Notice The Difference In Coverage From The Ft Hood Shootings To AZ


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
It seems that the media is cherry-picking what they want to cover. It also seems the President is showing the same inclination. Hardly a word escaped Obama's lips when 13 service-members where shot and killed last year at Ft Hood by a lunatic, yet now he's already given several speeches on the Arizon tragedy and is even attending a memorial service later today.

What are the differences between these two attacks and why are they being treated totally different from each other?

They're both gun related.

Why are they being treated so differently by the left?


Some interesting events have arisen from this as well.

Obama put his foot in his mouth over and event which resulted in the famous Beer Summit. Now an AZ sheriff has done the same thing.

Obama, however, has phoned the sheriff and thanked him. Story
The purpose for this thread is that I get tired of the way the media is constantly manipulating us. The left jumps on these events and try to use them to push their agendas down our throats. Within minutes after the assault was reported before any facts were known Sarah Palin and the Tea Party became a target.

However in the case of the Ft Hood shootings the White House made a point that we cannot jump to conclusions. The event was not in their opinion an act of terrorism even though it was later proved to be.

Why the difference in treatment by the White House and the press?

I would think it was obvious.
It seems that the media is cherry-picking what they want to cover. It also seems the President is showing the same inclination. Hardly a word escaped Obama's lips when 13 service-members where shot and killed last year at Ft Hood by a lunatic, yet now he's already given several speeches on the Arizon tragedy and is even attending a memorial service later today.

What are the differences between these two attacks and why are they being treated totally different from each other?

They're both gun related.

Why are they being treated so differently by the left?



It is a conspiracy how each event is treated on it's own instead of exactly the same.
This was an assault on one of their own. The other was an attack on the military, a non-political entity. It is not the lives lost but the symbol of an attack on a politician. Many men, women and children die every year from attacks in this country but unless your a politico the attention of the media is fleeting.
This was an assault on one of their own. The other was an attack on the military, a non-political entity. It is not the lives lost but the symbol of an attack on a politician. Many men, women and children die every year from attacks in this country but unless your a politico the attention of the media is fleeting.

So similar type attacks are different because the deaths of 13 service-members is more acceptable then an attack on a politician? Your point is duely noted. Thank you for making my point for me. However I believe another aspect of this is that the POTUS could care less about the military. I believe his simpathetic response to this event only illusterates this fact while his apparent lack of simpathy for Ft Hood illustrates it even more. The fact that obama is CIC has no bearing I suppose or that during the Bush years every military death was reported every 15 mins 24/7?
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No, they're different because one was a Muslim radical. Muslims are to be protected and touted at all costs.
This was an assault on one of their own. The other was an attack on the military, a non-political entity. It is not the lives lost but the symbol of an attack on a politician. Many men, women and children die every year from attacks in this country but unless your a politico the attention of the media is fleeting.

True, there's not a great fuss made when cops and military are killed.
Ft Hood happened before November 2010

After November 2010, Obama realized he was a Dem President of the USA; his party needed leadership or it would face another defeat in 2012.
No, they're different because one was a Muslim radical. Muslims are to be protected and touted at all costs.

I do agree with that statement, and if anyone is really interested in the myths and facts of Obama's familial religious background, there is an abundance of information, and much in Obama's own words at: Who Is Barack Obama?
No, they're different because one was a Muslim radical. Muslims are to be protected and touted at all costs.

I do agree with that statement, and if anyone is really interested in the myths and facts of Obama's familial religious background, there is an abundance of information, and much in Obama's own words at: Who Is Barack Obama?

Obama has been sucking up to Muslims since day one. Who cares what his motives are
It seems that the media is cherry-picking what they want to cover. It also seems the President is showing the same inclination. Hardly a word escaped Obama's lips when 13 service-members where shot and killed last year at Ft Hood by a lunatic, yet now he's already given several speeches on the Arizon tragedy and is even attending a memorial service later today.

What are the differences between these two attacks and why are they being treated totally different from each other?

They're both gun related.

Why are they being treated so differently by the left?



The president addressed the Ft. Hood shooting the day it occurred you moron.
It seems that the media is cherry-picking what they want to cover. It also seems the President is showing the same inclination. Hardly a word escaped Obama's lips when 13 service-members where shot and killed last year at Ft Hood by a lunatic, yet now he's already given several speeches on the Arizon tragedy and is even attending a memorial service later today.

What are the differences between these two attacks and why are they being treated totally different from each other?

They're both gun related.

Why are they being treated so differently by the left?



The president addressed the Ft. Hood shooting the day it occurred you moron.

Before you start namecalling try providing a link
FYI, a statement was released telling everyone not to jump to conclusions, and that the attack was not terrorist related, which later proved not to be true. Nothing was said by the president in public other then through spokespersons.

Nice try though:eusa_angel:
Of course Obama is like the eye of a hurricane. Total calm yet, around him all hell is breaking loose and none of it effects him.

He had a chance to call for calm and chastise anyone who tries to politicize this tragedy but he chooses not to.

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