Notice to any Conservative who wants to give up their NFL tickets

I'll take them

Of course you will, leftists are always wanting free shit

I'm Liberal

All I have to do is flash my liberal card and I get free meals in restaurants, free drinks and free lap dances at any titty bar

The NFL owners, coaches, players, commissioner, players union, and network are all going to feel some pain: the NFL fan base is divided and some are going away. Jerseys are being burned, tickets turned in, NFL network subscriptions cancelled. Fewer butts in the stands as well as on the couch. That will all mean lower ratings which means lower ad revenues which will mean "lower paychecks".

Go ahead. GIVE Kaepernick a starting job. Let the players sit, spit, or shit during the National Anthem. It won't matter.
I'm getting flooded with USMB Conservatives sending me their NFL tickets

Please stop sending them
I'm getting flooded with USMB Conservatives sending me their NFL tickets

Please stop sending them

If you wait a little longer, you will find NFL tickets a plenty at or near free. The NFL misplayed this one big time. Blame Kaepernick or Trump, it does not matter. The NFL needs to come up with a plan for unity.... FAST.

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