NOT ONE person seems to understand that


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obamacare's PRIMARY purpose was to supposedly provide health insurance for the supposedly 46 million uninsured but there never were 42 million that wanted, or knew they were covered, or legal Americans!

So why is this MASSIVE GIGANTIC FRAUD not recognized by all of you?

1) Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 -- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. They don't want nor need health insurance as they pay less then $1,000 out of pocket per year!

WHY are these 18 million people penalized and FORCED to buy health insurance?
Subtract from 46 million the 18 million and you get 28 million.

2) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are already covered by Medicaid!
The Census never told them they qualified for Medicaid and so these 14 million are counted as uninsured.
Wrong. Subtract from 28 million the 14 million covered by Medicaid leaves 14 million

3) 10 million counted in his "46 million" WERE NOT citizens!!!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Subtract from 14 million the 10 million NOT citizens leaves 4 million!

So for those that still don't comprehend this.. Obama use 46 million "uninsured" to pass ACA.

BUT 18 million don't WANT or NEED insurance BUT still they were phonily included as "uninsured"!
Obama counted 14 million that said they weren't BUT they are already eligible for Medicaid! Obama failed to let them know!
Finally Obama said "46 million Americans.." YET 10 million he includes ARE NOT Americans!

This leaves 4 million that want and need insurance..

SO PLEASE will someone refute this because this gigantic hoax number was used to pass ACA!
It was not necessary to perpetrate a fraud to pass "Obamacare." It was passed by one political party voting unanimously, and opposed by the other political party, voting unanimously. It could have said anything the Democrats wanted and it still would have passed. Indeed, it was acknowledged at the time that none of the congresspersons voting either for or against it KNEW what was in the bill, or how it would play out.

Regardless of the phony "46 million," or whatever the real number was, Obamacare seeks to "balance the books" by compelling young, healthy people to buy insurance they really don't need, in order to subsidize older or sickly people, or people with the dreaded "pre-existing conditions," whose insurance by rights would be prohibitively expensive. After all, health insurers are not charities; they are in business to make a profit.

Bottom line: we have a healthcare environment in the U.S. that is borderline fantastic for the majority of the population, who have employer-subsidized insurance or government-provided healthcare, but incredibly bad for a small percentage of people who lack these advantages and suffer with costly medical problems. Obamacare tried (tries) to level the playing field, without fucking up the borderline fantastic coverage that most American have long enjoyed.

The result will be that (1) most Americans will be paying a lot more out-of-pocket than they have been up until now, for no improvement in healthcare, (2) the healthcare system will be taxed to the limit as unprecedented numbers of people will have health coverage that they previously lacked, and (3) some people (a small fraction of the overall population) will benefit greatly with insurance coverage that they could not have gotten without this law.

Thus, almost everyone will have something to bitch about.
Now for those of YOU THAT still don't comprehend the enormity of this HOAX of "46 million uninsured:FACTS!!!

"Medicaid and CHIP have never achieved anything like 100 percent enrollment of those eligible," Buttegens told me recently.
"Even in states that have done a good job with outreach, they're way below 100 percent, maybe around 60 percent.
So even with the increased outreach under the Affordable Care Act, we're projecting take up rates in the range of 70 to 75 percent."

This Chart shows Of the NON elderly Uninsured adults:
36% of 46 million are Medicaid Eligible or 16.5 million people
24.5% are undocumented immigrants or 11.2 million!
So you add 16.5 million + 11.2 million comes up to 27.7 million subtract from
46 million leaves 18.3 million... NOT 46 million!
Now of the 18.3 million at least 13.7 million that DON"T want or need are forced to buy something they don't want!

That leaves less then 5 million that truly need coverage!!


Who will be exempt from the ACA mandate? The final list | The Advisory Board Daily Briefing
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Obamacare's PRIMARY purpose was to supposedly provide health insurance for the supposedly 46 million uninsured but there never were 42 million that wanted, or knew they were covered, or legal Americans!

So why is this MASSIVE GIGANTIC FRAUD not recognized by all of you?

1) Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 -- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. They don't want nor need health insurance as they pay less then $1,000 out of pocket per year!

WHY are these 18 million people penalized and FORCED to buy health insurance?
Subtract from 46 million the 18 million and you get 28 million.

2) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are already covered by Medicaid!
The Census never told them they qualified for Medicaid and so these 14 million are counted as uninsured.
Wrong. Subtract from 28 million the 14 million covered by Medicaid leaves 14 million

3) 10 million counted in his "46 million" WERE NOT citizens!!!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Subtract from 14 million the 10 million NOT citizens leaves 4 million!

So for those that still don't comprehend this.. Obama use 46 million "uninsured" to pass ACA.

BUT 18 million don't WANT or NEED insurance BUT still they were phonily included as "uninsured"!
Obama counted 14 million that said they weren't BUT they are already eligible for Medicaid! Obama failed to let them know!
Finally Obama said "46 million Americans.." YET 10 million he includes ARE NOT Americans!

This leaves 4 million that want and need insurance..

SO PLEASE will someone refute this because this gigantic hoax number was used to pass ACA!

Everybody needs health insurance. They may be lucky enough never to have to have medical care, but that's the reason it is called INSURANCE. Everybody should contribute to a fund so that costs will be lowered. Otherwise, only sick people will be paying for medical care and the whole system will go bankrupt.

I couldn't find anything in your link where it states that 10 million people included in 46 million uninsured are not citizens.
Obamacare's PRIMARY purpose was to supposedly provide health insurance for the supposedly 46 million uninsured but there never were 42 million that wanted, or knew they were covered, or legal Americans!

So why is this MASSIVE GIGANTIC FRAUD not recognized by all of you?

1) Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 -- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually. They don't want nor need health insurance as they pay less then $1,000 out of pocket per year!

WHY are these 18 million people penalized and FORCED to buy health insurance?
Subtract from 46 million the 18 million and you get 28 million.

2) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are already covered by Medicaid!
The Census never told them they qualified for Medicaid and so these 14 million are counted as uninsured.
Wrong. Subtract from 28 million the 14 million covered by Medicaid leaves 14 million

3) 10 million counted in his "46 million" WERE NOT citizens!!!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Subtract from 14 million the 10 million NOT citizens leaves 4 million!

So for those that still don't comprehend this.. Obama use 46 million "uninsured" to pass ACA.

BUT 18 million don't WANT or NEED insurance BUT still they were phonily included as "uninsured"!
Obama counted 14 million that said they weren't BUT they are already eligible for Medicaid! Obama failed to let them know!
Finally Obama said "46 million Americans.." YET 10 million he includes ARE NOT Americans!

This leaves 4 million that want and need insurance..

SO PLEASE will someone refute this because this gigantic hoax number was used to pass ACA!

Everybody needs health insurance. They may be lucky enough never to have to have medical care, but that's the reason it is called INSURANCE. Everybody should contribute to a fund so that costs will be lowered. Otherwise, only sick people will be paying for medical care and the whole system will go bankrupt.

I couldn't find anything in your link where it states that 10 million people included in 46 million uninsured are not citizens.

Check this link and scroll down to Table C...

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Table C. People Without Health Insurance Coverage
Nativity 2009
Not a citizen 9,936,000
I've asked this countless times and am totally confused as to why this total gross misrepresentation is STILL NOT exposed!

Folks if you don't like ACA here is the FIRST and foremost reason you shouldn't!
IT is a bogus number used by Obama when he said:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
AGAIN why are 18 million forced to buy something they don't need!
Why are 14 million people counted as uninsured that through the FAILURE of HHS and Obama these people don't know all
they have to do is register with Medicaid? WHY would we put so much control in a group that can't even keep track of
these people???
Finally 10 million are NOT citizens! Please.. why are we forced to provide people that invaded our country with health insurance?
The fewer people who were uninsured before ACA, the more ACA is justified.

AND, the less ACA will cost, AND the less ACA will impact Americans.

Your obsessive argument is actually an excellent argument FOR ACA.
The fewer people who were uninsured before ACA, the more ACA is justified.

AND, the less ACA will cost, AND the less ACA will impact Americans.

Your obsessive argument is actually an excellent argument FOR ACA.

just 3 questions: if its so good why has congress exempted itself and its staff? why doesn't it apply to obama and his administration? why do the unions want it stopped?

answer those and then we can talk, if you cannot answer, go away because you have nothing to contribute but partisan rhetoric
I've asked this countless times and am totally confused as to why this total gross misrepresentation is STILL NOT exposed!

Folks if you don't like ACA here is the FIRST and foremost reason you shouldn't!
IT is a bogus number used by Obama when he said:
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,"
AGAIN why are 18 million forced to buy something they don't need!
Why are 14 million people counted as uninsured that through the FAILURE of HHS and Obama these people don't know all
they have to do is register with Medicaid? WHY would we put so much control in a group that can't even keep track of
these people???
Finally 10 million are NOT citizens! Please.. why are we forced to provide people that invaded our country with health insurance?

the answer is quite simple-------liberals lie.
The fewer people who were uninsured before ACA, the more ACA is justified.

AND, the less ACA will cost, AND the less ACA will impact Americans.

Your obsessive argument is actually an excellent argument FOR ACA.

Those people that don't have health insurance because they don't make enough money to buy it can get on Medicaid.

I will give you an anecdote to ponder. My neighbor and his wife both have COPD caused by smoking cigarettes. So do I! They have their son and family, who both, work, living with them and paying the bills. I don't! The parents are on Medicaid and both use a Rx called Spiriva. So do I. He pays a co-pay of $6.20 for theirs, I pay $237.00 for mine.

Perhaps I can piss away my life savings on scratch offs and the lottery like my neighbor did and get on Medicaid.
The fewer people who were uninsured before ACA, the more ACA is justified.

AND, the less ACA will cost, AND the less ACA will impact Americans.

Your obsessive argument is actually an excellent argument FOR ACA.

Well you totally ignore the REAlITY that $850 billion a year per 90% of physicians surveyed
totally caused by Defensive Medicine!
AND they practice it because of "FEAR of LAWSUITS!
So why are you defending the $270 billion lawyers make while taxing tanning salons because of cancer?

I just don't understand WHY you are so ignorant of how health care works but simply put
if you taxed the lawyers 10% like tanning salons the $27 billion from lawyers would pay the
PREMIUM for each of the truly 4 million that need and want.. thus not messing up what works FINE!

It is the obsessive use of the INFREQUENT exceptional examples that idiots like you think are the norm i.e. Obama describing a woman now covered by ACA when IN fact she was covered by her health insurance! MORE total stupid use of the INFREQUENT to make the RULE and it wasn't!

SO why then are people like you so dumb to continue to believe 46 million Uninsured and
NOT believe lawyers cause the $850 billion a year that if cut by 20% would reduce EVERYONES insurance premiums immediate.!
I have had NO one refute these facts that:
1) 18 million under 34 don't NEED health insurance YET are being forced to buy WHY???
2) 14 million are already covered!
3) 10 million are not citizens.

SO why DID ACA come into existence if less then 4 million are really the people that need and want insurance?

I mean Obama wants to destroy 1,300 health insurance companies that PAY $100 billion in Federal/state/local taxes for
just 4 million that could be provided with a $5,000 premium each???
He wants to destroy $100 billion and 400,000 people's jobs to cover 4 million?

Just tax the lawyers 10% and you have all the people that want and need health insurance covered!

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