Not your president you say?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I wasn't happy when Obama won both of his terms, but I accepted him as my president. Whether I voted for him or not, he represented America to the world, and therefore me, for good or worse. I wanted him to perform to the best of his ability and succeed.

I was happy that a black man had made it to the ultimate leadership position in our country. Unfortunately he became someone I could no longer look at when he spoke because I knew a great deal many of the things he said were lies, or he simply said things I just didn't want to hear. But he was still my president. I didn't call for his assassination, I didn't pull Obama voters out of their cars and beat them, I didn't incite a riot, I didn't threaten to move out of the country. I didn't hash ridiculous conspiracy theories about him. I did what most adults do. I moved on. I dealt with it. Sometimes I just wished some of my more staunch conservative friends would have done the same over the years. But predictably, they began uttering the same thing some of you liberals are uttering now, "he's not my president."

Fine. If you can't accept the President of the United States as your president, you are refusing to accept the authority that comes with that office. You are rejecting the process by which he was elected, a democratic constitutional process which was painstakingly put together by the founding members of our nation. This office of the president is a position that millions of our service members died to protect over the past 230+ years. You are telling the people who elected him that you don't accept their choice, or that they don't deserve to make it. Instead you call them racist, bigoted, uneducated misogynists. All because you didn't get your way.

Those people elected him, and through them the Electoral College elected him. That's how it works. I don't really care who "won the popular vote." And as you ironically demand equality for whatever other reason, for gays, blacks, illegals, what have you, you are willing to deny your peers an electoral process which was designed to give everyone an equal voice. The whole idea of America is to unite behind our leader when he is just and fair, and to rebuke him in unison when his actions are corrupt and unjust. When you refuse to accept him as your president, you should lose the right to do both. When you sign petitions pressuring the Electoral College to reverse their votes to elect the person you voted for--who lost-- you are essentially living in a state of denial. You're expressing your selfish desires to have the electorate robbed of the person they elected in favor of forcing your choice down their throats.

In fact, you are telling the world how much of a bigoted child you are by throwing temper tantrums and/or running for your safe spaces or nearest populated areas to participate in a riot and smash things (or people). You are showing everyone just how intolerant and unfit for real life you really are. Here's a piece of advice: grow up or get the hell out of America. Your refusal to adapt to a changing reality not only causes hardship for you, but for others around you. Democracy doesn't always take the form you want it to. If us conservatives could deal with 8 years of Obama's lackluster leadership, you can deal with Trump and whatever form his leadership takes.

On January 20, 2009, Obama was my president, whether I liked it or not. On January 20, 2017, Trump will be your president, whether you like it or not.

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The far left is showing their true colors with the protests!

They have the mentality of a two year old.

They can not accept that their religion is being rejected by America!
If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0
Trump is the president.

So let's encourage where we can, and jump up and down on him metaphorically when we have to.
If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0

Say it with me.

President Trump.
If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0

Say it with me.

President Trump.

I will gladly say if he wins the popular vote. Until then TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!
If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0

Say it with me.

President Trump.

I will gladly say if he wins the popular vote. Until then TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!

If you're American... um... I think he is.
If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0

Say it with me.

President Trump.

I will gladly say if he wins the popular vote. Until then TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!
I love watching you libs melt down over this.
Well. I can see where this leads. Let me try to help.

Donald Trump was elected president. I am an American . He will be my president.

There are people who are afraid and are allowing that fear to guide them. I am not one of those people. Most liberals are not running around claiming that Trump is not legitimate. Especially not those who are in positions of leadership.

So. Let's dispense with that bullshit here and now so it doesn't become a meme.

If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0
Yes, if Al Gore had won, all those terrorist that were already here in the states would of canceled their plans to hijack planes and fly then into buildings such as the world trade towers.
Trump is the president.

So let's encourage where we can, and jump up and down on him metaphorically when we have to.

Exactly and you can count on me to do just that. Some of the same posters that have touted my postings might feel differently should I post about things that go against what he stood partisanship here.Truth is truth and it must be spoken.
Wingers are silly, they say stuff like that. Very similar.

If that was designated to me, I hope you understand that
If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0

Say it with me.

President Trump.

I will gladly say if he wins the popular vote. Until then TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!

Spreading racist hate, are we?

United we stand, divided we fall. Everyone should support Trump now and encourage him to do the best he can. No riots after Obama's election.
If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0

Say it with me.

President Trump.

I will gladly say if he wins the popular vote. Until then TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!

If Triumph is not your President, then the United States is not your country.
Move to North Korea and regard Kim Jong-un as you regard President Triumph who won 99.99% of the popular vote.
You are an idiot.
If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0

Say it with me.

President Trump.

I will gladly say if he wins the popular vote. Until then TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!

If Triumph is not your President, then the United States is not your country.
Move to North Korea and regard Kim Jong-un as you regard President Triumph who won 99.99% of the popular vote.
You are an idiot.

North Korea... yup, that's the fitting anti-democratic country for the guy.
Wingers are silly, they say stuff like that. Very similar.

If that was designated to me, I hope you understand that
If Trump won the popular vote then I would hate myself but I would accepted he is the president. But he lost the popular vote and only won because of a antiquated electoral voting system. Last time that happened we had one of the worst presidents in US history. Our country could have flourished under Gore but instead we got 9/11, recession, housing crisis and the world laughed and hated us.

Trump will be Bush 2.0

Say it with me.

President Trump.

I will gladly say if he wins the popular vote. Until then TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT!

Spreading racist hate, are we?

United we stand, divided we fall. Everyone should support Trump now and encourage him to do the best he can. No riots after Obama's election.

Because Obama wasn't divisive. He didn't slander whole groups of people. He didn't mock disabled people.

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