than every fiscal year under Obama prior to his tax cuts.

Even better... the biggest percentage increase we had since the Great Bush Recession was 13.3% in FY2013 -- the year Obama raised taxes. The worst increase we had over that same period was FY2018 -- the year Impeached Trump cut taxes.

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