Noticing that a lot of 2018 commercials seem to be promoting Interracial Couples

They are making a new normal. The object is to make whites in a relationship with whites slightly uncomfortable.

You think the top people at GM, General Foods, Verizon or Pfizer give a damn who is uncomfortable or not? They want people's money. Period.
They do not want the disapproval of the yammering class. This is blatant virtue signaling.
Either it's a black woman and a white man or a black man and a white woman. It does seem like black women and white man is promoted the most.

Wonder why?

What I wonder is why you would even notice and then post about it. I have noticed the trend but don't really give it a second thought other than occasionally thinking "Cool - society is finally evolving." Do you stare at multi-racial couples when you see them in public?
Either it's a black woman and a white man or a black man and a white woman. It does seem like black women and white man is promoted the most.

Wonder why?

Nothing is being "promoted."

Advertisers are simply acknowledging how people really are.

Why not show a black couple?

They do - All the damn time. I could give you a thousand others if need be, but happen to like this one. :)

They are making a new normal. The object is to make whites in a relationship with whites slightly uncomfortable.

To change their behavior. There are still people who will not date outside their race.

And you think the CEO of Ford Motor Co cares?

When hundreds of people are ouside the door boycotting and demanding diversity in their commercials, yes, they care.
The people who make TV commercials are nice people who want to present an idealized version of the United States that they hope will someday be a reality.

In the commercials, we see people of all ethnicities, religions, genders, and sexualities working together, playing together, and occasionally living together. This is the perfectly integrated society that many people have dreamed of.

It does not reflect brutal reality, but it makes people feel good.

And that is always a nice thing.
Either it's a black woman and a white man or a black man and a white woman. It does seem like black women and white man is promoted the most.

Wonder why?

Nothing is being "promoted."

Advertisers are simply acknowledging how people really are.

Why not show a black couple?

There are no black couples in commercials?

I dont see any in 2018
They are making a new normal. The object is to make whites in a relationship with whites slightly uncomfortable.

To change their behavior. There are still people who will not date outside their race.

And you think the CEO of Ford Motor Co cares?

When hundreds of people are ouside the door boycotting and demanding diversity in their commercials, yes, they care.

There are hundreds of people outside Ford boycotting and demanding diversity in commercials?
Either it's a black woman and a white man or a black man and a white woman. It does seem like black women and white man is promoted the most.

Wonder why?

Nothing is being "promoted."

Advertisers are simply acknowledging how people really are.

Why not show a black couple?

They do - All the damn time. I could give you a thousand others if need be, but happen to like this one. :)

That's from last year
They are making a new normal. The object is to make whites in a relationship with whites slightly uncomfortable.

Interracial couples have been a part of America since its beginning.

And racists alone are responsible for making themselves uncomfortable.
There have been interracial couples in this country since its beginning. Just not very many of them. I live in one of the most diverse cities in the nation. We certainly do have interracial couples. I see them once a week or so. If you judge by commercials and tv shows, most couples are interracial. The media is trying to make a new normal.
They are making a new normal. The object is to make whites in a relationship with whites slightly uncomfortable.

To change their behavior. There are still people who will not date outside their race.

And you think the CEO of Ford Motor Co cares?

When hundreds of people are ouside the door boycotting and demanding diversity in their commercials, yes, they care.

There are hundreds of people outside Ford boycotting and demanding diversity in commercials?
The commercials are already diverse.

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